Discogs Cleanup Crew for major fixes & mass edits
What is the Discogs Cleanup Crew (DCC)?
Inspired by multiple threads and individual posts in the forums, this group exists to handle and coordinate what are commonly known as mass edits.
This group will be used to do research and gather a team of willing volunteers for mass edits on issues like:
--Artists that have the same name and either need merged, split, or changed in some way
--Labels, Companies and Series that have the same name that need merged, split, or changed in some way
-- Other mass edits that have to do with credit types, BaOI fixes, country changes, etc.
The plan is to discuss things in here and then bring a proposal to the forums once a consensus has been reached. Once we get approval in the forums, we'll then return here to catalog our changes.
To propose a fix, create a topic in this group and start your title with [LABEL], [ARTIST], [SERIES], [COMPANY], [BAOI] or [OTHER].
To move forward or redirect attention, of current discussions to main forum after a consensus decision is reached; subject line should begin with [FORUM]. The forum link should be linked to bottom of discussion thread.
To contribute to a fix, look for topics where the subject line begins with [PROCESSING] and you can begin assisting with edits. If a topic has been decided on here and in the general forums, please append [PROCESSING] to the beginning of your subject.
Once a fix is complete, please mark your subject with [RESOLVED].
Since this group is new, we will learn as we go. I'm open to suggestions as always!
P.S. One final note: This group is not to be used for the sole purpose of rank hunting. While it can be fun at times to watch points rack up no matter which site you are on on the internet, please remember that we are here for the main purpose of correcting false data and improving the database, regardless of personal status.
As a reminder, please practice courteous professionalism whilst discussion of any subject matter as outlined in the Community Guidelines.