
R.E.M.Out Of Time


Warner Bros. Records – 7599-26496-1, Warner Bros. Records – WX 404


Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo







Alternative Rock


Time Side
A1Radio Song
Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Tenor SaxophoneKidd Jordan
Arranged By [Strings]Mark Bingham
Effects [Echo-Loop Feed]Scott Litt
VocalsKRS-1*, Michael*
A2Losing My Religion
Acoustic GuitarPeter Holsapple
Arranged By, Bass, Keyboards, StringsMike*
Electric Guitar [Octave], MandolinPeter*
VocalsMichael*, Mike*
Arranged By [Strings]Mark Bingham
Bass ClarinetKidd Jordan
Congas, PercussionBill*
A4Near Wild Heaven
Arranged By [Strings]Mark Bingham
Baritone SaxophoneKidd Jordan
Drums, Percussion, PianoBill*
VocalsBill*, Michael*
Acoustic Guitar, Electric GuitarPeter*
Arranged By [Horns], Melodica [Bass]Michael*
Arranged By [Strings]Mark Bingham, Michael*
Bass Clarinet, Tenor SaxophoneKidd Jordan
FlugelhornCecil Welch
VocalsMichael*, Mike*
Memory Side
B1Shiny Happy People
Acoustic GuitarPeter Holsapple
Arranged By [Strings]Mark Bingham
Bass, OrganMike*
Drums, PercussionBill*
Electric GuitarPeter*
VocalsKate Pierson, Michael*, Mike*
Bass, PianoMike*
Drums, PercussionBill*
Electric GuitarPeter*
VocalsBill*, Michael*, Mike*
B3Half A World Away
Acoustic Guitar, MandolinPeter*
Arranged By [Strings]Mark Bingham
Bass, PercussionBill*
Harpsichord, Organ, PercussionMike*
VocalsMichael*, Mike*
Acoustic GuitarPeter Holsapple
Arranged By [Strings]Mark Bingham
Arranged By, Bass, Keyboards, StringsMike*
Drums, PercussionBill*
Electric GuitarPeter*
Pedal Steel GuitarJohn Keane
VocalsMichael*, Mike*
B5Country Feedback
Acoustic Guitar, Guitar [Loud]Peter*
Bass, PercussionBill*
Pedal Steel GuitarJohn Keane
VocalsBill*, Kate Pierson, Michael*
B6Me In Honey
VocalsKate Pierson, Michael*

Unternehmen usw.

  • PlattenfirmaWarner Bros. Records Inc.
  • PlattenfirmaTime Warner
  • Copyright ©R.E.M./Athens Ltd
  • Phonographisches Copyright ℗R.E.M./Athens Ltd
  • Veröffentlicht durchNight Garden Music
  • Veröffentlicht durchUnichappell Music, Inc.
  • Veröffentlicht durchCopyright Control
  • Aufgenommen beiBearsville Studios
  • Aufgenommen beiJohn Keane Studios
  • Aufgenommen beiSoundcape Studio
  • Abgemischt beiPaisley Park Studios
  • Mastering beiPrecision Mastering
  • Mastering beiSpecialty Records Corporation
  • Gepresst durchRecord Service Alsdorf
  • Produziert vonWarner Music Manufacturing Europe

Mitwirkende (Credits)

  • Arranged By [String & Horn Arrangement]Mark Bingham
  • CelloAndrew Cox (4), Elizabeth Murphy*
  • CoordinatorIan Kimmet
  • Design [Packaging]Michael Stipe, Tom Recchion
  • Double BassRalph Jones (5)
  • Engineer [Basic Tracks]Mike Reiter*, Scott Litt
  • Engineer [Mixing]Dave Friedlander, Tom Garneau
  • Engineer [Overdubs]John Keane
  • Engineer [Strings]Ted Malia
  • Management [Interagent To Ben Katchor]Jem Cohen
  • Management [Interagent To Ed Rogers]David Greenberger, The Duplex Planet*
  • Management [Office Assistance]B.C. Johnson*, D.B. Kilpatrick, E.M. Carter
  • Mastered ByStephen Marcussen
  • Orchestrated By [Orchestral Liaison]Jay Weigel
  • Performer [Additional Player]KRS-1*, Kate Pierson, Kidd Jordan, Peter Holsapple
  • Performer [And]Bertis E. Downs, IV*, Jefferson Holt
  • Performer [R.E.M.]Bill Berry (2), Michael Stipe, Mike Mills, Peter Buck
  • ProducerR.E.M., Scott Litt
  • Songwriter [All Songs]Berry*, Stipe*, Mills*, Buck*
  • Technician [Drum Assistance]Bill Thomson
  • Technician [Tech Assistance]Microwave (9)
  • ViolaPaul Murphy (5), Reid Harris
  • ViolinDavid Arenz, David Braitberg, David Kempers (2), Ellie Arenz


The rim text on this version does not cover the full circumference of the labels.
For the version with the full label text see Out Of Time.

℗ 1991 R.E.M. / Athens, Ltd.
© 1991 R.E.M. / Athens, Ltd.
Made in Germany by Warner Music Manufacturing Europe
Cat# 7599-26496-1 is the German release,
Cat# WX 404 is the United Kingdom release

Released with a printed inner sleeve with credits and photos.

Ruouts description, as identified by their specific pattern:
The original Direct Metal Master was produced at Precision Mastering ('Precision'). Those masters were then plated at Specialty Records Corporation (country code 'SP-GER'), whose stampers had been used for pressing by Record Service Alsdorf ('R/S Alsdorf').

Barcode und andere Identifikationsmerkmale

  • Barcode (Text): 0 7599-26496-1 2
  • Barcode: 075992649612
  • Labelcode: LC 0392
  • Preiscode:
  • Preiscode (France): WE 391
  • Rechtegesellschaft: GEMA/BIEM
  • Rechtegesellschaft: BMI
  • Andere (Back sleeve, embossed): [Warner 'W' Logo]
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 1: side A runout stamped): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-A
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 1: side B runout stamped): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-B
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 2: side A runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-A2 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I-DMM SP I-3 SP GER Precision 40
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 2: side B runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-Bxx 1-26496-B-INTL-SET I-DMM SP I-I SP GER 21 Precision
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 4: side A runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-Axx 8 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I-DMM SP I-3 SP GER Precision
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 4: side B runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-Bxx 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I-DMM SP I-3 SP GER Precision
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 5: side A runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-A2 x J-26496-A-INTL-SET I-DMM SP I-3 SP 96
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 5: side B runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-B xx 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I-DMM SP 1-I GER Precision 88
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 6: side A runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-A2, 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I - DMM S.P. 1-3 SP-GER 13 Precision
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 6: side B runout): R-S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-Bx, 1-26496-B-INTL-SETI-DMM SP 1-1 SP GER Precision 40
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 7: side A runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-A3, 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I - DMM S.P. 1-4 SP-GER 13 Precision
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 7: side B runout): R-S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-Bx, 1-26496-B-INTL-SETI-DMM SP 1-1 SP GER Precision 39
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 8: side A runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-A x 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I-DMM SP 1-1 SP-GER Precision 15
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 8: side B runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-B x 1-26496-B-INTL-SET I DMM 1 SP-GER Precision 53
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 9: side A runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-Ax 1-26496-A-INTL-SET I DMM SP -1 SP-GER Precision 18
  • Matrix / Runout (Variant 9: side B runout): R/S Alsdorf 759 926496-1-Bx 162[x]6496-B-INTL-SET I DMM 1 SP-GER Precision

Andere Versionen (5 von 219)

Alle anzeigen
Titel (Format)LabelKat.-Nr.LandJahr
Out Of Time (LP, Album)Warner Bros. Records, Warner Bros. Records670.9323, 01276Brazil1991
Vor kurzem bearbeitet
Out Of Time (Cassette, Album, Club Edition)Warner Bros. RecordsW4 26496Canada1991
Vor kurzem bearbeitet
Out Of Time (CD, Album, SRC)Warner Bros. Records9 26496-2US1991
Vor kurzem bearbeitet
Out Of Time (Cassette, Album, Unofficial Release)Unison (2)noneBulgaria1991
Vor kurzem bearbeitet
Out Of Time (Cassette, Album)Warner Bros. Records, Warner Bros. Records7599-26496-4, WX 404CEurope1991


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  • hjnewmoons Avatar
    A very powerful version of this modern classic.Mid range is strong and places the band and vocals in your room.Separation and transparency are good,clarity is like nothing I've heard in a long time.Bass lovers also get their full share.Dynamics are breathtaking,and DMM further adds to the almost overwhelming performance of this record.So this is a perfect recording- perfect yes,but not audiophile.
    It's hard to put a finger on it,but it almost sounds to me like there's too much of everything.Also the clean and perfect sound got tiring on my ears.By the time I was well into side B it kind of felt like listening to a CD.
    So I'm really on the fence about this one.
    Of course it is stunning to hear Vinyl perform like this,and it sure is a recording to successfully show off your equipment.But to me there's something missing here,a quality often described as analog or artisan.
    I'm aware of course of the controversy that's been going on ever since the dawn of digital audio;no room to dwell on that here.
    To each his own; and since analog productions abound and are up for market ubiquitously,I'm gonna pass on this one.
    • logfires Avatar
      I just got this very cheep ( must have been a lot of vinyl pressed?) sounds lovely! Dead quite . Sounds better than my CD.
      • boards Avatar
        This LP was cut from the CD master.
        If you make a digital recording of the LP at at least 48 kHz and look at a spectogram you will see that there's a sharp cut-off just above 20 Kzh. I've done this with both the American and the European LP.
        So, this means that if you like how this LP sounds over the CD, it's simply because you prefer the frequency response of your phono cartridge, the effect of rumble, less channel separation in the cartridge, etc.
        There's absolutely nothing wrong with preferring that, but it's simply a preference and not higher fidelity. Unless using a very poor converter (and they're much less common than many people believe) digitization is an inaudible process. I have yet to meet a person who claimed that digitization is audible who has actually properly tested that claim.
        • Dennismiks Avatar
          This is a fantastic album, a big breakthrough for REM, and this is a great sounding, high quality German pressing.


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