Phonograph Cylinder Production Labels / Companies

This list includes all Labels or Companies that produced Phonograph Cylinders

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Labels Missing in Action (not included in discogs yet)
- Elektra Rekord (De)
  1. 1
    Edison Records
    Their records were produced under following brands:
    - Edison Record (Brown Wax)
    - Edison Concert Record
    - Edison Gold Moulded Records (Black Wax) - also known as "Cylindres Edison Moulés Sur Or" (in France and Quebec), "Edison Goldguss Walze (in Germany and Austro-Hungary) and "Edison Records in Chinese (in China)
    - Edison Amberol Record
    - Edison Blue Amberol Record
  2. 2
    Columbia Phonograph Company Gen'l
    Known in Russia as "Колумбiя Фонографъ Компанія"

    They also experimented with "Twentieth Century Talking Machine" Records, that were 2 inches taller, than normal phonograph cylinders.
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Edison Bell Record
  5. 5
    Lambert Indestructible Record
  6. 6
    Sterling Record
  7. 7
    Busy Bee Record
  8. 8
    The Clarion Record
  9. 9
  10. 10
    Indestructible Record
  11. 11
    U.S. Everlasting Record
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