
The Fisticuffs Bluff


The Fisticuffs Bluff formed in Santa Cruz, CA, USA in the Fall of 1993, with Drew Gilbert on guitar, Dave Louie on bass, and Jay Con-ui on drums, adding Summer Mastous in January of 1994. They played all over the state of California, released a cassette demo, and recorded seven songs in June. In the Fall of 1994, the band in this form ceased to be.
In January of 1995, Yoshi Nakamoto on drums and Paul Costuros on bass joined Drew and Summer. They played all around the state and in the Summer of 1995, together with Nuzzle, toured the US. In September of 1995, they recorded 8 songs, and haven't been together since.
Membres:Andrew Gilbert, Dave Louie, Jay Con-ui, Paul Costuros, Summer Mastous, Yoshi Nakamoto
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