Limited Vinyl, includes the Genesis EP as 10" Vinyl. Contains a piece of film reel from one of the music videos. This Release was sold out 2 weeks before the official Release. The Vinyl is probably limited to 777 copies. This information wasn't confirmed in any way, the reason for this supposition can be read in the Release Notes.
Barcode und andere Identifikationsmerkmale
Barcode: 4 018939 322427
Matrix / Runout (LP 1 Side A): RIN001LTD-LP BH84021-01 A1 ST
Matrix / Runout (LP 1 Side B): RIN001LTD-LP BH84021-01 B1 ST
Matrix / Runout (LP 2 Side A): RIN001LTD-LP BH84021-02 C1 ST
Matrix / Runout (LP 2 Side B): RIN001LTD-LP BH84021-02 D1 ST
Matrix / Runout (EP Side A): RIN001LTD-EP BH84030-01 A1 ST
Matrix / Runout (EP SIde B): RIN001LTD-EP BH84030-01 B1 ST