
Rocky Singh


musician , singer, composer, producer

1999 - Influenced by the raw sounds of Brit-Asia , Rocky left his home in Toronto, Canada to return to his birthplace, London, England.

Shortly after, he began drumming for Asian Dub Foundation, touring and promoting the album Community Music.

Touring ended in 2003 when the collective headed back to the studio to record Enemy Of The Enemy. This album, inspired by events such as 9/11 and Globalisation went on to sell 250,000 copies. ADF's best selling album to date.

In 2005, Rocky left ADF for personal reasons.

In 2006 he recorded and toured with SWAMI - A project headed by Apache Indian producer, Diamond.

In 2007, Rocky returned briefly to Canada to work on a solo project, Rock i.D. but work stopped to work on a new project, Speed Caravan.

Rocky continues to play for Speed Caravan to present.

2008 - 2011 ... Rocky and David have been working on and recording Mumbai Queen.

2011 - Mumbai Queen perform their first concert. Album is finished.

Rocky Singh is a drummer, writer, producer, electronic artist, singer and educator, specialising in areas of drums and electronic music production. He has released albums with Asian Dub Foundation (Warner Bros/London Records) and Speed Caravan (Real World Records). Live, he has performed at major festivals and club venues globally. He's supported the likes of Radiohead, Rage Against The Machine, Rachid Taha and the Beastie Boys. As a drummer he's performed for artists throughout the U.K., North America, France and Japan and has radio credits to his name. He also works as a freelance drummer and has collaborated on a live score of the French cult film LaHaine which continues to tour at film festivals internationally.

In Groups:Asian Dub Foundation, Mumbai Queen, Speed Caravan
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