

Real Name:

Keidje Torres Lima


Portuguese rapper of Santomean descent born November 14th, 1981 in Lisbon.

After living in several places around Lisbon (Benfica, Arroja and Amora) he finally settled in Damaia, Amadora. Influenced early on by his high school philosophy teacher, he became fond of left-wing political ideologies, particularly Trotskyism, which would later inform his lyrics, and for a while belonged to the Portuguese Communist Party.

He began hearing rap in 1991, and from 1995 developed a more serious interest in music, influenced by rappers such as Nas, KRS-One and Racionais MC's. He adopted his rap moniker after watching a documentary on magic where he heard the myth that the jack card wouldn't allow tricks to work. He began rapping in 1997, and together with friends and fellow rappers Adamastor and Bónus founded Canal 115, with whom he performed for two years throughout the country, and later Horizontal Records (2). In that same year he began receiving invitations from famed Portuguese DJs DJ Cruzfader and Bomberjack to appear on their mixtapes. After a brief hiatus to focus on his studies (he holds a degree in Communications), he returned with his solo debut, Valete - Educação Visual, released independently in 2002, in the wake of several invitations from record labels, which he adamantly refused in order to hold complete creative control over his music. The lyrics on this album displayed his skills as a freestyle and battle rapper as well as an observant social critic. He released his second album, Valete - Serviço Público, on 2006, also marked by social criticism, and reflecting, once again, his leftist political views.



In Groups:

Canal 115


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