Daniel Buess
Real Name: | Daniel Buess |
Profile: | Daniel Buess was a drummer, percussionist and experimental musician born in Basel, Switzerland. Daniel was involved in various groups and Ensembles in the realm of experimental and improvised music, like “Ensemble Phœnix Basel” of which he is a core-member and solo-percussionist since its foundation in 1998, “CORTEX”, MIR,16-17”, HOW2, B&B. His collaborations include artists like Alex Buess, Hany Bedair, Daniel Stalder, Zbigniew Karkowski, Kasper T.Toeplitz, John Duncan, Jürg Henneberger, Michael Wertmüller, Phill Niblock, Julio Estrada, Christoph Bösch, Volker Heyn, Thomas Lauck, Tim Hodgkinson, Papiro, Michael Zaugg, Iancu Dumitrescu and many others.
Sites: | Wikipedia |
In Groups: | 16-17, Cortex (14), Mir (8), My Daily Noise |
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