
The Jordanaires


An American vocal group from Springfield, Missouri, formed in 1948. Best known for their recordings with Elvis Presley. The name of the group originates from the Biblical Jordan river (which flows between Israel and Jordan) and was chosen by founding group members Bill and Monty Matthews. Jordanaires as a group was dissolved upon the death of Gordon Stoker.
In 1955 a young Elvis approached The Jordanaires at an Eddy Arnold show in Memphis. Elvis said, "If I ever get a recording contract with a major company, I want you guys to back me up". The Jordanaires' first tenor Gordon Stoker remembers that, "We never expected to hear from him again as people were always coming up and saying that". However Elvis kept his word and from 1956 Elvis used the Jordanaires on nearly all of his recording sessions for the next 14 years.

Current line-up:
Gordon Stoker (1st tenor /manager, 1950-2013)
Ray Walker (bass, 1958-2013)
Louis Nunley (baritone, 1999-2013)
Curtis Young (2nd tenor, 2000-2013)

Former members:
Bill Matthews (1st tenor, 1948-1951)
Bob Hubbard (2nd tenor, 1948-1952)
Monty Matthews (baritone, 1948-1952)
Culley Holt (bass, 1948-1954)
Bob Money (piano, 1948-1950/1952)
Don Bruce (1st tenor, 1952-1953)
Hoyt Hawkins (baritone, 1952-1982)
Neal Matthews, Jr. (2nd tenor, 1953-2000)
Hugh Jarrett (bass, 1954-1958)
Duane West (baritone, 1982-1999)

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The Almanac Singers (2), The Downhomers, The Merry Melody Singers, The Optimists Plus Me, The Tribesmen (2), The Undergrads, The Valley Singers


Bill Matthews, Bob Hubbard, Bob Money (3), Culley Holt, Curtis Young, Duane West, Gordon Stoker, Hoyt Hawkins, Hugh Jarrett, Louis Nunley, Monty Matthews, Neal Matthews, Ray Walker (2), Ronnie Drake


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