


Danish major league rock band. During their 45 year long career from 1987 until 2022 - except for three long breaks (1984-90, 1994-2005, and 2005-19) - they released six studio album and four live albums.

Formed in Copenhagen in 1977 by vocalist and main songwriter Michael Falch, guitarist Peter Viskinde, keyboard player Henrik Littauer, bassist Dia Nielsen and drummer Peter Mors, they released debut album Kold Krig in 1980 on minor label Amar Records with little attention. Instant breakthrough came the following year with second album Vindueskigger and the hit-single "Superlove". To cash in on the success, their debut album was re-released on their new label, Medley Records. Following disagreements with band leader Falch, Viskinde and Littauer left the band in 1982 and turned their side-project Doraz into the full time band. They were replaced by keyboard player Pete Repete and Falch's childhood friend, guitarist Christian Arendt. During a 1982 concert in KB Hallen in Copenhagen, Malurt was joined on stage by a Falch's major inspiration, Bruce Springsteen, and they performed "Hungry Heart" together as documented on the Springsteen bootleg "By The River". After the release of a live album, Live (Kys Mig Før Jeg Blir Cool), recorded during their 1984 spring tour, the band was put on stand-by and and Falch immersed on a successful solo-career. In 1990, as Falch's solo career was fading, Malurt reunited in the original line-up minus Littauer. In 1992 they released the Thomas Helmig produced comeback album Spøgelser to critical acclaim and fine sales, followed by less successful Ghetto the year after. After a 2005 reunion and a final 2019-22 tour, the band officially broke up for good in September 2022.




Christian Arendt, Dia Nielsen, Henrik Littauer, Michael Falch, Pete Repete, Peter Mors, Peter Viskinde




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