
Eric "IQ" Gray

Eric "IQ" Gray

Real Name:

Eric Gray


Eric "IQ" Gray is an artist and producer who has worked in the Hip Hop, Punk, Rock, Reggae, Pop and R&B music fields since the mid 1980s. Early in the his career, he launched the record label Northside Productions with partners James Lee (2) and Rohan Davis in Trenton, New Jersey. Eric IQ is responsible for the first recordings, executive production and album release of the The Poor Righteous Teachers' album Holy Intellect, which went on to sell over 500,000 units. He subsequently released his solo debut album The Vinyl Call with SubUp Records in Munich/Hamburg Germany. Eric has been awarded The Sony USX award. He is presently the owner of the recording label HipHopRastaRocker.


In Groups:

North Side Productions


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