
Jeff Peters

Jeff Peters

Real Name:

Jeffrey Peters


American audio (mostly mastering) engineer and producer, active in the Los Angeles area. He also plays guitar, bass and accordion. Do not confuse with British producer and bassist Jeff Peters (2).

He has worked at Alex Hassilev Studio (ca. 1972-1973), Location Recording Service (ca. 1974-1983) and Sonora Recorders (since 1997).

He is best known for his association with The Beach Boys (a.o. as FOH engineer) in the '80s and '90s and more recently with Brian Wilson. He records, produces and remixes past Beach Boys shows and “greatest hits” packages for commercial release through Capitol Records.

His lacquer cuts can be recognized by his initials "JP" etched in the runouts, sometimes with an additional "LRS" in the studio and number.


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