
Sound Everest Studio

Sound Everest Studio Bild


German studio of Jörg Dewald (J.D. Wood) in Pfungstadt (Eschollbrücken). Also appears as "The Sound Everest Studios", "Sound Everest" or "Sound Everest / Eschollbrücken (Germany)".

Thomas Wedel (operating under the names Tom Wax / DJ Tom (4)) and & Thorsten Adler (in the past operating under the obscure name of Atomic Robo Kid) both hail from Darmstadt. From the 11th grade on they made music together in Thorsten's Bedroom. Soon they met Jörg Dewald (J.D. Wood) who helped them with the production of their very first record, What A Bassline, and let them use a room in his Sound Everest studio which they called Noise Development Lab 2 (Noise Development Lab). A few years later, Jörg Dewald (J.D. Wood) moved into a new studio together with Nosie Katzmann (Get Into Magic Studios) and left all of Sound Everest to Tom Wax & Thorsten Adler, which they rechristened Phuture Wax Soundlab / Phuture Wax Records.

In 2016 Jörg Dewald moved to Nidda (Hessen/Germany). His studio now is called JD Wood Production.


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