Best reviewers on Discogs?
Hey y'all
As Discogs is clearly a key info/digging/records buying source, here is a tentative (and always work in progress) 'best reviewers on Discogs' group where you can add your tips of interesting/useful people that you read on the records comments and reviews on the site.
When made properly, the reviews and comments on Discogs are particularily valuable because
(a) they are (mostly) made by "connoisseurs" sharing precious tips and insider informations,
(b) people do not get paid to write them, with deadlines and spaces to fill, they just write when they feel like it (ie with genuine motivation or dedication about a particular record/artist etc)
(c) there is no 'tyranny of the new' like in the medias. Anyone can spontaneously write a valuable comment on a 10 year old record, therefore letting the records find their real place and flavour with time, like good wine.
Also compared to the blogs or tumblrs that would do the same, Discogs is an infinite database allowing infinite browsing...can't be beaten!
I did a starting list based on my on readings and taste (see 1st discussion 'my starting list' on the group)
The idea behind this group is to become like a'grouped bookmark' of interesting/valuable commenters and reviewers. In that perspective, anyone can join to benefit from the information, even without participating.
Still don't hesitate to add your tips and favorites if not already listed!