
Patricio Castillo

Real Name:

Patricio Castillo Morales


Patricio Castillo (born 1946, Cautín, Chile) is a Chilean guitarist and singer, former member of the Chilean folk music group Quilapayún from 1966 to 1971, returning in 1992. He studied classical guitar at the National Conservatorium of Music. In 1965 he enters the Faculty of Philosophy and Education of the University of Chile to study humanities with a focus on philosophy. Simultaneously he pursued further studies in the field of classical music and the history of music.

From 1966 to 1968 he is member of Quilapayún, but he quit the group and helped Victor Jara in his solo albums. He also collaborated in Amerindios (founded by ex-Quilapayún Julio Numhauser). In the '80s he worked sporadically with Los Jaivas and Tita Parra.

Castillo returned to Quilapayún in 1992, replacing Ricardo Venegas, taking care of electric bass and quena duets with Hugo Lagos. At the group's crisis he remained with the Paris' ensemble, led by Rodolfo Parada and Patricio Wang.

Sites: , Wikipedia

In Groups:

Amerindios, Quilapayún


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