Real Name: | Steven Patrick Morrissey |
Profile: | British singer and songwriter (born May 22, 1959, in Manchester, UK), best known as the former lead singer and co-founder of The Smiths with Johnny Marr. He began his music career in the late 1970s as a lead singer for punk bands. He formed Sulky Young (renamed The Tee Shirts) and later paired for a short time with Billy Duffy for a handful of live performances. In 1982, Morrissey and Marr formed The Smiths, and he remained in the band until he decided to leave in late 1987. He debuted as a solo artist in 1988.
Sites: | , , , Instagram , Facebook , Facebook , X , , YouTube , YouTube , Wikipedia |
Aliases: | Ann Coates, E. Riff, Esteban (29), Steven Morrissey, Terrace Stomp, Whores In Retirement |
Variations: | Viewing All | Morrissey |
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