
Marilyn Tuttle

Marilyn Tuttle

Real Name:Marilyn (Myers) Tuttle

American singer and actress.
Born September 3, 1925 in Ohio, USA.
Married Wesley Tuttle in 1946.
Marilyn started playing in motion pictures with Shirley Temple and others when only 10 years old.
In the 1940s she sang with the Sunshine Girls who backed Jimmy Wakely and with the Tailormaids.
In 1947 Wesley & Marilyn foresook the material things of life to enter full time Christian service.
By faith, the Tuttles started a Christian supply store in Pacoima, Calif., their home town, in August 1957, but almost every waking hour they were not engaged there, the couple were singing and giving testimony at church and evangelistic services for which they were in great demand.

Sites:Imdb ,
In Groups:Jimmy Wakely & His Sunshine Girls, Wesley And Marilyn Tuttle


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