Hawkeye (2)
Real Name: | Falk Schacht |
Profile: | Hawkeye is a full-time hip-hop and music activist and journalist from Hannover, Germany. He writes columns for Germanys biggest hip-hop magazine "Juice" and for Austrias biggest Rare Groove and HipHop magazine "The Message". He has contributed articles for "Wax Poetics", "Backspin", "Lodown", "Jazzthing" any many more. For three years Hawkeye was the host and editor for several hip-hop shows on german music TV called VIVA and VIVA II ("Supreme", "Mixery Raw Deluxe").
Sites: | hawkeye.dj , MySpace , mixeryrawdeluxe.tv , mpmsite.com |
Aliases: | ChickeneyeBastard, Falk Schacht |
Variations: | Viewing All | Hawkeye (2) |
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