
Milan Pištěk

Real Name:Milan Pištěk

Czech musician and activist.

In the 1990s he organized Czechoslovakian and Czech tours and sessions for numerous European and American bands: Across The Border, Anhrefn, U Thant, Kava Kava, Keatons, Fflaps, Red Letter Day, 7 Kevins, Brioles, Mögel (3), President Fetch, Disorderly Counduct (5), Dawson, Skaferlatine, Animal New Ones, The Dostoyevskys, The Bozfor, The Toasters, The Busters, P.R.A.W., Hippriests, Rubbermaids, Skarface (2), Dean Manning, Wild Willi Beckett & Psycho Surgeons (2), Aku-Aku (2), Guten Tag, Houpací Koně, Tower Struck Down, Oatley Tap, The Tinkers, Rites Of Man, Rosena Horan, Mindbender (9), Throb Throb and many others.

In Groups:Anna a Já, Kocour (3), Rose Means Rose, Šanov 1
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