
Sachiko M

Vrai nom:

Sachiko Matsubara


From 1994 to 1997, as a member of Ground Zero (which disbanded in March 1998), Sachiko M performed at festivals and concerts around the world. She played an important role in the group's chopped-up, "plunderphonic" (or "plagiaristic" sampling) sound. Since the disbanding of Ground Zero, Sachiko M has pursued a unique performance style which brings to the forefront the sampler's own test tones and noise, to develop nearly memory-free sampling works. Her solos consisting entirely of sine waves have attracted a great deal of attention. In addition to playing solo, she often collaborates with musicians around the world as well.


en groupes:

Cosmos (2), Filament, Ground Zero (3), Hoahio, I.S.O., Intonarumori Orchestra, Les Sculpteurs De Vinyl, Otomo Yoshihide Special Big Band, Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Ensemble, Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Orchestra, Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Quintet

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Tout Voir | Sachiko M




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