
Doug Hammond

Real Name:

Doug Hammond


Drummer, percussionist and vocalist. Born Dec. 26, 1942, in Tampa, Florida, USA.

Doug Hammond started playing music in Florida as a sideman working in blues and R&B bands. He later started covering everything from blues to bop and free jazz. In 1967 he was a founding member of the Detroit Creative Musicians Association, and served as vice president and coordinator of the organization that presaged some of the ideals that later led to Tribe’s founding. Hammond moved to New York in 1970. He played in several jazz projects, both as frontman and in groups. Over time his music has evolved toward blues and rhythm chant forms spiced with American and European avant garde. Hammond has also written several books of poetry, song lyrics, essays and drum instructions.

Sites: , Bandcamp

In Groups:

Doug Hammond Duo, Family Of Percussion, Jan Fryderyk Creative Sound, Joe Henderson Quartet, Ku-Umba Frank Lacy And His Quartet, Stephan Kurmann Strings, The Doug Hammond Trio, Tribe (8)


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