
Antonis Koukios

Real Name:Antonis B. Koukios

Antonis Koukios aka Herden Lollia aka A@H20
Is a self-taught musician, Dj & Radio Producer.
Founding member of the Greek post-punk groups "Ends With The Sea" (1983-84) & "Winter Watercolors" (1984-88) as guitarist, singer, lyricist and composer. In 2016, he released an album of his 2 groups entitled "Years 1984-1988" by Geheimnis Records. He has also composed scores for contemporary dance performances, video art & short films.
A pioneer of the local freestyle Dj scene, A@H2O started Djing in 1984 and continues to this day. A member of some of the most productive underground parties during the 00's (Muzak7, ZuLuTeK, What! Street Party, Bass Class). Active Radio producer at, "Music Juice" Live Radio Show 18:00 - 20:00, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month &, "Lost In Music", every 1st and 3rd Saturday 15:00-16:00 of the month.
He writes extensively in the local music press. Formerly a radio producer on Radiobubble, & Free FM.
Aliases:H2O (6)
In Groups:Winter Watercolors


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