Athens State Orchestra
Real Name: | Κρατική Ορχήστρα Αθηνών (Κ.Ο.Α.) = Athens State Orchestra (A.S.O.) |
Profile: | The Athens State Orchestra is the oldest orchestral ensemble in Greece. Founded in the late 19th century as the Athens Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, it was known by various names and operated in a number of different forms before becoming the Orchestra we know today and giving its first concert as the Athens State Orchestra on 28 February 1943.
Sites: | , Wikipedia , Facebook , YouTube , , , Instagram |
Members: | Angelos Repapis, Dimitris Semsis, Kelly Mitropoulou, Kostas Karaboulat, Αλέξανδρος Χρηστίδης, Ανδρέας Ροδουσάκης, Αντώνης Πορίχης, Αστέριος Πούφτης, Γιάννος Μαργαζιώτης, Γιούρι Γιούγκμπερτ, Γκέρτα Σινάι, Δημήτρης Τερζάκης, Πάρις Αναστασιάδης, Σωκράτης Σταθουλόπουλος, Τάκης Μαρινάκης, Χρήστος Κομισόπουλος |
Variations: | Viewing All | Athens State Orchestra |
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