Discogs is Introducing a New Type of Notifications
We are transitioning to a new type of notification so you can be alerted to important information immediately anywhere on Discogs rather than having to go to your inbox. Notifications are a more reliable and efficient way to keep up-to-date on your records collections, orders, contributions, and more.
What to know
Look for the notification bell icon located in the navigation bar next to the dashboard icon. This is where you’ll find your notification thread.
Some information will immediately come as notifications. These include some very basic updates about something you did on Discogs or an alert that you need to do something.
Most information will gradually transition into notifications. The direct messages you usually find in your Discogs inbox will remain the same until we slowly switch to more notifications and emails. For now, this includes important information such as news and order details.
Check both your notifications and inbox messages on your desktop or mobile browser. For now, notifications will not be available on the Discogs app.
You can find a list of old notifications in your feed. This will make it easy to reference notifications after you have read them. Do not archive notifications if you want to review them later.
You may not see a notification right away. And that’s OK. This is a very measured, deliberate rollout so we can ensure that everyone is receiving the information that they need to have the best experience on Discogs. The first few notifications won’t affect most users.
This is part of our commitment to improve the technical foundation of the site and communicate with you more efficiently. Thank you for being an essential part of Discogs. We appreciate your patience during this transition.
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