

Real Name:Lars Johan Zachrisson

Johan Zachrisson, born 24 April 1956 in Bromma out of Stockholm, Sweden, is a Swedish punk, rock, ska, reggae and RIO musician, as well as a composer of movie music to several, Swedish movies from the 1980s and onward. He also has his own, instrumental reggae band, Zlver Zurf and his Space Cadets.

Zilverzurfarn (name taken from Marvel Comics character The Silver Surfer, in Sweden named Silversurfaren) is a member of Swedish rock/reggae band Dag Vag (1978–2007, 2010– ), and is also the father of international musician and songbird Lykke Li, whose mother Kärsti Stiege was a Swedish photographer and former Tant Strul member (she was the singer on their first 2 singles, before the band changed singers to Kajsa Grytt). He uses the moniker ZilverZurf when he releases his own CDs on the German record company Poets Club Records. Zilverzurfarn also plays with musicians in Portugal, where he lived with his family in 1991-96, except for wintertime which was spent in India (where he also jammed with his fellow musicians) and Nepal. In 1996, they moved to Lisboa and Morocco.

Sites:Facebook , Wikipedia
Aliases:João Sueco, Johan Zachrisson
In Groups:Dag Vag
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