Masami Akita
Real Name: | 秋田 昌美 (Akita Masami) |
Profile: | Japanese noise musician and writer. Graduated from the arts department of Tamagawa University. Since 1979 has worked primarily under the name Merzbow.
Sites: | Bandcamp , Wikipedia |
Aliases: | Abtechtonics, Batztoutai, House Hunt Hussies, Lotus Club, Pornoise, Right Brain Audile |
In Groups: | 3RENSA, Abe Sada, Bustmonster, Cuts (6), Flying Testicle, Hijokaidan, Kikuri, Maldoror, MAZK, Merzbannon, Merzbow, Satanstornade, Scum (13), Secrets (5), Senssurround Orchestra, The New Merzbow Anomali Blockaders, Tibeta Ubik, True Romance, Universal Indians (2) |
Variations: | Viewing All | Masami Akita |
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