
Bobby Cutchins

Bobby Cutchins


Bobby was born and raised in North Carolina, with his older brother, Joe B, his younger sister, Gwendolyn, and two family friends, they started their first band, The Majestics, when he was only 14 years old. He began as a drummer but he always knew he had the talent to sing. When he went away to Saint Augustine's College, he sang lead with a group on campus and played drums for a band called Gene Scott & The Twilighters. They played with many of the popular artists of the day that came to town without a band. During the summer of his Sophomore year at college, he toured Canada with the band. Whilst there, the featured singer became ill. Bobby knew his show and one of the horn players could play drums. "The Show Must Go On", and indeed, it did! he enjoyed singing out front so much he stopped playing drums altogether when they returned to The States. He is most famous for his 1977 single,'' I Did It Again''. I Did It Again" was written in the early 1970s by Bobby Cutchins and his partner, John Edwards (7). It was written and placed in a collection of songs that they had written. They were just writing songs before seeking a relationship with a label.
In May, 1976, Bobby returned to Philadelphia and was introduced to Al Ford, who owned Lasso Records, a small Independent label in South Philadelphia. One night Bobby and John went to Mr. Ford's house. John accompanied Bobby with the piano on I Did It Again and You're My Kind Of Girl, two of the songs they had written together. Mr. Ford was instantly sold on his new find and agreed to let them have complete freedom to produce the session as they saw fit. It was also decided that two more songs would be written and that four songs would make up the original session. Mr. Ford and John collaborated on "Leaving" and "Good Treatment" and plans were made for the session. Things were finally shaping up. The MFSB Family was contracted for the orchestra along with Yvette Davis and Angela Davis to sing the background voices. Quad Recording, Pennsauken, N.J. in Nearby Pennsauken, New Jersey, where Gene Leone was the engineer, was booked and a session date in November, 1976 was set. Rhythm tracks were recorded on one day, strings and horns were recorded on one day and lead and background vocals were recorded on the third day. In February, 1977, "I Did It Again" was released with "Good Treatment" on it's flip side. It was released in a few cities along the eastern coast of the United States, but it wasn't until it found it's way to The United Kingdom that it finally received the kind of welcome that this song and this artist deserved.


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