Real Name: | Roc Jiménez de Cisneros and Stephen Sharp |
Profile: | Since the late nineties, Roc Jiménez de Cisneros and his collaborators have been producing what they call "computer music for hooligans", inspired by geometry, metaphysics, noise, cosmology and rave culture. A vortex of generative basslines, air horns and fuzzy arpeggios, their music displays a radical and playful approach to algorithmic composition, with works available on Entr'acte, Mego, Presto!?, Diskono, Scarcelight, fals.ch and their very own Alku.
Sites: | vivapunani.org , YouTube |
Members: | Anna Ramos, Jakob Draminsky Højmark, Joe Gilmore, Roc Jiménez, Rubén Patiño, Stephen Sharp |
Variations: | Viewing All | Evol |
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