
Tommy Ladnier

Real Name:Thomas James Ladnier.

Tommy Ladnier (May 28, 1900 – June 4, 1939) was an American jazz trumpeter.

In 1917 Ladnier moved north to Chicago from New Orleans, and found work in a touring band.
In 1921 he began to play with King Oliver.

In 1926 he went to New York and became the hot trumpet soloist with the Fletcher Henderson's Orchestra.
He traveled to Europe in 1928 and worked with Benny Peyton, and Noble Sissle And His Sizzling Syncopators in 1930.
In 1932 Ladnier recorded and played live with Sidney Bechet as New Orleans Feetwarmers but as work dried up during the Depression the duo opened the Southern Tailor shop from 1933 to 1934 in New York, but it didn't work out.

Ladnier dropped out of sight for a few years, but was rediscovered in 1938, by French Jazz critic Hugues Panassié.
Ladnier recorded the "The Panassié Sessions" (1938) with Bechet and Mezz Mezzrow but died suddenly in 1939 from a heart attack.

Born: May 28, 1900 in Florence, Louisiana.
Died: June 04, 1939 in Geneva, New York.

Sites:Wikipedia , , , , , All Music ,
In Groups:Alberta Hunter & Her Paramount Boys, Clarence Jones And The Paramount Trio, Fletcher Henderson And His Orchestra, Jailhouse Jazzmen, Jimmy Johnson And His Band, Ladnier-Mezzrow All-Stars, Mezz Mezzrow And His Orchestra, Mezzrow-Ladnier Quartet, Mezzrow-Ladnier Quintet, Noble Sissle And His Orchestra, Noble Sissle And His Sizzling Syncopators, Ollie Powers' Harmony Syncopators, Sam Wooding And His Chocolate Dandies, Sidney Bechet And His New Orleans Feetwarmers, The Dixie Stompers, The Louisiana Stompers, The New Orleans Feetwarmers, Tommy Ladnier And His Orchestra, Lovie Austin's Blues Serenaders
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