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Orthodox (2) - Amanecer En Puerta Oscura for sale
Rated: 4.15
192 192 have
60 60 want
about $8.51 +
Orthodox (2) - Amanecer En Puerta Oscura (LP, Album, Gat)

Unavailable in United States

Label:Alone Records (2)
Cat#: AR-020LP

Media Condition: Media: Very Good (VG) Noticeable groove wear and light scratches. Surface noise will not overpower the music.
Sleeve Condition: Sleeve: Very Good Plus (VG+)

cover close to near mint, OIS with seamsplits. Vinyl with klicks through Song 2 you can hear in quieter parts.

View Release Page
about $8.51 +
Unavailable in United States
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