
Anemone Tube

Bürgerl. Name:

Stefan Hanser


Anemone Tube was founded 1996 in South-Germany; since 2010 based in Berlin. The audio works of Anemone Tube are a unique blend of dark ambient, industrial/noise and sound art with a strong psychogenic impact. The use of constantly shifting and altering sounds and moods is possibly one of the most intruiging things about the audio creations of Anemone Tube.

From 2007 to 2021 Anemone Tube was working on the “Suicide Series” tetralogy including the albums “Dream Landscape”, “Death over China”, ”Golden Temple” and “Time Ends – A Tribute to J​.​G. Ballard's Tetralogy Of Transformation”. To this field recordings made in China and Japan built a conceptional basis. In a poetic way Anemone Tube combined analytical realism of the phenomenal world with buddhist psychology and fantastic rhetoric influenced by the works of Pier Paolo Pasolini, Michael Haneke, Hayao Miyazaki, H.P. Lovecraft, Yukio Mishima and J. G. Ballard. Since 2021 the project is inactive.

Seiten: , Bandcamp


Oublier Et Mourir, Stefan Hanser, The Epicurean




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