• gabalgabow over 6 years ago


    NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST is an underground distro located in France.
    I distribute mostly tapes and CDs of Death metal, old school metal, etc...

    The webshop is: https://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr/Webshop/24-news

    The last news:


    BLOODPHEMY (Hol) Bloodline Tape. Death metal/ Old brutal death

    GLADIADOR (Paraguay) In... Requiescat in Pace CD. Old school thrash/ speed/ black

    GOD'S FUNERAL (Spa)/ BLAZAR (Spa) Split tape. Doom death doom/ Doom death sludge.

    HELLBORN (Can) Pillage in the land of god Tape. Old death metal.

    MASTER OF CRUELTY (Paraguay) Archaic visions of the underworld CD. Black/ Death/ Thrash.

    OFFENCE (Pol)/ TRAUMA (Pol) Split MCD. Old school death (7Ep rereleased on CD).

    PULVERIZED (Chile) Monuments of misanthropy Tape Lp. Death metal/ Old brutal death.

    SANGUS (Usa) Saevitia Tape. Black metal/ Black thrash.

    SKRUPEL (Ger) Skrupel Tape Lp. Grindcore.

    TIRAN (Russia) Apocalypse in bulgaria Tape. Old styled thrash.

    DAMAGE SOURCE (Ger) ... Come deterioration Demo tape. Old school death/ Thrash metal

    LEWIS & THE STRANGE MAGICS (Spa) The ginger session Tape. Retro rock/ Psychedelic

    BLACK TORMENT (Mex) Catacomb of blinding blasphemies CD. Black metal

  • gabalgabow over 6 years ago

    Last distro news:

    EPITAPHE (Fra) Demo MMXVII Tape. Obscure death/ Death doom with an experimental approach

    FUNERAL WHORE (Hol) Phantasm Tape. Old school death

    DIG ME NO GRAVE (Rus) The valley of serpents MCD. Death metal

    GLORIFICATION (Paraguay) Against all adversity - A hymn of demonic victory CD. Black death

    INTERNAL SUFFERING (Colombia) Awakening of the rebel Tape. Brutal death/ Intense blast

    KALOPSIA (Usa) Sanguine epitaph MCD. Angry death metal with powerful sound.

    PANZER SQUAD (Ger) Coming to your town Tape. Old school thrash

    PLAGUE WARHEAD (Swe) Whores of lucifer MCD. Digipack. Old school thrash/ Death metal

    WRECKAGE (Gre) Rise from ruins Demo CD/ (7Ep cover) Swedish styled death metal, sounds like old Dismember.
  • gabalgabow over 6 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BEHEAD (Chile) Endless hatred Demo tape. Old school death/ Thrash the morbid way

    BEHEAD (Chile) Awakening of a murderous soul Demo tape. Old school death/ Thrash the morbid way

    BLOODSHED (Russia) The hunger and the agony CD. Death metal/ Old brutal death. Sounds like old Vader, old Sinister

    DEMOLITION STEEL (Chile) There is no hope, just decay Demo tape. Old school heavy metal with thrash touches.

    HELLRAIDER (Chile) The time has come Demo tape. Old school thrash (Members of Disaster, Invocation spells...)

    MANIAC (Can) Fast and deadly CD. Old school thrash/ Punk

    METASTASIS (Chile) From the snow the executioner rises again CD. Old school thrash (Contains two demos)

    NECROHERESY (Slovakia) Divine betrayal MCD. Old styled death/ Thrashing death

    PARASITIZED (Uk) Existence unveiled MCD. Brutal death with a technical approach

    PARKCREST (Chile) Mental discharge Demo tape. Old school thrash (Members of Venus torment, Hellish...)

    SACROFUCK (Pol)/ ENTERCHRIST (Pol) Split CD. Death metal/ Gory death grind

    TRASCENDENCIA (Chile) Hasta ayer / La última palabra Demo tape. Old school heavy metal. (Members of Terror strike, Critical defiance...)

    WHIP (Nor) Ultra sado scrap metal Tape. Crust grind black metal sickness with a thrashing edge

  • gabalgabow over 6 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABERRANTE (Panama) Sepelio macabro Demo tape. Old school grindcore/ Death metal

    APOFENIA (Argentina) A cold night's death Demo tape. Old school death

    EPITAPHE (Fra) Demo MMXVII MCD. Obscure death/ Death doom

    FUNERALIS (Chile) Lvminis serpens caeremonia Tape. Black metal

    GOATOIMPÜRITY (Chile) Zyklon-B Demo tape. Black death

    GRIMOIRE DE OCCULTE (Ger) Wisdom of the dead Tape. Death doom

    MORTIFEROTH (Usa) Darkness fills our eyes Demo tape. Underground death metal

    SPINA BIFIDA (Hol) Iter MCD. Doom/ Death

    TOXICA (Argentina) Egoismo autodestructivo Demo tape. Thrash metal

    JUMALATION (Fin) The church of isaac CD. Old school thrash

    DESTROYER (Colombia) Dark city hunter CD. Old school thrash

  • gabalgabow over 6 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ASCENDER (Mex) Methodic annihilation MCD. Cardboard sleeve. Old styled thrash

    CEMETERY FOG (Fin) Journey to hell Demo tape. Black/ Death/ Doom

    ECTOPLASMA (Gre) Cryogenically revived Tape. Old school death

    ENCRYPTED (Ger) the purge MCD. Old school death/ Obscure death

    ENSSEMINIS (Chile) Relatos retorcidos Demo tape. Special packaging. Underground death metal.

    EXTERMINATION ANGEL (Usa) Demo 2017. Tape. Satanic death metal/ black death

    GRAVE DESECRATOR (Bra) Insul Tape. Old school death/ black

    PAZUZU (Costa rica) Revenant of blasphemies Demo tape. Old school death/ Doom

    SEXPLOSION (Fra) Vol. 3: Nouvel âge des ténèbres Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Punk

    BLOODFIEND (Chile) Evil mass of putrid decay Demo Tape. Bestial black death (Member of Demonic rage)

    WITCHBURNER (Ger) Blasphemic assault Tape. Thrash metal

    ARROPIERO (Spa) Arropiero Demo tape. Doom sludge. Special packaging

  • gabalgabow over 6 years ago

    Last distro news:

    CHRIST SNACKS (Panama) Santa vulva Demo tape. Old school death/ Old death grind

    ECTOPLASMA (Gre) Cavern of foul unbeings Tape album. Old school death

    EREKTION (Fra) Restless copulation Tape. Obscure brutal death

    NUISIBLE (Fra) Slaves & snakes Tape. Blackened crust hardcore

    RANCOROUS (Usa) Into the nuclear fire Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    RANCOROUS (Usa) Stealth dominion Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    REVENGE (Col) Soldiers under satan's command + Bang your head Tape. Old school speed/ Heavy metal

    SESOS TRITURADOS (Paraguay) Te'ongue Mbo'iha Demo tape. Gore grindcore/ Angry death grind

    WITCH KING Celestial desolation Demo tape. Black/ Death

    DEFLAGRATOR (Ita) Raising weapons for the beast CD. Old school thrash

    EXEKUTION (Spa) The worst is yet to come CD. Old school thrash (Import from China)

  • gabalgabow over 6 years ago

    Last distro news:

    DEAD CONGREGATION (Gre) Sombre doom MCD. Digipack. Obscure death

    IMPIETY (Singapore)/ INFERNAL EXECRATOR (Singapore) Dusthall desecrator live penang 2015. Split tape. Black thrash/ Black death

    LORD KETIL (Fra) Long lone among the wolves Tape. Black metal

    NECROBIOTIC (Bra) Under the sign of I Demo tape. Death metal

    PALE MIST (Uk) Spreading my wings into the abyss that calls CD. Black metal

    PHERETRUM (Uruguay) Alienated demons CD. Old school/ Thrashing death/ Underground death

    PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Demo MMXVIII + live tracks MCD. Digipack. Putrid death metal

    THE NEGATION (Fra) Paths of obedience Tape. Black metal

    WITCHVOMIT (Usa) Poisoned blood MCD. Digipack. Old school death and obscure death. (Members of Torture rack, Trepanation...)

    BELLS OF DOOM (Swe) The death of god Demo tape. Doom

    CRYPTIC REALMS (Mex/ Gre) The rotten is alive Demo tape. Old school death

    BLOODY PHOENIX (Usa) War, hate & misery Tape. Grindcore

    KEITZER (Ger) The last defence Tape. Death grind/ Grindcore.



    TEMPLE OF ADORATION (Ger) Zine issue 12
    Carma, Krypts, Abatuar, Nebiros, Orodruin, Fecalove, Hardware, The fallen, Leechfeast, Ordocaper, Candelabrum, Broken spirit, Psychomoorphis...
    48 pages. A4. In english.

    ABYSMAL SCULPTURES (Singapore) Zine issue 13
    Hellwitch, Ilemauzar, Necrowretch, Siksakubur, Revage records... + Reviews, live reports...
    40 pages. A4. In english. 2019.

    METAL HORDE (Por) Zine issue 24
    Wanderer, Morgengrau, Confessor AD, Necrot, Wasteland riders, Zealot cult, Genocide beast, Warfield, Tiran, Nakkiga, Arghura zine, Satanic Tony ... + Reviews...
    80 pages. A5. In english. 2019

    BLOOD HAMMER (Ita) Zine issue 2
    The crucifier, Nocturnal, Entrench, Exumer, Slaughtered priest, Daemonokrat, Bunker 66... + Reviews
    22 pages. A4. In italian. 2018.

    Illustrations on the death metal theme: zombies, skulls, corpses...
    Drawings by Mark Riddick, Ragnar Persson, Luisma, Putrid, French,
    32 pages. A5.


    DEATH BURING (Fra) Heaven in hell Demo CDr. Old school punk hardcore

    HIROSHIMA 45 (Rus) Маяк Demo CDr. Punk hardcore

    I.B.N - Touched by nausea Demo CDr (2nd hand). Fast punk

    BLOOD REAPING (Mex) Promo 2002 CDr. Fast death metal (Bootleg?)

    KHLYST (Usa) Chaos is my name. Promo CD. Cardboard sleeve. (2nd hand).
    Experimental/ Black metal/ Dark ambient. (Members of Khanate, Thor's hammer...)

    GORE SANCTUM (Uk) Realms of devastation Promo CDr. (No cover, CD only). Gore brutal death


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ATROCE (Canada) Necromantiae bestialis CD. Death metal, between the old school and more "brutal" blackened genre (Sounds likes a mix of old Morbid angel, Deicide, old Belphegor, old Impureza, Black bleeding...)

    END OF MANKIND (Fra) Faith recoil Demo tape. Black metal. (Mmbers of Antaeus, Eternal majesty,..)

    HELLACAUST (Can) Dark age descending CD. Black metal; fast and angry, quite close to old Marduk.

    HELLFIRE (Ukraine) Goat revenge Demo tape. Black death

    MASS CREMATION (Bulgaria) Xenomorphobia Demo tape. Thrash metal/ Thrash death

    MORBITAL (Rus) Меч миру Tape. Bestial death black, a bit like early Bestial warlust with a bit of Revenge.

    MORBITAL (Rus) Меч миру CD. Bestial death black

    MOUFLON (Hol) Devastations Tape. Old school death/ Doom

    SATANIC HATRED (Bulgaria) Devoured by the black sea Demo tape. Sounds like old Burzum with a bit of early Immortal.

    SOLUS (Hungary)/ VRAG (Hungary) Awakening of the hungarian witch woods Split tape. Black metal

    ALTAR OF SIN (Spa) The damned dogs from hell CD. Old school death/ Thrashing death. (Sounds like mid old Protector, mid old Possessed)

    ANARCHUS (Mex) Discography 90-96 Tape. Grindcore

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    DEMONIC RAGE (Chile) The anguish's doomaelstrom Demo tape. Obscure death metal

    ESPIRITISMO (Argentina) Al responder de los muertos CD. Black metal

    HELLBORN (Can) Pillage in the land of god Tape. Old styled death metal/ Morbid thrash

    POSESION (Col) Ritual I Tape. Old school necro thrash/ death. (Member of Alcoholic Force, Iron Gang...)

    PUTRID EVIL (Pol)/ SACROFUCK (Pol)/ EXECUTION OF LIGHT (Pol) Split CD. Bestial underground death metal/ Death metal/ Satanic brutal death

    RAGING FIRE (Spai) Caught in the game Tape. Heavy metal (Members of Iron curtain, Witchtower)

    UNDERGANG (Denmark) Misantropologi Tape album. Old school death

    VENUS TORMENT (Chile) Espiral infinito Demo tape. Old school thrash

    WITCH TRAIL (Bel) Call from the grave Demo tape. Black thrash like early Bathory.

    CEREBRAL TURBULENCY (Cze) Impenetrable Tape album. Death grind, with groovy and gore touches

    CALCULATE (Can) Apotheosis CD. Brutal death/ Deathcore, quite heavy and tortured.

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BEDSORE (Ita) Bedsore MCD. Old school death

    FALL OF SERAPHS (Fra)/ TREPANATOR (Fra) Incarnation of torture Split CD. Fast and kicking death metal in the old school way/ Old school death with heavy putrid moments.

    HALLUX VALGUS (Chile) Death will prevail MCD. Old school thrashing death (Members of Strigoi, ex-Excoriate, Exanimatvm)

    HOLD (Hungary) Végtelenség Demo tape. Black metal

    HUMAN SERPENT (Gre) Inhumane minimalism Demo tape. Black metal

    LETHAL INFECTION (Chile) The chant of the black prophecies Demo tape. Black death

    SAMOT (Chile) Across the abyss MCD. Old school death/ Death black, influenced by old scandinavian darkness

    TREPANATOR (Fra) Mutant birth MCD. Old school death, with heavy putrid moments.

    WILDER (Fra) Wilder Demo CD. Cardboard sleeve. Old styled thrash with Celtic frost influences

    WOLF SERMON (Uk) Pagan skin Demo tape. Death doom

    WOLF SERMON (Uk) Pagan skin Demo CD/ Pro CDr. Death doom

    -INFAMY (Fra) A World on its end CD. Black metal/ Black thrash
    -CRONIC DISORDER (Usa) Torture test CD. Thrash death like mid old Testament
    -ORN (Can) Teeth / Knowing MCD. Digipack. Doom sludge
    -IMPACT (Hol) Never too young to rock CD. Old school heavy metal/ Hard rock

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    AMOK (Nor) Necrospiritual deathcore Tape. Death/ Thrash (Members of Aeternus, Taake, Orcustus...)

    EXORCISM (Ger) Demonic inheritance Demo tape. Old necro death metal (Members of nocturnal, Frontbeat, The fog...)

    MARTELO INTOLERANTE (Bra) O intolerante trono do odio Demo tape. Cavernous black death

    MEPHISTO (Ita) Too loud for the hell Demo tape. Old school underground black thrash
    Old demp on regular tape.

    MORAST (Luxembourg) Dead out from graves Demo tape. Black death/ Minimal necro metal

    OV SHADOWS (Swe) Monologues Demo tape. Black metal

    PYRON (Malaysia) Hell pyre Demo tape. Death metal

    RESTOS HUMANOS (Ita) Restos humanos Demo CDr. Old school death grind

    DAY OF EXECUTION (Bulgaria) Dead burning to ashes Tape. Death metal

    AEPOCH (Can) Awakening inception Tape. Technical/ Progressive death


    -ASAFATED (Turkey) Demos 94-95. Pro CDr. Old death metal. 2nd hand
    -DESPISE & CONQUER (Ger) Promo CDr. Death thrash
    -KLY (Pol) Taran -Gai CD. Digipack. Atmospheric black metal
    -UTTERTOMB (Chile) Promo CDr. Obscure death
    -VA - QUEBRA CABECAS Compilation CD. Thrash, death, groove metal, heavy metal bands from Portugal

    ACID VICIOUS Zine (Fra) issue 14: Mortuary, Iron flesh, Infamy, Windhelm, Choisir le pire, Aube, Litanie, Piarevaracien, Inzest, Kaos obscure art,Music records, Les Kroutes...

    HELLZ zine (Russia) issue 29: Tales of darknord, Nocturnal pestilence, Terrorraiser, Bestial vomit, Bestial deform, Diathra, Ieschure, Hereafter, Lydia laska, Jinx, Big city... + Reviews, articles.

    MANTO NEGRO (Chile) Newsletter #1: Funeralis, Henosis, Abhorior, Pyreficativm... + Reviews.

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABSOLVTION (Fra) Gallow's destiny MCD. Obscure black death

    ABYSM (Uk) Touching the cold hand of god MCD/ Pro CDr. Death metal, quite obscure and old styled.

    AHVAWE (Mex) Drink till you fucking puke your liver out Demo tape. Old school black speed/ Thrash

    DEFENESTRATION (Fra) Ordinary violence MCD. Fast death metal, quite old styled and raw.

    DIABOLICAL TORTURE (Bra) Noite de diabolicas torturas Demo tape. Raw black metal

    MARTYRVORE (Usa) Mayhemic nuclear slayer Tape. Bestial black death

    PHERETRUM (Uruguay)/ ECTOPLASMA (Gre) Split tape. Death metal

    SANGUINARIO (Bra) Cidade morta Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Speed/ Punk

    TERRÖRHAMMER (Serbia) In the name of hell Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Speed/ Black

    LYCANTHROPHY (Cze)/ NENI UNIKU (Cze) Split tape. Grindcore

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ATRAMENT (Usa) Scum sect Tape. Black metal/ Crust punk (Members of Necrot, Mortuous, Abstracter, Vastum)

    CENOTAFIO (Chile) Larvae tedeum teratos Tape. Obscure death/ Black death

    DEATH COURIER (Gre) Deny your destiny Demo tape. Old school thrash (Rerelease of a demo from 1989)

    DEVOID OF THOUGHT (Ita) Cosmic apoptosis Demo tape. Death metal, strange and quite obscure (Sounds a bit like Altars (Australia) or Atrocity (Very first album)).

    FATHER MERRIN (Fra) All is well that ends in hell MCD. Doom metal (Member of Presumtion)

    FERETRO (Chile) Deathsolation MCD. Old school death/ Thrashing death (Member of Necrobastard)

    IMPETIGO (USa)/ TRANSGRESSOR (Jap) Split MCD. Old death grind/ Death metal

    INVERSER (Usa) Demo tape. Quite obscure black metal

    MORTALS PATH (Ger) Complete demos Tape. Old school death

    RITUAL LACERATION (Usa) "I" Demo tape. Bestial black death

    ABOMINATION (Usa) Abomination CD. Old school death/ Thrash. Rerelease of an album from 1990 (Members of MAster, Deathstrike...)


    -EPITAPHE (Fra) Badge - Black
    -EPITAPHE (Fra) Badge - White
    -C.H.U.D - Badge
    -NEKROPULSE - Badge

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    DEATHLY SCYTHE (Chile) Adv. MMXVII Tape. Necro death/ thrash

    DEFORME (Uruguay) Etchepare: micronarcosis / macronecrosis Tape. Old school gore death grind/ Goregrind

    EXTIRPATION (Ita) Reverse the reality Tape. Black thrash

    MOSH ANGEL (Fin) In the sign of mosh angel Demo tape. Old school thrash speed (Member of Pyöveli)

    NECRONIZER (Usa) Pray for death Demo tape. Old school death

    OMEN FILTH (Philippines) Devourer of the seven moons Tape. Raw obscure black metal (Member of Pathogen)

    WALD KRYPTA (Usa) Nature enigma Tape. 90's black metal like early Burzum, old Darkthrone.

    PANOPTICON DEATH (Russia) Eternity in madness CD. Old school death with quite massive sound.

    ACID COMA (Russia) Prayers to mirrors CD. Death doom/ Sludge

    CORTEGE (Pol) Touching the void CD. Death metal

    DL.50 (Paraguay) Valemos menos que sus balas Demo CDr. Old styled punk hardcore.

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    CHAOSMONGER (Swi) Revenge of the monger Demo tape. Death metal with powerful sound.

    CRYPT DAGGER (Ger) Tales of torment Demo tape. Old school thrash black speed

    HELL TREPANNER (Peru) Entrance to hell Demo tape. Old school necro death thrash

    MORBITAL (Rus) Меч миру CD. Bestial death black, a bit like early Bestial warlust with a bit of Revenge.

    REVELER (Usa) The hour of fright Demo tape. Old school death

    VERTHEBRAL (Paraguay) Regeneration Tape. Death metal

    ZIEG ABUSER (Swi) Goatless doomed world Demo tape. Old school thrash with old satanic death touches.

    ANCIENT TORMENT (Usa) Satan's legacy come flesh Demo tape. Fast raw black metal in the 90's style.

    INJUSTICE X SQUAD (Gre) Those that know Demo tape. Old school punk hardcore/ Crust

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABSORPTION (Russia) Inevitable doom Demo tape. Old school death

    ABSORPTION (Russia) / ODOCKH (Russia) Split tape. Old school death/ Black death

    FALLEN ANGEL (Usa) Transcend with the dead and rotten Demo tape. Old styled death metal/ Death black

    INFESTATION OF EVIL (Usa) By evil infested Demo tape. Old school satanic death/ Black death

    OBEISANCE (Usa)/ ORDO CAPER (Costa rica) Split CD. Thrash black/ Death metal

    SILURE (Fra) Route de troche Demo CD. Cardboard sleeve. Darkened death/ Black death

    THRONEUM (Pol)/ PAZUZU (Costa rica) "In the crypt of the hakeldamach feld" Split CD. Death black/ Old school death

    NRVK (Ger) Fecundity of death Demo tape. Black metal

    NERVOUS IMPULSE (Can)/ KRAWORATH (Rus)/ KERANGKENK (Indonesia) Split CD. Death grind/ Brutal death/ Brutal death




    SINNERS BURN (Swe) Mortuary rendez vous Promo CD. Swedish death metal.

    MASTABAH (Pol) Quintessence of evil Promo CD. Death metal/ Brutal death

    VIDRES A LA SANG (Spa) Set de sang Promo CD. Black metal

    DISINTEGRATED (Den) Murdered in a Clinic Demo CDr. 2nd hand. Death metal.



    DL.50 (PARAGUAY) VALEMOS MENOS QUE SUS BALAS DEMO CDR. Old styled punk hardcore.




    Free STICKERS:
    UNDERGANG Sticker - Black
    UNDERGANG Sticker - Yellow
    WORMRIDDEN Sticker
    TONERLOW Sticker
    PHRENELITH Sticker
    PAZUZU Sticker

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    FAITHXTRACTOR (Usa) Proverbial lambs to the ultimate slaughter Tape. Old school death, influenced by old Scandinavian sounds (Members of Estuary, Crucified mortals, Surgikill..)

    HACAVITZ (Mex) Nex nihil Tape. Fast death black (Members of Escarnium, Remains, Ravager...)

    HOSTILE FAITH (Chile) Mortal signs... To death Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Death thrash

    NAHS (South america) Ad inferos ascensionis Demo tape. Obscure underground death

    PAZUZU (Costa rica) Revenant of blasphemies Demo tape. Old school death/ Doom

    PROFANATOR (Mex) Mvtter vicivm Tape. Brutal thrash metal (Members of Castleumbre, Ravager...)

    SEPULCHRAL CURSE (Fin) A birth in death MCD. Old school death (Member of Solothus)

    KSHATRIYA (Ita) Il viaggio dell'eroe Tape. Black metal

    NABEG (Uk) Economic gain/ Ecological ruin Demo tape. Crazy grindcore/ Jazz/ Noisecore

    PSYCHOPATH (Pol) Hatred outside CD. Thrash metal like mid old Sodom, Kreator (Members of Terrordome, Sacrofuck)

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    The webshop was updated with more LOW PRICES Tapes/ CDs and some FREE stickers!

    LOW PRICES Tapes/ CDs:
    -SOLUS (Hun)/ VRAG (Hun) Split tape. Black metal.
    -TRAGEDY BEGINS (Gre) Jehova in extremis Demo CDr. Black metal with industrial touches
    -TORN APART (Swe) Demo 2006/ Promo version. CDr. Death metal
    -PANDEMONIUM (Fra) De vermis mysteriis / De umbrarum regni novem portis Tape. Dark ambiant.
    -NAUSEATING POTENTIALS/ TACOMANIACX Split tape. Noisecore/ Noisegrind
    -BOMBATOLCSER (Hun) Bude kud Demo tape. Punk hardcore/ Crust
    -MISCONDUCTERS (Uk) Braindead MCD. Cardboard. Punk


    -EXTREMELY ROTTEN Recs - Sticker
    -FUNERARY BELL - Sticker
    -MASTER'S HAMMER - Sticker
    -PENTACLE - Sticker
    -TIRAN - Fridge magnet
    -UNDERGANG - Sticker - Old logo/ Myspace url


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BARBARIKULT (Chile) I kill from dark legions Demo tape. Bestial death metal (Memebers of Ominous, Demonic rage, Butamacho)..

    DECAYED (Por) The burning of heaven Tape. 90's styled black metal.

    EMPHERIS (Pol)/ BEAST PETRIFY (Singapore) Splot CD. Black death/ Old school technical thrash death

    GUMMO (Fra)/ INSANE ORDER (Fra) Split CD. Digipack. Grindcore/ Deathgrind

    OPHICVS (Usa) Steel horned gasmasked metalhead Tape. Old school blackened heavy metal, (Influenced by Mercyful fate, Venom, a bit of Bathory...)

    SURGAT (Mex) Nihil Demo tape. Blackened death/ Death grind

    SEKKUSU (Usa) Satyrömania Tape. Old school thrash/ Old thrashing punk hardcore. (Members of Demon bitch, Sewercide)

    VIOLENT FRUSTRATION (Ger) Peace was never an option Tape. Grindcore/ Death grind

    BLASPHEMOUS (Indonesia) Burned in hell Tape. Obscure/ Burning brutal death


    LOW PRICES Tapes/ CDs:

    -SOLUS (Hun)/ VRAG (Hun) Split tape. Black metal.

    -TRAGEDY BEGINS (Gre) Jehova in extremis Demo CDr. Black metal with industrial touches

    -TORN APART (Swe) Demo 2006/ Promo version. CDr. Death metal

    -PANDEMONIUM (Fra) De vermis mysteriis / De umbrarum regni novem portis Tape. Dark ambiant.

    -NAUSEATING POTENTIALS/ TACOMANIACX Split tape. Noisecore/ Noisegrind

    -BOMBATOLCSER (Hun) Bude kud Demo tape. Punk hardcore/ Crust

    -MISCONDUCTERS (Uk) Braindead MCD. Cardboard. Punk




    -EXTREMELY ROTTEN Recs – Sticker

    -FUNERARY BELL – Sticker

    -MASTER'S HAMMER – Sticker

    -PENTACLE – Sticker

    -TIRAN - Fridge magnet

    -UNDERGANG - Sticker - Old logo/ Myspace url

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BLACK SERPENT (Australia) Nightside cosmology Demo tape. Black/ death

    GORE SHRIEK (Uk) Post-apocalyptic mutations Demo tape. Primitive old school brutal death, like old Mortician, early Skinless

    MUTILATION (Malaysia) Massacre on bodies Demo tape. Old death metal (Rerelease of a demo from 1990)

    SALLOW MOTH (Usa) Deathspore Demo tape. Old school death

    TERATOS (Peru) Road to the Antropophagia Tape. Old brutal death/ Gory death grind (Member of cadaver incubador)

    TYAKRAH (Ger) Wintergedanken CD. Black metal, quite epic, a bit like old Bathory (Viking epoch) meets mid old Burzum

    USURPER (Usa) Skeletal season Tape. Black thrash/ Old school metal influenced by early Celtic frost!

    DISRULE (Den)/ THE SILENT LOW (Den) Split tape. Stoner metal/ Heavy grunge, stoner

    SINISTER CREED (Usa) Divine lies CD. Death metal (Album from 2000, sounds a bit like early Resurrection, mid old Death, early Six feet under)



    WITCHFINDER – Sticker

    TRIBULATION – Sticker (Time of the first album)

    WITCHFIST - Patch

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ANNUNCIATION (Uk) Annuntiatio mortis metallum Demo tape. Death metal

    BLACK SERPENT (Australa) Shadowside devilcosm Tape. Black/ Death. (Special packaging with a tape, a patch, two posters and two stickers).

    BLASPHEMATOR (Chile) Insulters of the holy whore Demo tape. Raw black death

    COMATOSE (Philippines) The ungodly lamentations Tape. Death metal/ Evil brutal death

    GHOST TOWER (Usa) Head of night CD. Old school heavy metal/ Heavy doom. (Members of Borrowed time, The swil, Suaron...)

    GOMORRAH (Usa) Gomorrah CD. Doom death. Compilation of demos from 91, 92, 96 and 99. (Member of Deteriorot, Famine)

    INDIAN NIGHTMARE (Ger) Taking back the land Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Speed/ Punk

    MALIGNO (Ger) Evil metal Demo tape. Raw black metal/ Black death

    METAL STORM (Ger) Legacy CD. Old school heavy metal/ Old power metal (Compilation of recordings from 1986, 88 and 92, including unreleased stuffs)

    MORDANCY -Hol) The anthology 1989 - 1993 CD. Old school death/ thrash in a technical manner.
    (Contains demo 92, live 91 and rehearsal 93)

    PANPHOBIA (Fra) Fear of death Demo tape. Death metal influenced by the old swedish sounds like early Dismember.

    UNSALVATION (Fin) Profound enslavement Demo CD. Cardboard sleeve. Obscure death/ Bestial black death

    WARMONGER (Ita) Marching on the warpath Demo tape. Old school thrash

    DE SILENCE ET D'OMBRE (Fra) V Tape. Black metal with doom and dark ambient touches.

    ALTARS (Australia)/ HEAVY EARTH (Cze) Split tape. Quite fucked obscure death/ Evil brutal death. (1 copy back in stock)

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    A bunch of metal fanzines were added on the distro, and are waiting for your morbid eyes!
    Check it out before it disappears:


    -MORBID WRITES (Estonia) Zine issue 2
    -MORBID WRITES (Estonia) Zine issue 1
    -TOUGH RIFFS (Fra) zine issue 8
    -WIDMO (Poland) Zine issue 5
    -WIDMO (Poland) Zine issue 4
    -CRUSH THE CROSS (Brazil) Zine issue 12
    -CORROSIVE ALTARS (Usa) Zine issue 5
    -MANIC MOSH METAL (Uk) Magazine issue 1
    -ON PAROLE (Usa) Zine issue 1
    -LA MINE (Fra) Zine issue 78


    MORBID WRITES (Estonia) Zine issue 2: Filthdigger, Chaotian, Carnal tombd, Repulsive vision, Aseptic, Bone marrow, Ahorrent funeral, Wretched fate... + Reviews. Death metal zine.
    34 pages. A5. In english. 2019

    MORBID WRITES (Estonia) Zine issue 1: Outre tombe, Evoker, Deceitome, Repression, Foul, Skullsmasher, Occult blood, Igor mortis... + Reviews. Death metal zine.
    28 pages. A5. In english. 2019.

    TOUGH RIFFS (Fra) zine issue 8: Bolt thrower, Massacra, Goreaphobia, Demigod, Confessor, General surgery, Nirvana 2002, Cynic, Gorefest, Korpse, Opprobium... + Reviews.
    60 pages. A4. In english.

    WIDMO (Poland) Zine issue 5: Ancient rites, Clandestine blaze, Grand belial's key, Primordial, Evilfeast, Darker than black recs, Dreadful relic, Stworz...
    32 pages. A4. In english. 2018.

    WIDMO (Poland) Zine issue 4: Darkthrone, Stabat mater, Northern heritage, Arkona, Seges findere, Khors, Skyforger, Dark fury, The wolves of avalon, Kalot embolot, Bialy vitez, Necroscope, Fjord, Flame of war, Forefather, Duszewypusch, Woods of fallen...
    44 pages. A4. In english.

    CRUSH THE CROSS (Brazil) Zine issue 12: Gravewards, Demonic hate, Demonized legion, Psicorragia, Forgotten path zine, Witchcraft/ Old crucifix... + Reviews.
    34 pages. A4. In english. 2017

    CORROSIVE ALTARS (Usa) Zine issue 5: Embrace of thorns, Nocturnal damnation, Savage deity, Expulsed angel, Sex messiah... + Reviews.
    40 pages. A5. In english. 2018

    MANIC MOSH METAL (Uk) Magazine issue 1: Whipstriker, Savage master, Chastain, Chalice, Demons bell, Power from hell, Assassin (Usa), Witch slayer, Hellripper ... Short interviews + reviews. Old school thrash/ heavy zine.
    28 pages. A4. In english.

    ON PAROLE (Usa) Zine issue 1: Brats, Ashbury, Blond fury, Vigilance, Iron lamb, Spell, OCcult burial, Flight, Whipstroker, Nightmare city, Luzifer, Damascus... + Reviews. Old school metal zine: Heavy, thrash...
    76 pages. A5. In english.

    LA MINE (Fra) Zine issue 78: Fanzine rock indé gratuit: Articles, dessins, jeux. Celebration days festival, Musique en omois, Béquée fest, No one is innocent, Rock'n festival #8, Zickenstock 2019...
    24 pages. A5. In french. 2019.


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    DEAD SOUL ALLIANCE (Can) Slaves to the apocalypse Demo tape. Death metal (Sounds kinda like old Vader, early Sinister, old Brutality...)

    DEATHMARCH (Hol) Dismember Demo tape. Swedish styled old school death (Members of Pleurisy, Funeral whore, Bodyfarm)

    DÖ (Fin) Astral death cult Tape. Stoner doom/ Sludge

    KUSENPOLTTAMARUUMIS (Fin) Kusenpolttamaruumis Demo tape. Old black metal/ Crust. Sounds like iold Darkthrone with dbeat influences.

    PARIAHDOM (Fra) Squalor & degradation Demo tape. Old school death with punk crust touches, sounds like old Dismember/ Carnage.

    VIGILANCE (Slovenia) Hounds of megiddo Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Speed with black touches.

    WxTxZ (Rus)/ TROPICAL YOUTH (Hungary) Split tape. Old school punk hardcore.



    NO SALVATION {Pol) Among the mistakes of god MCD. Cardboard sleeve. Death metal in the polish way (Second hand)

    DEADSPEAK (Ireland) Ritual in progress MCD. Cardboard sleeve Death metal à la old Deicide (Second hand)

    ATROFIA CEREBRAL (Peru) Estirpe inmuda CD. Noisecore/ Grind

    CANNABINOID HYPEREMESIS SYNDROME/ BURPMASTER REFLUX/ GONORREAH FACE Split CDr. Harsh noisecore/ Gore cybergrind/ Old school noisecore

    CRYOSHOCK (Swe) Cryoshock Promo MCD. Death/ Thrash/ Power

    QUEMOS (Peru) Promo tape. Doom/ Drone/ Death doom



    MORBID WRITES (Estonia) Zine issue 2: Filthdigger, Chaotian, Carnal tombd, Repulsive vision, Aseptic, Bone marrow, Ahorrent funeral, Wretched fate... + Reviews. Death metal zine.

    MORBID WRITES (Estonia) Zine issue 1: Outre tombe, Evoker, Deceitome, Repression, Foul, Skullsmasher, Occult blood, Igor mortis... + Reviews. Death metal zine.

    TOUGH RIFFS (Fra) zine issue 8: Bolt thrower, Massacra, Goreaphobia, Demigod, Confessor, General surgery, Nirvana 2002, Cynic, Gorefest, Korpse, Opprobium... + Reviews.

    WIDMO (Poland) Zine issue 5: Ancient rites, Clandestine blaze, Grand belial's key, Primordial, Evilfeast, Darker than black recs, Dreadful relic, Stworz...

    WIDMO (Poland) Zine issue 4: Darkthrone, Stabat mater, Northern heritage, Arkona, Seges findere, Khors, Skyforger, Dark fury, The wolves of avalon, Kalot embolot, Bialy vitez, Necroscope, Fjord, Flame of war, Forefather, Duszewypusch, Woods of fallen...

    CRUSH THE CROSS (Brazil) Zine issue 12: Gravewards, Demonic hate, Demonized legion, Psicorragia, Forgotten path zine, Witchcraft/ Old crucifix... + Reviews.

    CORROSIVE ALTARS (Usa) Zine issue 5: Embrace of thorns, Nocturnal damnation, Savage deity, Expulsed angel, Sex messiah... + Reviews.

    MANIC MOSH METAL (Uk) Magazine issue 1: Whipstriker, Savage master, Chastain, Chalice, Demons bell, Power from hell, Assassin (Usa), Witch slayer, Hellripper ... Short interviews + reviews. Old school thrash/ heavy zine.

    ON PAROLE (Usa) Zine issue 1: Brats, Ashbury, Blond fury, Vigilance, Iron lamb, Spell, OCcult burial, Flight, Whipstroker, Nightmare city, Luzifer, Damascus... + Reviews. Old school metal zine: Heavy, thrash...

    LA MINE (Fra) Zine issue 78: Fanzine rock indé gratuit: Articles, dessins, jeux. Celebration days festival, Musique en omois, Béquée fest, No one is innocent, Rock'n festival #8, Zickenstock 2019...

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    DEPLETED (Usa) Conjurations of void Demo tape. Death doom with funeral and noise influences.

    GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Ectoplasmic revelations Demo Tape. Old school industrial/ Death metal

    GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Ectoplasmic revelations Demo CDr. Old school industrial/ Death metal

    HUMAN HOST BODY (Slovenia) Orkan Demo tape. Crust/ Death grind with sludge and black metal touches.

    MALTHEIST (Usa) Servile Demo tape. Old school death grind with obscure death influences.

    FORNACE (Ita) Deep melancholic wrath CD. Black metal (Members of Eroded, End)

    MADNES (Rus) Die with your beer on MCD. Quite old styled thrash metal.

    UNSALVATION (Fin) Swansong of zion CD. Obscure death/ Bestial black death

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    COPROPHILIA (Fin) Demo '91/ 4 track demo '92. Tape (Rerelease). Old school gory death/ grind, sounds like early Carcass, Crematory (Swe)...

    GOATROACH (Fin) Demo'19 Tape. Doom sludge with black metal influences.

    PUTRID EVOCATION (Chile) Blackness enshroud MCD. Old school necro/ Morbid death metal

    RECLUSE (Uk) Olde gloom Demo tape. Old school doom

    SCHIZOPARANOIC PLATOON (Gre) Warfare: Mass annihilation MCD. Bestial death black/ War metal

    SUBLIMINAL NOISE (Chile) The extrasensory perception Demo tape. Old school underground death grind in early 90's style, with black death touches. (Member of Venus torment, Ripper...)

    UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN (Chile) Sign the book of death CD. Digipack. Obscure death metal



    -EYE GOUGER - Poster
    -KATHGOR - Poster
    -ITALIAN THRASH ATTACK - Mini sticker
    -DAWNING SEPTIC Records - Sticker
    -MORBID WRITES Zine - Mini sticker
    -ANTINOMIE Productions - Sticker


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABIGAIL (Jap) The final damnation Tape. Old school black/ thrash with heavy metal touches.

    AMELUS (Australia) Amelus Demo tape. Death metal, fast and raw.

    BEASTIALITY (Swe) Ancient bell chimes Demo tape. Black thrash. Peruvian import (Members of Morbid insulter, Putrid...)

    KILLING (Denmark) Raise your anger Demo tape. Thrash metal with powerful sound, reminds of mid old Exodus,mid old Slayer, early Grip inc.

    MALICIOUS (Fin) Black Fumes Demo tape. Old school death. Peruvian import

    NEXWOMB (Usa) Exegesis of nihility Tape. Obscure death black with quite cavernous vocals

    WULFAZ (Denmark) Eriks kumbl Demo tape. Black metal influenced by the old 90's style

    SARGATANAS (Mex) The enlightment CD. Old school black/ death metal

    KABBAL (Fra) Synthetically revived CD. Death metal/ Old school brutal death, influenced by old Morbid Angel, early suffocation...

    DEVIANT (Swe) Larvaeon CD. Death metal/ Brutal death

    SANATORIUM (Slovakia) Celebration of exhumation CD. Brutal death/ Death metal

    CADAVERIC CREMATORIUM (Ita) Serial grinder CD. Death metal/ Brutal death

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    DEATHFUCKER (Ita) Devil's fist Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Old death metal

    DEPRIVE (Spa) Deprive Tape. Contains two demo. Death metal/ Obscure death

    EVIL MADNESS (Chile) Hidden behind the cross Demo tape. Old school thrash. (Members of Dekapited, Invincible force...)

    EXCRUCIATION (Swi) [C]rust Tape. Death doom, slower metal, with a touch of mid old Paradise lost (Shades/ Icon)

    EXTINKT (Pol) Postnuclear trip to nowhere Tape. Thrash metal with quite good sound, and some death metal influences.

    GUERRA TOTAL (Col)/ VULCAN TYRANT (Hol) Split MCD. Old school speed black/ for both.

    ILDSTORM (Denmark) Midnight rehearsals Demo rape. Fast black metal the old way.

    HINTERKAIFECK (Australia) Live promo tape. Raw underground black metal

    MASSIVE ASSAULT (Hol) Conflict MCD. Swedish styled death metal

    1917 (Argentina) Testimonial CD. Old school death with big sound, influenced by old european and old american death and black.

    RAVENCULT (Gre) Despite the blindfold Demo CDr. Black metal (Member of Burial hordes)

    SHE SAID DESTROY (Nor) Demo 2003 CDr. Technical death/ black with a death grind touch. (Members of Extol)

    MUCOPUS (Usa) Undimensional CD. Brutal death (Members of Wasteform, Internal bleeding, Origin...)



    More free/ bonus and cheaper CDs have been added to the webshop.
    Check out the LOW PRICES category! It’s already big and full of stuffs!

    I also created a “Cheaper postage” category, were all the CDs are lightweight (Digisleeve, Cardboard, simple CDr)
    and I can send two of these for the postage of one regular plastic case CD!
    Postage is 2,80 Euros (Europe/ World) or 1,94 euros (France) for two CDs!
    Check it:

    NIHILISTIC Distro, fighting against the increase of postage costs!

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    AGGRESSIVE MUTILATOR (Swe) Det djävlanästet CD. Old school black/ thrash

    EVANGELION (Swi) Sacro macello MCD. Digipack. Black metal

    GUTTERSKULL (Croatia) Crawling in disgust Demo Tape. Black metal/ Crust

    HOSTILE FAITH (Chile) Mortal signs... To death Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Death metal

    KARAKONDZULA (Serbia) Beer metal Demo tape. Blackened thrash metal

    MENESTREL (Fra) Lointaine idylle Tape. Dungeon synth/ Ambient

    NADIMAC (Serbia) Besnilo Tape. Old school thrash

    RAGEHAMMER (Pol) War hawks MCD. Black thrash

    SCHWERMUT (Ger) Schwermut MCD. Digipack. Black metal, quite melancholic and grim.



    ERIS (Serbia)/ CHIKARA (Bosnia)/ DISHATE (Serbia) Split CDr. Raw black metal/ Raw punk hardcore/ Death grind

    ZARAGH BAAL THARAGH (Fra)/ ERIS (Serbia)/ GROB (Croatia) Split CDr. Lofi underground black metal/ Raw underground black metal/ Black thrash

    ZIMOROG (Croatia) Hate kills, use it well Demo tape. Black metal.

    MALÄD (Ukraine) Demo 2014. Tape. Raw grindcore with sludge parts

    NEKROHOLOCAUST (Philippines) Prelude to extermination Tape. Underground brutal death

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BONE AWL (Usa) The longuest road Demo tape. Black metal with old school roots

    EREKTION (Fra) Restless copulation Tape. Obscure brutal death/ Satanic death

    EXCORIATE (Chile) In the darkest anguish Demo tape. Old school death/ Death doom

    HELL KONFESSOR (Bra) Hell konfessor Demo tape. Fast black metal in the 90's style.

    MORBID TENDENCY (Israel) Bleeding demos. Tape. Death metal (Members of Sonne adam, Abosranie Bogom...)

    AGONIJA (Lithuania) Neapykantos ratu CD. Old school death in the 90's style, with influences of Morgoth (Cursed)

    BLOOD POLLUTION (Russia) Cave aliens CD. Old school thrash/ Speed/ Hard rock'n roll

    EXTINCTION REMAINS (Bra) Smog CD. Obscure and old school death/ doom.

    INVOCATION SPELLS (Chile) Unholy blasphemies CD. Black thrash (Members of Dekaptied, Unjustice)

    TERATOGENY (Mex) Mundo famélico CD. Digipack. Grindcore/ Death grind/ Fast punk hardcore. (Member of Genocide)

    TORN APART (Russia) Possessed by death CD. Old school necro death metal


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BLACKRAT (Can) Demo MMXVII Tape. Old school thrash/ Black thrash

    HADEZ (Peru) Doomsday: The death rides Tape. Old school death

    HATECRIME (Russia) Music about death CD. Black/ Death

    OCCISOR (Chile) Demo 2012 + Rehearsal 2014 Tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    SILURE (Fra) Route de troche Demo CD. Cardboard sleeve. Darkened death/ Black death

    THRONEUM (Pol)/ PAZUZU (Costa rica) "In the crypt of the hakeldamach feld" Split tape. Death black/ Old school death

    TIRAN (Russia) No gods, no masters MCD. Cardboard sleeve. Old school thrash

    TUNJUM (Peru) Deidades del inframundo CD. Old school/ Obscure death

    ALIOTH (Usa) Channeling unclean spirits Demo tape. Death metal (Member of Nachtmystium, Superchrist)


    -Webzine: https://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr
    -Bandcamp: https://nihilisticholocaustrecs.bandcamp.com
    -Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFXFj_OC89x083VWiuoVSQ
  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    *** Pour les français: Je peux à nouveau faire des envois en colissimo!

    AURA MORTIS (Serbia) Proclamation of the sardonic flame Demo tape. Black metal

    BACK ALLEY LOBOTOMY (Por) Crack in lapa Demo tape. Underground grindcore/ Death grind

    BLACK AUTUMN (Ger) End Demo tape. Doom/ Black doom

    BLODHEMN (Nor) Brenn alle bruer Demo tape. Black metal

    CRUST (Russia) Animals of the concrete forest MCD. Sludge doom/ Death doom

    EMPHERIS (Pol) WISHMASTER (Pol) "Heavy metal inquisition" Split CD. Black thrash/ Heavy black (Contains Venom, Hellhammer and Bewitched covers)

    GOATROACH (Fin) Demo'19 Tape. Doom sludge with black metal influences.

    LAMENTATION (Usa) Lamentation Demo tape. Death metal/ Grindcore the obscure way (Member of Church of disgust, Malignant Altar)

    MEAT TRAIN (Uk) Random acts of carnage CD. Digipack. Death grind/ Brutal death

    SEPULCHRAL WHORE (Bra) Everlasting morbid delights Demo tape. Old school death.

    TEARS OF A FORGOTTEN LIFE (Ita) I fade in oblivion Demo tape. Depressive black metal

    TO KILL (Chile) Sick minds to macabre CD. Old brutal death/ Death metal (See old Cannibal corpse)

    Fanzine: DEVILMENT (Uk) #8: Altar of oblivion, Witchsmeller pursuivant, Destructor, Confessor AD, Jack the ripper, Chained lace... + Reviews, articles. 60 pages. A5. In english. 2019

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABAZAGORATH (Usa)/ BLOODSTORM (Usa) Ancient entities arise split CD. Quite epic Black metal/ Black metal with touches of thrash and death. (Ex member of Funebrarum)

    CROWN OV HORNS (Malaysia) Infernvs dominatvs Tape. Old school hateful death metal, not unlike old Morbid angel, very early Hate eternal (but more old school)...

    CROWN OV HORNS (Malaysia)/ SOUL DEVOUR (Singapore) Split tape. Death metal

    EMIT (Uk) Emit Demo tape. Dark ambient/ Black metal/ Black noise (Tape released on Exitium recs)

    EXHALATION (Pol) Whorecaust Tape. Death metal, sounds like polish death and old Morbid angel.

    IMPURATION (Turkey) Sanctities we raped MCD. Black/ Thrash/ Death (Members of Godslaying Hellblast, Sarinvomit, Deggial)

    GRAVEYARD (Spa) One with the dead Tape. Old school death, influenced by the old swedish style.

    INFEST (Serbia) Onward to destroy Tape. Old school death/ thrash

    SORGELIG (Gre) Forever lost Demo tape. Black metal (Member of Dodsferd)

    HEADBRAIN BLOCKADE (Rus) Возня в агонии CD. Grindcore/ Death grind

    SZYNHOD GLAUKHOM (Fra) "I" Demo tape. Dark ambient/ Industrial/ Noise


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    AGATHOCLES (Bel)/ DRENAGEM (Por) Split tape. Grindcore

    ANTIKULT (Ita) And then came the plague Demo tape. Grindcore/ Death grind

    CATACUMBA (Bra) Kratos Tape. Black metal

    DEGGIAL (Turkey) Confronted with deggial's wrath MCD. Black metal. (Members of Burial invocation, Engulfed...)

    HADEZ (Peru)/ GOD'S FUNERAL (Spa) Bicefalo culto ancestral Split tape. Old school death/ Death doom

    LIFELESS GAZE (Pol) The pain rises within flesh Tape. Funeral doom/ Black/ Drone

    MASSIVE OBLITERATION (Fra) Massive obliteration Demo tape. Old school grind

    OBSECRATION (Gre) Into the bloodemonium CD. Death metal, between the old school style and early brutal death influences..

    OBSECRATION (Gre) The art of butchery CD. Death metal, between the old school style and early brutal death influences.

    ORTHODOXY (Spa) Shaarimoth MCD. Death black/ Obscure death (Member of Domain, Devotion...)

    PATHETIC (Can) Rat king Tape. Death metal, between the darkened and more bestial/ brutal genre (Member of Witches hammer)

    RANCOROUS (Usa) Into the nuclear fire Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    RANCOROUS (Usa) Stealth dominion Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    STHENO (Gre) Damnation is forever MCD/ Pro CDr. Grindcore/ Deathgrind/ Crust (Members of Atavism)

    VENUS TORMENT (Chile) Espiral infinito Demo tape. Old school thrash/ death (Member of Ripper)

    EMPHERIS (Pol)/ CRYPTIC RITES (Pol) Netherworld emissions Split CD. Black thrash/ Old school death thrash

    CEREMONIAL WORSHIP (Gre) Esoteron MCD. Fast black metal



    CORROSIVE ALTARS (Usa) issue 4: Beast petrify, Shambles, Unholy archangel, Hellish propaganda zine, Slaugtherhouse recs... + Reviews, live reports...
    40 pages. A5. In english. 2017.

    SCREAMS FROM THE GRAVE (Fra)/ ACID VICIOUS (Fra) Split zine: Skelethal, Disabled, Atavisma, Shud, Mortal scepter, Kaabalh, Ascended dead...
    32 pages. A5. In english. 2020

    ACID VICIOUS Zine (Fra) issue 15: Gorgon, Croc noir, Furfur, Zbt, Dyslocker, Atrystos, Archenterum, Gevaudau, Voorhees, Die entweihung, Deos, Le core et l'esprit.
    36 pages. A5. In english. 2020.

    ACID VICIOUS Zine (Fra) issue 14: Mortuary, Iron flesh, Infamy, Windhelm, Choisir le pire, Aube, Litanie, Piarevaracien, Inzest, Kaos obscure art,Music records, Les Kroutes...
    36 pages. A5. In english. 2019.


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    COFFIN ROT (Usa) A monument to the dead Tape. Old school death

    DEATH POWER (Fra) Vivisection Demos 1987 CD. Old school thrash (Rerelease of old demos)

    DEHYDRATED (Slovakia) And death shall have no dominion MCD. Death metal/ Old brutal death

    HATS BARN (Fra) Voices of the ultimate possession Tape. Black metal (Member of Lord ketil, Antilife)

    HELL FURY (Ecuador) Enemy of the virtue (Blaspheme and crush the cross) Demo tape. Raw black metal

    HELL TORMENT (Peru) Cursed nazarene MCD. Bestial black death

    KORPSESOTURI (Fin) Malus corpus Tape. Death metal, the old raw, obscure and brutal way.

    MASSIVE POWER (Chile) Breaking your head Demo tape. Old school thrash

    MORBID ILLUSION (Sweden) In the crypt of the stifled CD. Death metal with evil brutal death influences (Reminds me old old Insision, Deviant, Morbid angel)

    PAZUZU (Costa rica)/ MORBID PERVERSION (Bra) Split tape. Old school death, doom/ Old school death

    TERATOMA (Spa) In the inside... Reborn the flesh MCD. Death metal, old brutal death (Reminds me of old Deranged, Cannibal corpse & old Illdisposed)

    DEVIL (Bra) Legion Tape. Fast black metal (Reminds me of old Marduk, Allegiance...)

    ARCHENTERUM (Fra) ...ainsi fut Abîme CD. Death/ Black

    VORACIOUS SCOURGE (Usa) Our demise MCD. Old brutal death meets Death metal (Members of suture, Despondency, Suffocation...)

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    The disto was updated with LOW PRICES and 2ND HAND stuffs:

    ESM (Cze) nESMysl Pro CDr. Jazz/ Noise/ Experimental

    INFAMY (Fra) A World on its end CD. Black metal/ Black thrash

    MIND RIPPER (Fra) Kahos Humana CD. Black death. Members of Decent, Cortege funebre.

    MINOY (Usa) – Sum Sum Soo Tape. Experimental/ Ambient/ Spoken word

    NECROFAGO (Bra) Brutal mutilation CD. 2nd hand. Old black death.
    (Compilation of old demos from 87-88).
    2nd hand CD: There are little scars under the disk, but plays fine.

    NIGHTLY GALE (Pol) Illusion of evil CD. Doom/ Experimental/ Blackened doom

    NOCTURNAL FEAR (Usa) For of war CD. 2nd hand. Old school thrash.
    2nd hand CD: The booklet is a bit folded, the CD in perfect condition

    PERDISIAN (Uk) Minds of the weak MCD. Melodic death

    PESTICIDES (Ger) Emptiness Demo CD. Death metal/ Brutal death

    TIER INSTINCT (Usa) In through this devour CD. Cardboard sleeve.
    Dark ambient/ Industrial/ Obscure

    VOMITOS Y REFLUJOS (Chile)/ ROTTEN RECTUM (Serbia) Split tape. Gory death grind/ Grindcore

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BLACK INVOCATION (Bra) Chaos - Triumph - A new beginning Tape. Black metal in the 90's style.

    COAGULATE (Usa) The art of cryptosis Demo tape. Death metal influenced by old finnish sounds and obscure death.

    GILGAXAR (Indonesia) Aberration intentional Demo tape. Death metal/ Early brutal death

    HELLFIRE (China) The seven gates in hell MCD. Old school thrash.

    MASS BURIAL (Spa) Breeding plagues CD. Death metal influenced by old swedish sounds.

    NUCLEAR DEVASTATION (Hol) Take this torch Demo tape. Old school thrash/ speed with punk influences.

    PHOBOPHILIC (Usa) Undimensioned identities MCD. Old school death with an obscure side.

    PUTREFACTOR (Fra) Rehearsal '91 Tape. Old death metal/ thrash. Rerelease of an old recording. (Underground sound)

    THE NEGATION (Fra) Paths of obedience Tape. Fast black metal

    BLAST BITCH (Argentina) Sociedad manipulada MCD. Death metal/ Old death grind. (A bit like early Bloodduster without the groove parts).

    XIPE TOTEC (Mex) Miquian CD. Death metal/ Old brutal death. Not unlike old Nile or some Morbid angel. (Members of Foeticide, Pyphomgertum)

    Fanzine: DEADLY ILLNESS zine (Hungary) issue 6: Abhorrent funeral, Disharmonic orchestra, Burnt decay, Sedation therapy, Mirage, Fatamorgana, Boris Groh, Wmn, Taser/ Usko, Deer creek/ Game two recs, Dexen, gigatron 2000, Gawthrop, Raymond St Jean (Film director of an HP Lovecraft movie)... Fanzine about death metal, doom sludge, punk hardcore etc
    46 pages. A4. In english. 2020

    *** SHIPPING: The french postal service is almost back to normal. The last weeks I sucessfully sent packages to european countries, including Germany, Uk, Belgium, Norway, Greece, etc. So shipping to Europe shouldn't be a problem, unless your country is extremely locked.

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BLETSIAN (Australia) He who hates Demo tape. Raw black death/ War metal

    BOLOTO (Rus) Культ маски Tape. Raw black metal, not unlike early Impiety

    CRUCIFIRE (Australia) NOCTURNAL VOMIT (Gre) Split tape. Death black/ Black death

    END OF MANKIND (Fra) Faciem Diaboli Tape album. Black metal. (Members of Antaeus, Eternal majesty,..)

    IMMOLATED (Bra) Pleasure of death Demo tape. Satanic brutal death

    THE OCCULT (Russia) Necropolis Tape album. Death metal with swedish influence (Members of Gosudar)

    TRAUMA (Pol) Invisible reality + promo 1991 CD. Old school death (Rerelease of old demos from 91 and 93)

    SAD (Gre)/ DOMOS (Colombia) Guided by the chants from the other side Split CD. Black metal
    (Memeber of Slaughtered Priest, Necrochakal, Obsecration...)

    BEYOND LIFE (Pol) Everything dies Demo tape. Dark ambient/ Black metal/ Drone

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    CONTEMPTOR (Russia) Devil of the crossroads Demo tape. Obscure black death.

    HEFESTO (Uruguay) Morborus Demo tape. Black thrash, a bit like early Aura noir.

    NIHILATOR (Ger) Satanic redneck snufffilm sect Demo tape. Raw black metal/ Old punk hardcore

    PYRECULT (Fra) Sought to overthrow Demo tape. Fast black metal/ Fast Hc punk

    RAPTVRE (Ger) Monuments of bitterness CD. Digipack. Black/ death

    SILURE (Fra)/ FERETRO (Chile) Split tape. Old school death

    VIVISECT (Usa) Fuming death Demo tape. Old school death

    ABSOLUTUM (Ger) II Demo tape. Fast black metal in the 90's frozen way.

    OFF (?) Despair MCD/ Pro CDr. Dark ambient.

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BETHOR (Serbia) nataS liaH Tape. Fast black metal

    CANNIBAL RITES (Usa)/ RESTOS HUMANOS (Ita) Split CDr. Old school putrid death/ Old death grind

    FORSAKEN GRIEF (Swe) Death metal '91 '92 Tape. Old school death. Rerelease of old demo.

    HELLRIPPER (Uk) The manifestation of evil Demo tape. Old school Black thrash/ Speed (Not unlike early Bathory)

    PANPHOBIA (Fra) Fear of death Demo tape. Death metal influenced by the old swedish sounds like early Dismember.

    TEMPLE OV PERVERSION (Swi) Temple ov perversion Demo tape. Black metal

    TERRE (Bel)/ SLAVESTATE (Bel) Split tape. Doom death sludge/ Sludge doom

    TRIUMPHANT (Austria) Wraith amongst the living Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black death influenced by the 90's. .

    TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR ALPHA (Can) For the sake of reproducibility - A technical replicate Demo CDr. Death metal/ Grindcore, influenced by old Carcass, Impaled, mid old Exhumed.

    FILTHCULT (Fra) Filthcult MCD. Crust punk / Black metal/ Sludge the noisy way.

    PRIPJAT (Ger)/ HELL:ON (Ukraine) A glimpse beyond Split CD. Digipack. Thrash metal/ Death thrash with more modern influences.

    MURDER INTENTIONS (Bel) Excessive display of human nature CD. Death grind/ Brutal death grind



    -PHERETRUM - Sticker
    -CONCEIVED BY HATE - Sticker
    -EXTREME RESURRECTION Records - Sticker
    -DUST AND BONES Records - Sticker
    -MORBID SKULL Records - Sticker

  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ANATOMIA (Jap) Dissected humanity CD. Old school death/ Death doom, influenced by old Autopsy. (Reissue of the first album)

    EREKTION (Fra) Restless copulation Tape. Obscure brutal death/ Satanic death

    EXAUGURATE (Usa) Chasm of rapturous delirium Demo tape. Fast obscure death, not unlike old Dead congregation, Grave miasma, Fleshtized... (Members of Grave Ritual, Ectovoid, Cemetery filth)

    GOATBLOOD (Ger) Sadistic body rites Demo tape. Primitive black.death

    GRIMOIRE DE OCCULTE (Ger) Wisdom of the dead Tape. Death doom

    MANGLER (Rus) Are you ready for something like that? Demo tape. Death metal/ Old brutal death. (Demo from 1998)

    MORTIFEROTH (Usa) Secret secrecy Demo tape. Old school death

    MYSTAGOS (Spa) Ho anthropos tes anomias Tape. Black metal

    REINCARNATED (Thailand) The alpha echo Demo tape. Obscure death doom

    GROTTO (Bel) Circle of magi CD. Digipack. Prog rock/ Stoner/ Doom

    YAKISOBA (Ita) Mandatory amputation Demo CDr. Gore grindcore/ Goregrind

    AGATHOCLES (Bel) Commence to mind Tape. Grindcore


    -ANATOMIA - Sticker black
    -ANATOMIA - Sticker green
    -MORTIFEROTH - Sticker green
    -MORTIFEROTH - Sticker green silver
    -MORTIFEROTH - Badge


  • gabalgabow over 5 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ANATOMIA (Jap) Decomposing cadavers CD. Old school death/ Death doom (Compilation of demos and 7 Eps/ Mexican import)

    DEATHSLAUGHTER (Bra) Resurrection of an an tediluvian demon Demo tape. Black thrash speed

    DEHA (Bel) Blasphemes Demo tape. Obscure black death

    DEKONSTRUKTOR (Rus) No way back Tape. Old school doom/ sludge, with "dark" psychedelic and black doom influences.

    OBJECTOR (Bel) Social intolerance Tape. Thrash metal, Sounds like mid old Kreator.

    OMGEVING (Netherlands) Wijde wijdte Tape. Black doom/ Post black

    SEBUM EXCESS PRODUCTION (Bra) Hail To Sebaceous Cyst! Demo CDr. Goregrind/ Gore death grind.

    TARRE (Netherlands) Unheil fan 'e klaai CD. Doom metal/ Death doom. Sounds like traditional doom with an heavier more deathmetallic production.

    THE CRAWLING CHAOS (Russia) Стерилизация преданных слуг Demo tape. Dark black/ doom/ sludge with strange experimental influences and a saxophone.

    UNSPEAKABLE (Usa) Expulsion of the triumphant beast Demo tape. Obscure black death meets black thrash. ( Member of Negative Plane, Occultation, Terra Caput Mundi...)

    JHEIT (Spa) Omega rising MCD Black metal/ Blackened death. Sounds a bit like old Mayhem


    -BLOODSOAKED Recs - Patch
    -MORTIFEROTH - Patch
    -IGOR MORTIS - Patch
    -SUFFER THE PAIN - Patch
    -HAIL SHITAR Recs - Badge
    -LUCIFIER Zine - Badge


    NIHILISTIC clandestine newsletter!
    I’m running out of flyers and stuffs to distribute in packages,
    So I made a free newsletter: It contains reviews of CRYPT DAGGER, SILURE, SWARN, TERRORHAMMER and an interview of WARNING FOG.
    One A4 page folded two times. 50 copies. See you in the packages!

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    APOCRYPHETIC (Usa) Through cruelty is our ascension to paradise Demo tape. Fast evil death metal, not unlike early Deicide, old Malevolent creation...

    DERANGED (Chile) Through the dark past CD. Old school thrash (Collection of all demos, Eps...)

    GODLESS TYRANT (Usa) Immunosupremacy Demo tape. Black death, quite obscure.

    GOD'S FUNERAL (Spa) El cristo de las trincheras MCD. Doom/ Death doom

    HERPES (Fra) Doomsday Demo CDr. Old school death à la Autopsy, with touches of Death breath, early Death... Few copies back in stock.

    IGNOMINIA (Chile) Ars moriendi MCD. Death metal/ Old school death (Members of Pulverized)

    MALIGNANT ASCETICISM (Chile) Veneno Espiritual Demo tape. Black metal/ Black death (Member of Atomicide, Necropsia, Macrofago...)

    MAZE OF TERROR (Peru) Ready to kill Tape. Old school thrash.

    NECROBLASPHEMY (Germany) Demo tape. Hateful death metal

    NOCTURNAL VOMIT (Gre) Cursed relics CD. Old school death, black death.

    PILORI (Fra) A nos morts. CD. Digipack. Blackened hardcore/ Death grind

    STENCH OF EVIL (Usa) Triumph of perversion Tape. Filthy death metal/ Death black/ Punk. (Member of Encoffination, Father befouled)

    VREDENSDAL (Usa) The tyrant shade Tape. Black metal

    BRUTE (Slovakia) Henchmen CD. Old brutal death with death metal touches.

    GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Ogre Demo CD/ Pro CDr. Industrial/ Extreme metal/ Cyber grind/ Dark electro

    INTESTINAL DISGORGE (Usa) Lurking in the void between dreams Demo CDr. Brutal death/ Cyber grind/ Noisecore.

    HEAVING EARTH (Cze) Vision of the vultures Demo CDr. Satanic death/ Brutal death. 2 copies back in stock.


    Free stickers!
    -FHED - Sticker
    -MOURMANSK 150 - Sticker
    -FLEXX BRONCO - Sticker
    -EXXON WALTZ - Sticker
    -BLODHEMN - Sticker
    -KNEKELPUT Recs - Sticker
    -ROTTED LIFE Recs - Sticker
    -FATAL UNDERGROUND Zine - Sticker
    -CRYPTIC BROOD - Sticker


  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ETERNAL EVIL (Swe) Rise of death Demo tape. Old school black thrash, not unlike early Bathory.

    HORRIFYING (Chile) Altered states fermentation Demo tape. Old school death/ Blackened death. (Members of Excoriate, Demonic rage, Butamacho...)

    IMPURATION (Turkey) Sanctities we raped Tape. Black/ Thrash/ Death (Members of Godslaying Hellblast, Sarinvomit, Deggial)

    VIÖLENCE (Australia) MotörDemon MCD. Black speed/ Black'n roll, sounds like old Venom, a bit of Motorhead and old Bathory.

    ANTIFLESH (Gre) With knowledge and 1000 needles Demo tape. Black metal (Member of Slaughtered Priest, Necrochakal)



    Necrot, Burial, Desecration, Celestial sanctuary, Outslaughter + reviews, articles...
    36 pages. A5. In english. 2020

    LUCIFIER Zine (Fra) Issue 10
    Disillusion, Gang, Mistreated... + Chroniques, dessins... Fanzines heavy old school.
    32 pages. A5. In french. 2020.

    ACID VICIOUS Zine/ LUC MERTZ/ Hors serie 2.
    Dessins humoristiques, dans l'esprit des vieux zines de BD ou du magazine Psychopath.
    24 pages. A5. In french. 2020

    ABYSMAL SCULPTURS Zine (Singapore) Issue 10
    Mortuary ancestor, Acid knight, Mass hypnosia, Penguasa anjing, Putrefied remains,
    Moloch, Balmog, Haiduk, Malevolentia, Past the fall, Metal gunz, Balberith, Ravage records... + Reviews, live reports...
    44 pages. A4. In english. 2014.

    2ND HAND Zines/ Fanzines d'occasion:

    INTO THE CATACOMB Newsletter issue 1
    Imperator, Terrorama, Morbid insulter... + reviews.
    6 pages. A4. In english. 2010

    PROVOKATÖR Zine (Hungary) Issue 3
    Art/ collage/ Propaganda zine. By the editor of Posthuman zine.
    28 pages. A5. No texts. 2011.

    METAL HAMMER Greece / Issue 263/ November 2006.
    The haunted, Hammerfall, Manowar, Wolf, Hammers of misfortune, God dethroned, Anaal nathrakh, Swedish metal special; Borknagar, Ahab, Belphegor, I, Coldworker, Ufo, Skid row, Disillusion, The answer... + reviews.
    146 pages. A4. In greek. 2006

    LA MINE Zine (Fra) Issue 35
    La mordue, Emonsters Hifi, Mix up festival, Radio campus amiens, Label brune record... + chroniques. Fanzine rock/ pop picard.
    24 pages. A5. In french. 2012.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ATAVISMA (Fra)/ VOID ROT (Usa) Split CD. Obscure death/ Doom

    CLAIRVOYANCE (Pol) Demo tape. Old school death/ Obscure death

    DECONSECRATION (Usa) Demo tape. Old school death/ Death doom

    DESTRUKT (Fra) Wicked night killers MCD. Digipack. Old school speed/ thrash with some 80's heavy metal. Sometimes sounds like early Destruction.

    FERUM (Ita) Vergence MCD. Old school death/ doom (Members of Undead Creep, Saturnine)

    LIGAEDER (Denmark) Den tomme menneskehed Tape. Death metal with crust influences, sounds close to old swedeath.

    MALIGNANT (Usa) Purity through putrefaction Demo tape. Old school death.

    RITUAL MASS (Usa) Abhorred in the eyes of god Demo tape. Obscure death

    VITRIOL (Usa) Pain will define their death MCD. Brutallizing darkened death

    TRASHNASTY (Fra) In livid duality MCD. Death metal/ Old brutal death (Demo from 2003, members of Ossuaire, Oldskull)

    INSANE ORDER (Fra)/ GUMMO (Fra) Split CD. Digipack. Grindcore deathgrind/ Grindcore with big sound.

    INSANE ORDER (Fra) Love, tenderness and a whole lot more about human behaviour CD. Grindcore/ Death grind à la Napalm Death

    Webshop: New category/ Countries.

    I have created a new category where you can browse releases by “countries”:

    This is especially good for peoples who collect releases from South America or Asia for example…
    Go in the “COUNTRIES” menu, and choose on the left sub menu.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BLACK VORTEX (Chile) Vision of chaos CD (MCD + bonus tracks). Black death. (Members of The tallen, Unaussprechlichen Kulten)

    BLOOD OF KINGU (Ukraine) De occulta philosophia Demo tape. Dark black metal (Members of Drudkh, Hate forest...)

    CATAFALC (Estonia) Pain Performance CD. Death metal/ Old brutal death, not unlike mid old Sinister.

    COLDBLOOD (Bra) Indescribable physiognomy of the devil CD. Evil death metal, sounds like mid old Morbid angel, old Deicide, Malevolent creation. (Members of Grave Desecrator, Nervochaos...)

    DARK GOD (Chile) Cremation of the saint CD. Death/ thrash

    DÖ (Fin) Astral death cult Tape. Stoner doom/ Sludge

    EPITAPHE (Fra) Demo MMXVII Tape. Obscure death/ Death doom

    EPITAPHE (Fra) Demo MMXVII MCD. Obscure death/ Death doom

    MORTUARY ANCESTOR (Malaysia) Mortuary ancestor MCD 2017. Old school death (Playing death metal since 1996)

    NEKYDAIMON (Gre) Funeral ceremony of the ancient goat Demo tape. Obscure black death.(Members of Nergal, Archemoron)

    TIME LURKER (Fra)/ CEIPHEIDE (Fra) Split tape. Atmospheric black metal

    UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN (Chile) Sign the book of death CD. Digipack. Obscure death metal

    VRYKOLAKAS (Singapore) Nocturnal demons of death CD. Death metal/ Old satanic death/ Old evil brutal death. (Compilation of old split and demos)

    VULTURINE (Bra) Um cruel destino para tudo que respira Demo tape. Black metal/ Black doom

    DEVILGROTH (Rus) FROSTWEIL(Australia)/ NECRO FOREST (Croatia) "Docrtine of winer" Split tape. Underground black metal

    BLOOD MORTIZED (Swe) Blood mortized CD. Swedish styled death metal. (Members of Gods forsaken, Coercion, Demonical...)

    Fanzine: CRYPT OF DR GORE (Fra) Zine issue 2. Insane order, Witches, Iron bastards, Excruciate 666, Unsu, Red dead, Frijgard, Guinea pig, Mortrom... + chroniques.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BASTÄRD (Russia) From the dark ages CD. Old school black speed/ Heavy, sounds like eavy Venom or early Bathory.

    CHESTCRUSH (Uk) Demo tape. Blackened death/ Obscure death

    CORPSEHAMMER (Swe/ Chile) Metal de la muerte CD. Black metal with black thrash and black death moments, sounds quite 90's infused.

    DEATH INVOKER (Peru) Necromancy, damnation, revenge Tape. Old school black/ death/ thrash the south-american way.

    EVIL MADNESS (Chile) Hidden behind the cross MCD. Old school thrash. (Members of Dekapited, Invincible force...)

    GRIM EXISTENCE (Uk) Expansion of reality Demo tape. Death metal/ Hardcore in the quite heavy 90's style. Reminds some mid old Bolt thrower, early Illdisposed, Slayer...

    HELL POISON (Bra) Burn with me CD Old school speed/ Black/ Thrash/ influenced by the 80's style.

    MORBID SACRIFICE (Ita)/ VOMITMANTIK (Ita) Split tape. Black death in a quite bestial style. (Members of Uncreation, Deathfucker...)

    OSSUAIRE (Fra) Mortes fables CD. Digipack. Death metal/ Dark death

    PYRE (Rus)/ ENTRAPMENT (Hol) Split MCD. Death metal in the old swedish style.

    REVELER (Usa) The hour of fright Demo tape. Old school death

    TERRORAZOR (Ger) Abysmal hymns of disgust Tape. Grindcore/ Death grind in a 90's/ early 00's manner. (Members of Nocturnal, Withburner...)

    UNBLESSED FORCE (Russia) Blackened speed damnation Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black speed with underground sound.

    WOMBRIPPER (Rus) Infected tomb MCD. Death metal in the old swedish style.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    CATHARTIC (Mex) Ceremonial resurrection Demo tape. Obscure and crushing death metal/ Death doom

    DETONATOR (Hungary) Demo 1990 MCD. Old thrash/ Black thrash (Rerelease of old demo)

    EXCESSUM (Swre) Death redemption Tape. Black metal

    FEACES CHRIST (Ger) Eat shit and die! MCD Old death metal/ Punk. Sounds like a mix of Abcess, early swedish death and perhaps Death breath. ,

    MEURTRIERES (Fra) Meurtrieres MCD. Nwobhm/ Old school heavy metal.

    NECROTOMY (Hungary) Inhuman mankind CD. Old death metal (Rerelease of old demos from the 90's)

    NUNSLAUGHTER (Usa)/ HATEVOMIT (Turkey) Split MCD. Old school death/ Black death. (Studio recording for both)

    NUNSLAUGHTER (Usa)/ PAGANFIRE (Philippines) Split CD. Old school death/ Old school thrash
    Live recordings for both bands, for fans of the old raw underground.

    SEPULCHRAL FROST (Swe) Frozen entrapment Demo tape. Death doom

    SUBJECT (Hungary) Inevitable...Inimitable...Unexcelled CD. Old school death (Rerelease of demos from the 90's)

    ANGERSEED (Hungary) Forever burning hatred MCD. Brutal death/ Death metal, in a quite old styled raw manner (Sounds a bit like old Sinister, old Brodequin, old Cannibal corpse, Severe torture...)

    NXBX/ Nabeg/ God Pussy/ Eine Stunde Merzbauten/ 886VG/ Estupo/ PMNT - Split tape. Noise/ Grind jazz/ Experimental


    OBITUAIRE PUTRIDE Zine (Fra) Issue 5
    Skelethal, Decline of the I, Cristalys, Arbre, Bubonic records... + chroniques.

    MORTEM ANIMALIUM Zine (Spa) issue 2
    Genocide shrines, Intemperator, Wormlust, Emanation, Liturgia maleficarum, Manifesting, Nefandus, Sangre de muerdago, Sapientia, Svartidaudi... + reviews.

    DEVILMENT Zine (Uk) Issue 7
    Martire, Bombarder, Ripper, Atlantean kodex, Denial of god, Possessor, Ares, Algebra, Burning saviours, Transatlantic rat's atom... + Reviews.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ANATOMIA (Jap) Dissected humanity CD. Old school death/ Death doom, influenced by old Autopsy. (Reissue of the first album with different artwork)

    BASTÄRD (Russia) From the dark ages tape. Old school black speed/ Heavy, sounds like eavy Venom or early Bathory.

    DERELENISMO OCCULERE (Ecuador) Inexorable revelación Demo tape. Raw black metal

    GUNGNIR (Gre) Ragnarök MCD. Viking black metal (Member of Hate manifesto, Chaosbaphomet, Vomit church)

    LIQUID FLESH (Fra) Chair liquide CD. Digipack. Old school death/ Death'n roll (Sounds like a mix of mid old Carcass, Obituary, Master, mid old Entombed)

    MENTAL SLAVERY (Russia) Kill for peace Demo tape. Old styled thrash metal

    PERVERSION (Usa) Archaic death metal Demo tape. Old school death

    SERPENT'S ORDER (Gre) Watchers of the future MCD. Black death

    SLAUGHTER WITCH (Usa) Demo'18 Tape. Old school death

    SURGERY (Slovakia) Descent/ Pulled by the rope Tape. Death metal/ Old brutal death (Sounds like Cannibal corpse, mid old Carcass)

    DURTHANG (Croatia) Murderer and a thief Tape. Black metal/ Atmospheric/ Doomy black. Sounds quite 90's.
    XUTHAL (Usa) The reclusive dynasty Demo tape. Raw black metal



    The distro was updated with more Low prices CDs/ Tapes/ CDrs and some bonus stuffs!

    JIYUNA! (Usa) The Devil Is Waiting In The Palace... ...Rush Courageously CD. Post hardcore/ Screamo

    TERLARANG (Malaysia)/ DISFIGURED HUMAN MIND (Hol) Split tape. Grindcore fast hardcore/ Harsh grind noise.

    NIHILIST SCUM (Rus)/ DISFIGURED HUMAN MIND (Hol) Split tape. Raw noisecore/ Noise

    PRIPJAT (Serbia) Peta Godina Dekontaminacije Demo tape. Hardcore/ Punk hardcore

    THORHAMMER (Usa) Indomitable promo CDr. Thrash metal

    BONEBREAKER (Bra) The hedonist way of being Promo CDr. Thrash metal

    INHUMANOISE (Bra) Overdose with lethal dosis of noise, drugs and caos... Demo tape. Special packaging. Noise/ Harsh noise

    INSOLENCIA (Portugal) Apatia Demo tape. Special packaging. Drone/ Noise

    SEDATIVE (Fra) Lobocaïne CD. Death grind (Member of Mulk, Whourkr)

    PIERCE THORAX (Hol) Machine control diagnostic tool CD. Breakcore/ Drum'n bass/ Jungle/ Industrial

    ALCANTARILLIA (Spa) Deterioro cognitivo Mini CDr. Grind noise

    NECROBITCH/ HENRY C. RIAL/ KOOBAATOO ASPARAGUS Split CDr. Noise, Dark Ambient, Experimental

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    CHAINS OV BELETH (Spa) Christeos chaos Tape. Black metal/ Fast black metal

    COSMIC PUTREFACTION (Ita) At the threshold of the greatest chasm Tape. Obscure death/ Black death

    CULT OF HORROR (Bra) Hermetik heretik CD. Old school black speed/ Black thrash (Members of Whipstriker, Flageladör, Tyranno)

    CYANIDE GRENADE (Russia) Kind of virus CD. Old styled thrash metal, sounds like old Kreator, Nuclear assault, a bit of old Sodom...

    DARKENED (Swe) Into the blackness Demo tape. Old school death/ Death doom with big sound.

    FORSAKEN GRIEF (Swe) Death metal '91 '92 Tape. Old school death. Rerelease of old demo.

    HOVMOD (Nor) Doedsformasjon Tape. Black metal, sounds kinda like old Immortal

    HUMAN SERPENT (Gre) The gradual immersion in nihilism Tape. Black metal

    OBLITERATION (Nor) Cenotaph obscure Tape. Death metal

    PARASITE CROWD (Hungary) Feasting parasites CD. Death/ grind influenced by Napalm death

    REVELATOR (Can) Revelator II Demo tape. Black metal/ Black death, sounds a bit like old Sacramentum/ Dissection, but globally in a more traditional BM approach (Members of Begrime exemious, Weapon)

    TIRAN (Russia) No gods, no masters MCD. Cardboard sleeve. Old school thrash

    BODY HARVEST (Uk) Futile creation CD. Old brutal death/ Death metal

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    CHAINS OV BELETH (Spa) Christeos chaos Tape. Black metal/ Fast black metal

    COSMIC PUTREFACTION (Ita) At the threshold of the greatest chasm Tape. Obscure death/ Black death

    CULT OF HORROR (Bra) Hermetik heretik CD. Old school black speed/ Black thrash (Members of Whipstriker, Flageladör, Tyranno)

    CYANIDE GRENADE (Russia) Kind of virus CD. Old styled thrash metal, sounds like old Kreator, Nuclear assault, a bit of old Sodom...

    DARKENED (Swe) Into the blackness Demo tape. Old school death/ Death doom with big sound.

    FORSAKEN GRIEF (Swe) Death metal '91 '92 Tape. Old school death. Rerelease of old demo.

    HOVMOD (Nor) Doedsformasjon Tape. Black metal, sounds kinda like old Immortal

    HUMAN SERPENT (Gre) The gradual immersion in nihilism Tape. Black metal

    OBLITERATION (Nor) Cenotaph obscure Tape. Death metal

    PARASITE CROWD (Hungary) Feasting parasites CD. Death/ grind influenced by Napalm death

    REVELATOR (Can) Revelator II Demo tape. Black metal/ Black death, sounds a bit like old Sacramentum/ Dissection, but globally in a more traditional BM approach (Members of Begrime exemious, Weapon)

    TIRAN (Russia) No gods, no masters MCD. Cardboard sleeve. Old school thrash

    BODY HARVEST (Uk) Futile creation CD. Old brutal death/ Death metal

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago


    The webshop was updated with some Low prices tapes and CDs, and a couple of fanzines:


    ETERNAL PAIN (Ger) In pain we trust - Relicts for revenge Tape. Old school thrash

    DEVILGROTH (Rus) FROSTWEIL(Australia)/ NECRO FOREST (Croatia) "Docrtine of winer" Split tape. Underground black metal

    MERCILESS CRUCIFIXION (Gre) ΑIPEΣIΣ Demo tape. Black metal (Regular Tdk tape/ Pro cover)

    0N0 (Slovakia) Reconstruction and synthesis CD. Exreme metal/ Doom sludge with industrial and dark ambient influences

    PRAY U PREY (Uk) Figure the 8 CD. Death metal/ Crust/ Death grind

    TOXIC BONKERS (Pol) Seeds of cruelty CD. Death grind crust

    EVIL BLIZZARD (Uk) Nothing for christmas promo CD. Cardboard sleeve. Sludge/ Noisy grunge/ Post punk..

    ANGELGOAT (Serbia) Primitive goat worship Tape. Black metal, not unlike old Darkthrone

    DRECKSAU (Ger) Brecher CD. Sludge doom (2nd hand)

    CYVOID (Uk) Cyvoid Mini CD. Thrash metal with hardcore influences.

    IKILLYA (Usa) Recon promo CD. Thrash/ Groove metal



    ARGYOPE Zine (Fra) Worst of.
    Derketa, Deadhead, Usurper, Sadistic intent, Disinter, Sigh, Gilgamesh, Matriarch, Inhumate...
    48 pages. A4. In english. 2020

    DEHUMANIZED (Uk) Zine issue 6: Entrails, Necro, Circle of tyrants, Aggressive mutilator.
    + small articles (unleashed, Banished from inferno, Deranged, Proletar, Desecration) + reviews, live reports...
    52 pages. A5. In english. 2015.

    AQUELARRE (Peru) Zine issue 16: Demonomancer, Devotion, Evocation, Pheretrum, Necrovomit, Hell trepaner, Sexorcist, Uttertomb, Temptum, Witchnight, Noisecore, Intestinal laceration... + Reviews.
    60 pages. A4. In english. 2018.


  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    Many TAPES and some CDs were added to the Webshop!

    ASEPTIC (Usa) Murderous obsessions Tape. Old school death

    CONJURETH (Usa) Foul formations Demo tape. Old school death

    EVILCULT (Bra) Evil forces command Demo tape. Blackened thrash/ Black thrash

    EXANIMATVM (Chile) Cantici nigromanticaru Demo tape. Obscure death (Members of Strigoi, Hallux valgus)

    FORMLESS OEDON (Philippines) Deathless luminosity Demo tape. Obscure death

    HATECRIME (Russia) Music about death CD. Black/ Death

    INITIATION (Swe) Initiation Demo tape. Black/ death with a quite raw approach

    MESSIAL (Usa) Ellipses I: Anthroplanetary expansion Tape. Obscure doom death/ Funeral doom

    MORBUS GRAVE (Ita)/ DEATHFUCKER (Ita) Split tape. Old school death/ Old death thrash

    OF SPIRE & THRONE (Uk) Penance Tape. Doom/ Sludge

    PHOBIA (Nor) Feverish convulsions Demo tape (Rerelease of demo from 1991) Old school morbid death metal

    ROTTEN BRAIN (Fra) Rotten brain Demo CDr. Raw death/ doom

    VORTEX (Hol) Metal bats/ Open the gates CD. Old school heavy metal (Contains two Lps from 1985 & 1986)

    KVELE (Gre) SOLEMNE MORTIS (Col) Suffocating presence of death Split CD. Black metal

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    -DEMOLISHING (Chile) Ascension Tape. Black metal/ Black thrash

    -GUDEN AV SORG (Chile) Live warlust & darkness Tape. Black metal

    -LUX NIGRUM (Chile) Burning the Eternal Return Tape. Raw black metal

    -BUCKSHOT FACELIFT (Usa) Ulcer island CD. Grindcore/ Powerviolence/ Crust (Members of Artificial brain, Afterbirth, Biolich)

    -THE GRIEVING PROCESS (Usa) Assimilated deformation CD. Brutal death/ Deathcore (Not the melodic style)

    -HELLFUCKING METAL (Ger) Issue 4: Nocturnal vomit, Manzer, Obscure burial, Iron pegasus recs. Necrolepsy, Diabolical demon director, Dark messiah, Pustulation, Complete necro, Jim Tsallos, Hierophants descent, Convixion, Balmos... + Reviews, articles...

    -HELLFUCKING METAL (Ger) Issue 3: Assassin, Midnight, Communion, Destroyer 666, Bone sickness, Sadokist, Ocean of zero, Black grail, Slaughtered priest, Black feast Crucifixxx sodomy, Veinen... + Reviews.

    -METAL HORDE (Uk) Issue 23: Gravewards, Apokalyptic raids, Analepsy, Taphos nomos, Aversio humanitatis, Biolence, Stälker... + Reviews, live reports.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news

    -BAFOMET (Jap) The black flame still burning Demo tape. Old school black/ speed with Nwobhm touches.

    -BEHEAD (Chile) Endless hatred Demo tape. Old school death/ Thrash the morbid way

    -DEMOLITION STEEL (Chile) There is no hope, just decay Demo tape. Old school heavy metal with thrash touches.

    -DEVIL'S POISON (Chile) Rehearsal 2019 Tape. Blackened speed metal with a punk side.

    -GRIM EXISTENCE (Uk) Expansion of reality Demo tape. Death metal/ Hardcore in the quite heavy 90's style. Reminds some mid old Bolt thrower, early Illdisposed, Slayer...

    -HORRIPILANT (Spa) Embrace the obsession Demo tape. Old school death (Member of Domain, Devotion)

    -INSIGHT (Chile) Insight Tape. Old school heavy/ Speed in the 80's style. (Members of Ripper, Venus torment, Behead...)

    -NADIMAC (Serbia)/ CONFUSED (Usa) Split tape. Thrash metal crossover/ Punk hardcore crossover.

    -MORBID HATE (Col) Morbid hate Tape. Death metal

    -NECROCCULTUS (Mex) Unburied hellish presences Demo tape. Obscure death

    -THANAMAGUS (Usa) Incorporeal passage Demo tape. Old school obscure death, think early Immolation.

    -TORMENTO (Chile) Angel negro Demo tape. Old school speed/ heavy (Member of Disaster)

    -UNDER FIRE (Chile) Words of a silent death Demo tape. Blackened old school thrash metal with a technical touch.

    -VANDAL (Chile) Ciudad del terror Tape. Underground thrash metal the old way (Member of Behead)

    -Fanzine: ENDLESS DISAPPOINTEMENT (Uk) Zine issue 11: Mortuous, Autopsy, Undeath, Corrupt mortal altar, Human cull, Possessor, Article on the new wave of english death metal... 50 pages. A5. In english. 2020.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    The Webshop was updated with some CDs, low prices stuffs and 2ND HAND CDs. Check it and support Black Sunday!

    INFERIS (Chile) Surrendering honors to the black arts MCD. Obscure death/ Satanic brutal death

    TRAUMASPHERE (Fra) Voidcall Demo CDr. Dark and twisted death metal with old school roots!

    RETORTION TERROR (Jap)/ INVIDIOSUS (Usa) Split CD. Crazy grindcore, death grind/ Old brutal death (Memeer of Gridlink, Mortalized)

    SPINA BIFIDA (Hol) Iter MCD. Doom/ Death doom (Comeback release of an obscure band from the 90's)

    ATROFIA CEREBRAL (Peru)/ MY WAR CRIMES (Bra) Split tape. Noisecore grind noise

    VA - THE RITUAL PROD Compilation CD. Given for free in orders with other items.

    2NJD HAND CDs/ CDs d'occasion:
    VRYKOLAKAS (Singapore) Spawned from hellfire and brimstone CD. 2nd hand. Death metal/ Old satanic death/ Old evil brutal death

    HORRID (Ita) Rising from the hidden spheres CD. 2nd hand. Swedish styled death metal

    MERCILESS CRUCIFIXION (Gre) ΑIPEΣIΣ CD. 2nd hand. Raw black metal

    TWILIGHT HAMMER (Can) Orcish steel CD. 2nd hand. Black thrash

    Look here;

    And here:
  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    New TAPES and CDs were added to the Webshop!
    Few copies for most, be quick or be dead.

    CATHARTIC (Mex) Ceremonial resurrection MCD. Digipack. Obscure and crushing death metal/ Death doom

    GOAT WAR (Usa) Warwolf Demo tape. Old school black speed

    PARKCREST (Chile) Mental discharge Demo tape. Old school thrash (Members of Venus torment, Hellish...)

    PERCUSSOR (Usa) Desperate to Expire Demo tape. Death metal, sounds like old Deicide, early Altar, early Malevolent creation

    DUNGEON BEAST (Usa) Vault of delirium CD. Old school heavy metal meets progressive metal (Members of Borrowed Time, White Magician, Demon Bitch)

    PAGAN RITES (Swe) Survival of the antichrist nation CD. Death doom meets black thrash, sounds a bit like old Usurper (Usa)

    PERINEI (Fin) Demo 2019 Tape. Old school death

    STORM DEATH (Chile) Ancient premonitions of the gods Tape. Death metal, sounds like Morbid Angel (Domination), Angel corpse (Exterminate) with a blackened touch. (Member of Dekapited)

    TOTTAL TOMMING (Nor) Tankeskrekk Demo tape. Grind/ Powerviolence/ Crust

    TRASCENDENCIA - Hasta ayer / La última palabra Tape. Old school heavy metal. (Members of Terror strike, Critical defiance...)

    TRAUMASPHERE (Fra) Voidcall Demo CDr.(Rerelease of old demo) Dark and twisted death metal with old school roots! Something like very early Immolation, Timeghoul, early Morbid Angel (Abominations)…

    VENIN (Fra) Malediction Demo tape. Old school heavy metal/ Hard.(Rerelease of demo from 1985)

    DIGEST! (Ger) Hard to digest Demo tape. Death metal/ Thrash/ Crust/ Grind

    INFERIS (Chile) Surrendering honors to the black arts MCD. Obscure death/ Satanic brutal death

    RETORTION TERROR (Jap)/ INVIDIOSUS (Usa) Split CD. Crazy grindcore, death grind/ Old brutal death (Memeer of Gridlink, Mortalized)

    ATROFIA CEREBRAL (Peru)/ MY WAR CRIMES (Bra) Split tape. Noisecore grind noise
  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    NIHILISTIC: Last distro news
    It’s the right time to order something if you want to receive before Christmas!

    CRYPTWORM (Uk) Cryptworm Demo tape. Old school death

    BASTÄRD (Russia) Black steel attack CD. Old school black speed/ thrash, (Contains covers of Venom, Nifelheim, Motörhead, Kat, Urn and more)

    HELLRAZOR (Swe) Hellraiser Demo tape. Old school speed/ heavy... Sounds like a mix of Motorhead, Venom, early Mercufyl fate

    HUMUGUR (Hungary) Bring decay to an end Tape. Old school brutal death/ Neanderthal death metal. Sounds like a mix of Brodequin, Cannibal corpse.

    BAHKAUV (Ger) Der Lavenstein Tape. Dungeon synth

    LIVE BURIAL (Uk) Forced back to life CD. Old school death

    LOTUS CIRCLE (Gre) Bottomless vales and boundless floods Demo tape. Dark ambient/ Black/ Drone doom

    MASSIVE DESTRUCTION (Swe) Demo 2020 Tape. Old school thrash (Ex member of Unanimated, Damnation)

    AD ARMA (Ger) Stalingrad Demo tape. Black metal


    CRYPT OF DR GORE (Fra) Zine issue 3
    Eternal majesty, Putrid offal, Gergovia, Fleshgod, Necroscum, Iron flesh, Sledzie Zaglady, Slaveone, Azziard, La commune... + Chroniques.
    44 pages. A5. In french. 2020

    METAL HORDE (Uk) Zine issue 25
    Vomit spell, Vultures vengeance, Dayal Patterson, Nihility, Into the tomb zine, Alastair riddell, Total consumption, Dungeon, Marianas rest... + Reviews.
    64 pages. A5. In english. 2020

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    NIHILISTIC: New tapes, CDs, badges and stickers added to the Webshop!

    ACID AGE (Uk) Like a runaway combine harvester in a field of crippled rabbits Tape. Thrash metal. Special packaging.

    DARK MESSIAH (Gre) Αρετή και δόξα αιώνια (Virtue and Glory Eternal) CD. Raw black metal

    DERANGED (Chile) Burst of violence Demo tape. Old school thrash

    DIG ME NO GRAVE (Russia) Cosmic cult Tape. Death metal influenced by mid old Morbid angel.

    ELEGIAC (Usa) Vampyric odinism CD. Black metal

    MONADS (Bel) IVIIV CD. Digipack. Doom/ Funeral doom

    OCCISOR (Chile) Demo 2012 + Rehearsal 2014 Tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    PERINEI (Fin) Demo 2019 Tape. Old school death

    PILORI (Fra) A nos morts. CD. Digipack. Blackened hardcore/ Death grind

    RAVENCULT (Gre) Cosmic chaos Demo CDr. Black metal (Demo from 2003)

    SUMMON (Usa) Dark descent of fallen souls CD. Black metal from 1997


    C.H.U.D - Badge
    LETHAL SHOCK - Badge
    SUFFER THE PAIN - Badge black
    VORUS - Badge
    WOLF SERMON - Badge
    CRUSH THE CROSS zine - Patch
    GRAVEYARD GHOUL - Mini patch
    CHURCH OF VOID - Mediator


    AQUILLA - Sticker circle
    ARMORY - Sticker scientists
    ENVIG - Sticker
    HUMUGUR - Sticker
    NECROVOID Recs - mini sticker
  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    NIHILISTIC Distro wishes you a happy new year (If possible…)

    Here are the last distro news, with many new tapes and some CDs.

    Last distro news:

    BLACK RITE (Gre) Nocturnal creed MCD. Fast black metal (Member of Ceremonial Worship)

    CHAOSHORDE (Gre) Hordes arising Demo tape. Blackened thrash/ Old school thrash

    COFFINBIRTH (Chile) Desde la fosa común Tape. Old school death/ Blackened death. (Member of Orategod, Unblessed)

    CRYPTWORM (Uk) Cryptworm Demo tape. Old school death

    GOATVERMIN (Fra) Detruire Tape. Brutal black death

    GRAVEYARD (Spa)/ NECRO (Ita) Split tape. Death metal

    NECROCCULTUS (Mex) Solemnelohim, Bringer of death MCD. Digipack. Old school and crushing Death metal obscurity.

    PAZUZU (Costa rica)/ MORBID PERVERSION (Bra) Split tape. Old school death, doom/ Old school death

    SEKKUSU (Usa) Satyrömania Tape. Old school thrash/ Old thrashing punk hardcore. (Members of Demon bitch, Sewercide)

    TENEBRION (Peru) Tenebrion Demo tape. Thrash metal/ Black thrash

    THRONEUM (Pol) Deathcult conspiracy Tape. Death metal/ Satanic death

    VOMIT OF DOOM (Argentina) Fatal Assault Demo tape. Old school black thrash/ black death (Regular tape with hand written name, pro cover)

    GRAB (Gre) Praying at the whorehouse church MCD. Digipack. Raw simple black metal. (Members of Dodsferd)

    INHUMANITY VORTEX (Pol) Reverse engineering MCD/ Pro CDr. Death metal with brutal death influences, and a “technical” tortured aspect... Given for free in orders.


  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago


    The webshop was updated with more low prices items, free bonus demos, stickers, newsletters...
    Some free and cheap stuffs to make the postage more worthwile... :-)

    DIABOLI IMPERIUM (Bra) Genesis Demo CDr. Cardboard sleeve. 2nd hand. Symphonic black metal

    HAIR COLOR ANOMALY (Fra) The stench of ginger kingdom Demo CDr. Underground grindcore/ Groovy gore... (Member of iost, Ad patres...)

    OMINOUS DEBACUH (Rus) Tenebrarum daemonum ars CD. Second hand. Black metal/ Black death...

    EVILCULT (Bra) Evil forces command Promo CDr. Blackened thrash/ Black thrash

    ROTEM (Por) Promo CDr. Death doom/ Black

    DL.50 (Paraguay) Valemos menos que sus balas Demo CDr. Old styled punk hardcore.

    DUMB ASS/ HANNNGS/ JHONNY DEPP IS DEAD/ NOISE SONETA Split CDr.4 bands from indonesia. Noisecore/ Lofi noisy grind

    BLACK THE SKY (Usa) Simplistic mechanics of deformable bodies CD. Deathcore/ Deathgrind/ Melodic death.

    CUNT MAGGOTS (Bosnia) Welcome to jarakaj, have a nice grave Demo Mini CDr. Lofi underground death grind

    NUNDATA (Serbia) Organun Demo CDr. Harsh noise


    SULFURIC VOCIFERATION - Necropropaganda Minizine/ Newsletter.
    Reviews or bios of bands from southamerica: Hadez, Ejecutor, Feretro, Diabolicous, Hell's vein, Necranastasis, Soulreaper, Crocell, Caligula, Black hordes scorn, Wrathprayer.

    NIHILISTIC newsletter #5/ January:
    This time it contains an interview of ANATOMIA, as well as reviews of SUPPRESSION, MENTAL CASKET, WITCHTRIAL, STRIGOI and SVAVELDIOXID… Pro printed.


    TONE WOOD Recs - Sticker - wood font
    TONE WOOD Recs - Sticker - logo dessiné

    BONE JAMMER - Sticker - white on black

    BONE JAMMER - Sticker - bras et os/ silkeborg

    BONE JAMMER - Sticker - skull
    NU DET NU - Sticker

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    EVIL DAMN (Peru) Advance Tape. Death metal/ Satanic death
    Special packaging, comes with bonus badge. (Members of Goat semen, Disinter, Saram)

    FORDAERV (Den)/ KOKAIN (Den)/ BONEJAMMER (Den) Split tape. Grind powerviolence/ Hardcore punk/ Crusty punk metal

    LIGAEDER (Denmark) Den tomme menneskehed Tape. Death metal with crust influences, sounds close to old swedeath.

    LIQUID FLESH (Fra) Chair liquide CD. Digipack. Old school death/ Death'n roll (Sounds like a mix of mid old Carcass, Obituary, Master, mid old Entombed)

    NEVERTANEZRA (Usa) NTNR CD. Doom death, sounds like early My dying bride.(Member of Malignant inception)

    PINEBLOOD (Belarus) Within the wooden flesh Demo tape. Black metal, close to the semi melodic 90s style.

    RANCOROUS (Usa) Vultures will gather Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    SUNKEN (Denmark) Livslede Tape. Black metal, atmospheric but still quite "raw".

    EMBALSAMADO (Bra) Vasta escuridão Tape. Old school doom black, quite obscure. (Members of Hellkommander, Flageladör, Tyranno...). Special packaging, with poster etc...

    VULTÖR (Bra) Visões do fim Tape. Old school speed/ heavy/ Punk'n roll.
    Special packaging, with poster etc.

    DEVASTATION (Croatia) Ground zero/ In memoriam Tape. Thrash metal, close to the old 80's american genre.

    HAIR COLOR ANOMALY (Fra) The stench of ginger kingdom Demo CDr. Underground grindcore(Member of iost, Ad patres...)

    NUCLEAR WINTER (Ger) Zine issue 1: Nuctemeron, Gallower, Hexecutor, Black rat, Amorphia, Bitchhammer, Bunker 66, Messerschmitt... + reviews.
    84 pages. A5. In english. 2020

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    NIHILISTIC Distro :
    A couple of tapes and a fanzine were added to the webshop ! Limited stock, check it!

    ABSURD (Bra) HIDESHI HINO (Pol) Split tape. Raw grindcore/ Dark ambient
    Special packaging

    EFFROI (Bel) Cryptic prophecies Demo tape. Raw black metal. (Member of Possession, Terrifiant)

    ROWEN (Usa) Ashen spirit Demo tape. Dungeon synth/ Mythical electronic/ Dark ambient

    SNUFFED OUT (Usa) Ep 2020 Tape. Old school grindcore/ Crust

    WASTELAND COVEN (Usa) Ruined MCD. Old school doom/ Epic doom

    FORGOTTEN CHAPEL Zine (Ireland/ Poland) issue 10:
    Necrosanct, Phlebotomized, Nembrionic, Utumno, Woods of belial, Cross fade, Beyond belief, View beyond recs, Kolac, Erupted evil, Jim mutilator, Perpetual holocaust, Krashing, Repugnacia... + Reviews.
    40 pages. A4. In english. 2020

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BONE AWL (Usa) The longuest road Demo tape. Black metal with old school roots

    CHURCH BIZARRE (Den) Sinister glorification Tape. Old school black thrash/ Black metal (Members of Devil lee rot, Karnarium, Victimizer, Pagan rites...)

    DEADLY SIN SLOTH (Usa)/ THOU ART DEAD (Usa) Split tape. Cavern doom death sludge/ Doom death

    END OF MANKIND (Fra) Live in paris Tape. Black metal

    MORGATORY666 (Usa) The rotting flesh CD. Raw death metal

    NAWAHARJAN (Ger) Lokabrenna CD. Digipack. Black metal (Member of Acherontas, Chtonic cult)

    OBEISANCE (Usa) Lucifer master Tape. Old school black thrash/ Black death

    PHLEGETHON'S MAJESTY (Bel) Downward journey to tartaros domains Demo tape. Raw grim black metal

    SOVEREIGN (Nor) Neurotic Demo tape. Old school death/ thrash (Member of Nocturnal breed, Conjuration)

    WOLFBASTARD (Uk) Graveyard sessions Tape. Black metal/ Crust punk

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABSUM (Col) Visions of hell Demo tape. Raw black metal

    ATROCE (Can) Necromantia bestialis Tape. Death metal/ Satanic death

    BLASFEMIA (Chile) Ancient occult wisdom Tape. Black thrash/ Black metal (Member of Coffin curse)

    EREKTION (Fra) Restless copulation Tape. Obscure brutal death/ Satanic death

    GRAVEYARD AFTER GRAVEYARD (Swe) Bagged and dragged to a fullmoon burial CD. Old styled death thrash, sounds like Merciless (Swe), old Kreator... (Member of Sinners burn, Grave, Facebreaker)

    MAYHEMIC (Chile) Mortuary feast of skeletons MCD. Blackened thrash metal, sounds like very early Kreator or maybe Possessed's first album. (Members of Venus torment, Ripper, Behead, Thirsty demon)

    OF SPIRE & THRONE (Uk) Penance Tape. Doom/ Sludge

    SACCAGE (Can) Khaos mortem Tape. Kicking black thrash/ crust

    SUMERU (Australia) Summon destroyer Tape. Doom sludge

    THE NEGATION (Fra) Paths of obedience Tape. Fast black metal

    UHL (Fra) Velchans Tape. Black metal, sometimes raw sometimes more "melancholic".

    WITCHBURNER (Ger) Final detonation Tape. Old school thrash

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABSORPTION (Russia) / ODOCKH (Russia) Split tape. Old school death/ Black death

    BONER (Rus)/ SLAVEHAND (Rus) Split tape. Raw grind/ Grindcore Deathgrind

    DARK PATH (Chile) Lurking in the shadows CD. Black metal in the 90's style with a touch of "melody", not unlike early Marduk. (Members of Vomit, Condenados)

    DAWN OF MAN (Can) / THOU ART DEAD (Can) Split tape. Obscure cavern death/ Doom death

    ELEGOS (Gre) The awakening of evil Demo tape. Epic/ Atmospheric black metal/ Black doom

    FLEUR ROUGE (India) Ballades en ville Demo tape. Post black metal/ Atmospheric Bm

    LORD KETIL (Fra) Long lone among the wolves Tape. Black metal

    PERSECUTORY (Turkey) Towards the ultimate extinction CD. Black death (Members of Impuration, Sarinvomit)

    PISSING CONTEST (Usa) Pissing contest Demo tape. Grindcore/ Crust/ Noisy grind

    REMAINS (Mex) Through the eyes of death CD. Old school death

    VOMIT OF DOOM (Argentina) Cipriano years CD. Old school black thrash

    WARTHOG (Rus)/ BONER (Rus) Split tape. Raw grindcore/ Grindcore

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    AYYUR (Tunisia) Balkarnin Demo tape. Black metal (With Shaxul on drums)

    BARBATOS (Jap) Raw WAR, sexxx, beer and blasphemy mania in hungary ReHELLSal tape. Raw black metal/ Black thrash.

    DEPRAVED (Fra) Raped innocence CD. Digipack. Death grind/ Death metal, with blackened touches and a big sound. (Member of Mortuary)

    MORBOSIDAD (Usa) Enterrados vivos en la tumba de Moscow CD. Bestial black death

    ИЛ (Rus) Образ пустоты Tape. Doom/ Death doom/ Sludge

    RIPPED TO SHREDS (Taïwan/ Usa) 埋葬 CD. Death metal influenced by the old swedish style, with massive production.

    SACCAGE (Can) Khaos mortem CD. Digipack. Kicking black thrash/ crust/ old school death. (Members of Atroce)

    SPIDVICH (Rus) Мёртвая голова/ Death's Head Tape. Raw black metal/ Punk

    THE CRAWLING CHAOS (Russia) Стерилизация преданных слуг Demo tape. Dark black/ doom/ sludge with strange experimental influences and a saxophone.

    BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT (Ita) Blood purge Demo CDr. Obscure black death (Sounds like early Archgoat from the 90's)

    3RD FROM THE SUN (Fra) 3rd from the sun CD. Digipack. Industrial thrash/ metal with old punk hardcore and post punk influences. Sounds like Prong, Voivod, perhaps Killing joke or a bit of Pestilence (Spheres)...

    KATHARSIS 666 (Pol) Total beast Demo tape. Fast blasting black metal

    TUSSOCK (Malaysia) Out of rhyme Demo tape. Grind crust, in a quite old school manner.

    UNHOLY WAR (Ger) Unholy war Tape. Black thrash (Contains songs from the first demo and split)

    DISPARO! (Australia) Hands in the middle Demo tape. Punk hardcore/ Fastcore/ Grindcore

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ENKI (Ecuador) Imperial race Demo tape. Satanic death/ Black death

    HIGH INQUISITOR WOE (Belgium) Black sun goddess MCD. Doom metal, not unlike Candlemass, Reverend bizarre...

    HORNADO (Ger) Wild temple Tape album. Old school heavy metal with epic influences.

    MALEMORT (Fra) Individualism, narcissism, hedonism CD. Digipack. Doom sludge (Members of Ataraxie, Monarch...)

    MORTIFEROTH (Usa) Fatal spiritual failures Demo tape. Underground death metal

    OSSUAIRE (Fra) Mortes fables Tape. Death metal with morbid atmospheres

    SATANIS MALEFICARUM (Ecuador) Bajo et culto maldito Demo tape. Raw black metal

    WEAPONIZED FLESH (Usa) Weaponzed flesh Demo tape. Old styled thrash

    COTARD DELUSION (Rus) Le délire de négation CD. Black metal with dark atmosphere and ambient interludes.

    END ALL (Tokyo)/ KING NORMAN (Taïwan) Split CD. Thrash metal

    ENDLESS FLOODS (Fra) Circle the gold CD. Sludge doom drone (Members of Monarch)

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ARMOURED KNIGHT (Chile) The sacred flame Demo tape. Old school heavy metal/ Heavy speed (Members of Ripper, Terror strike, Insight...) (Tape + badge + sticker) ... 5,00

    BURIED (Chile) Deathless corpses and voodoo rites Demo tape.
    Old school death metal in a primitive way, with a punk touch.
    Sounds like very early MASTER, early DEATH, AUTOPSY/ ABSCESS or perhaps early OBITUARY (First album)

    CONSECRATE (Chile) The SA;crifice Demo tape. Raw black metal

    ECTOPLASMA (Gre) Cavern of foul unbeings Tape album. Old school death

    ECTOPLASMA (Gre) Cryogenically revived Tape. Old school death

    EVOKE (Norway) Seeds of death Tape. Black thrash/ Old school thrash. (Member of Condor)
    (Tape + badge + sticker) ... 5,00

    HEADKRUSHER (Indonesia) Opprobium Tape. Evil thrash/ Blackened thrash in the early 80's style. Think about early Possessed, Sepultura (Morbid visions) and perhaps early Bathory.

    MORDHAU (Uk) Immaculate massacre Tape. Swedish styled death metal.
    Import from Usa

    OLD RUINS (Ger) Old ruins Tape. Black metal/ Heavy, sounds a bit like Immortal (At the gates of winter). Special tape case.

    TYPHONIAN (Ger) Beneath the streams of life Tape. Old school death with swedish sound.
    Import from Usa

    MORBID WRITES Zine (Estonia) Issue 3:
    Galvanizer, Snet, Mortal wound, Burial, Draghkar, Koffin, Intrepid, Muderline, Cryptic hatred... + Reviews, articles, gore recipes...
    68 pages. A5. In english. 2021

    NIHILISTIC Newsletter # 7 - April 2021:
    This time it contains: An interview of NEKROFILTH, as well as reviews of Conjureth, Thanamagus, Malignant, Bloodsport, Snarler, plus a flyer of Ossuaire. Given for free in orders

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ATAVISMA (Fra)/ VOID ROT (Usa) Split CD. Obscure death/ Doom

    AVZHIA (Mex) In my domains Tape. Atmospheric black metal in the early Style (Cf early Emperor)

    BLASPHEMOUS PUTREFACTION (Ger) Abominable premonition Demo tape. Primitive death black.

    CONVOCATION (Fin) Ashes coalesce CD. Digipack. Doom/ Funeral doom/ Death doom

    FOSSILIZATION (Bra) He whose name was long forgotten MCD. Obscure death/ Doom (Members of Jupiterian)

    FRACTAL GENERATOR (Can) Macrocosmos CD. Fast darkened death metal,
    not unlike mid old Morbid angel, Fleshtized, some old Hate eternal... Quite kicking!

    MORTUARY (Serbia) Final mortuary of souls Tape. Old school death (Rerelease of old demos from the 90's)

    NO SALVATION (Pol) Defiling verses Tape. Death metal in the polish style.

    PATHETIC (Can)/ PUTRID (Peru) "Devorando carne divina" Split tape. Raw death metal/ Violent black death thrash, not unlike old Immpiety

    SCAFFOLD (Serbia) Codex gigas Tape. Death metal, influenced by the 90s old school, with touches of early "technical" style (Death)

    SMASHED (Fra) Spontaneous decomposition MCD. Digipack. Death metal/ Old brutal death

    TURRIS EBURNEA (Usa/ Ita) Turris eburnea MCD. Strange darkened death/ black, with an experimental touch, but in the obscure world. (Members of Cosmic Putrefaction, Nader Sadek, Gath Šmânê)

    VOID ROT (Usa) Descending pillars CD. Obscure death/ Doom


    LOW PRICES and FREE bonus stuffs:

    ANONIMUUS CREATURE (Hol) Grotesque and demented creature Tape. Dark ambient, subterranean horror. Special packaging

    ANUS TUMOR (Ger)/ GANGRENE DISCHARGE (Usa)/ NEPHRECTOMY (Usa) Split CD. 2nd hand. Goregrind.

    DISFIGURED HUMAN MIND (Hol)/ SxSxCxBx (Rus) Split tape.Strange grind, noise/ Grindcore, noisecore. Special packaging

    SATAN'S GOD (Usa) The dream out tour 2019/ 2020 promo CDr. Noise/ experimental: Bad trip psyche.

    THE BURNED UP (Ukraine) Headnailer MCD. Thrash death, quite modern

    INCA ORE WITH LEMON BEAR(S ORCHESTRA - The birds in the bush CD. 2nd hand
    Psychedelic/ Experimental

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    The Webshop was updated with new TAPES and CDs!

    Last distro news:

    APOCRYPHETIC (Usa) Heir to the cosmos Tape album. Fast evil death metal.

    DEMONIC RAGE (Chile) Omen of doom CD. Obscure death/ Satanic death metal (Compilation of Eps, demos...)

    ENGULFED (Turkey) Engulfed in obscurity Tape album. Death metal. (Members of Burial invocation, Impuration...)

    GORATORY (Usa) Sour grapes CD/ Brutal death (Members of Mucopus, Virulence...)

    KAMP (Denmark) Promo / Live Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Hard rock (Member of Reverie)

    MASADA (Usa) Hideous Rot Demo tape. Old school death (With members of Abhomine, Goreaphobia, Crucifier...)

    MASOCHIST (Usa) Chaos of world possession Demo tape. Death metal

    MISA NEGRA (Chile) Antigua maldición... nueva rebelión Demo tape. Black metal

    NECROS (Fra) Procession of heretics MCD. Old school/ Obscure death metal

    ORTHODOXY (Spa) Shaarimoth MCD. Death black/ Obscure death (Member of Domain, Devotion...)

    PESTILENT DEATH (Usa) Putrid vaticination Demo tape. Death metal/ Obscure death (Member of Insineratehymn)

    PURGE (Fra) Sordid preludes to purgatory CD. Death metal/ Darkened death (Members of Merrimack, Ritualization, Como muertos...)

    RUMA (Fra) Les buchers du solstice Demo tape. Folk/ Dark folk

    VOIDS OF VOMIT (Ita) Ritval expiation MCD. Fast obscure Death metal. (Members of Valgrind, Hateful, Undead creep...)


    LOW PRICES tapes/ CDs:

    STRAIGHT LAND (Belarus) Negative feelings Tape. Between death metal, old melodic death and "death'n roll". release from 2002.

    PMNT (Bra) Com supremo com tudo Tape. Harshnoise/ Glitch/ Dark ambient/ Industrial

    DICKLESS TRACY (Slo)/ BLUDGE (Swe)/ ENTRAILS MASSACRE (Ger) Split tape. Grindcore. Release from 1998. Perhaps a bootleg.

    DYING HUMANITY (Ger) Living on the razor's edge CD. Melodic death/ Extreme metal with technical touches.

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    1 x ANTIVERSUM (Swi) Cosmos comedenti Tape. Obscure black death

    2 x COSCRADH (Ireland) Of Death and delerium MCD. Obscure black death

    3 x GOAT RIDER (Costa rica) High speed from hell Demo tape. Black speed/ Punk for beer drinkers

    3 x HELLBUTCHER (Chile) Condemnatus tormentum Demo tape. Old school black death/ black thrash in the south american tradition, not unlike old Sarcofago, Death invoker...
    (Member of Necroripper, Ejecutor...)

    2 x MALICIOUS (Fin) Deranged hexes CD. Fast evil death metal the old way, not unlike early Morbid angel (Altars of madness)

    4 x MALICIOUS (Fin) Deranged hexes Tape. Fast evil death metal the old way, not unlike early Morbid angel (Altars of madness)

    2 x ORACULUM (Chile) Always higher MCD. Old school and obscure death/ Death black (Member of Wrathprayer, Deathwards)

    3 x PHERETRUM (Uruguay) From the underworlds Promo tape. Underground death metal/ Thrashing death

    2 x QRIXKUOR (Uk) Three devils dance Demo tape. Obscure death black, cavernous stuff. (Member of Diocletian, Grave Miasma, Vassafor, Temple nightside...)

    1 x RESPAWN THE PLAGUE (Gre) Gathering of the unholy ones Demo tape. Death metal influenced by mid old Morbid angel among others

    2 x SPECTAL APPARITION (Usa) Manifestation Demo tape. Blackened death/ Obscure death

    2 x THULSA DOOM (Ita) Realms of hatred MCD. Evil death metal the old way, not unlike early Morbid Angel, Sadistic intent, early Deicide...

    3 x TRANSILVANIA (Austria) Of sleep and death Tape album. Black thrash/ Black metal (Members of Triumphant)


    Last distro news:

    SINS OF THE DAMNED (Chile) Declaration of war Demo tape. Old school black speed/ thrash (Members of Bömber, Deathvomit, Ammit)

    BLACK WINDS (Paraguay) Promo 2020 Tape. Black metal/ Black thrash, sounds somewhat like old Darkthrone.

    Dark ambient/ Black doom/ Evil drone... Sounds a bit like old Abruptum
    (Special packaging in a black bag) (Member of Teitanblood)

    MASS GRAVE (Bulgaria) Fade of life Tape. Death metal with old brutal death influences

    REVERIE (Den) Bliss CD. Death metal/ Blackened death



    BLOODATTACK (Ger) Rotten leaders CD. Hardcore with Death metal influences

    MINITEL (Fra) Abimes MCD. Dark ambient/ Industrial

    Dark ambient, industrial, dark electronic, experimental compilation

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABYSSAL SUFFERING (Fra) Soul pioneer Demo tape. Underground brutal death, with influences of 90's technical death, and remains of the early thrashing genre... Rerelease of an old demo! (Member of Traumasphere, Penthos)

    BURNING (Hol) Nightmares Tape. Heavy metal with a heavy doom side.

    DECONSEKRATED (Chile) The hidden paths Demo tape. Old school and obscure Death metal.

    DEHA (Bel)/ HUMANITY DEFILED (Bel) Split tape. Death metal: Satanic death à la Deicide vs More old school death/ death doom

    DRAKON HO MEGAS (Gre) Drakon ho megas Tape. Epic melodic black metal in the old greek style. (Member of Necrochakal)

    IMPURATION (Turkey) Sanctities we raped Tape. Black/ Thrash/ Death (Members of Godslaying Hellblast, Sarinvomit, Deggial)

    LAPIDEM (Costa rica) Lunasty sativa Demo tape. Old school doom metal, the underground way.

    MANIFESTING (Usa) Descension through the seven forbidden seals MCD. Necro death metal with death doom moments.

    MALTHUSIAN (Ireland) Below the Hengiform MCD. Obscure black death with influences of doom and a quite technical touch. (Members of Grave miasma, Scythian, Mourning beloveth...)

    OBEISANCE (Usa) Lucifer master Tape. Old school black thrash/ Black death

    VALGRIND (Ita) Speech of the flame Tape. Death metal, between the fast kicking style and old school "satanic" vibes. Not unlike Morbid angel, Deicide, very old Hate eternal

    Fanzine: NUCLEAR WINTER (Ger) Issue 2: Condor, Violent Force, Impure, Aggressive perfector, Hard metal jackhammer radioshow, Terrorhammer, Fatal embrace, Stormwarrior... + Reviews. Old school metal zine. 90 pages. A5. In english. 2021

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABHORROT (Austria) Abysmal echoes Tape. Obscure black death
    END OF MANKIND (Fra) Live in paris Tape. Black metal
    END OF MANKIND (Fra) Faciem Diaboli Tape album. Black metal. (Members of Antaeus, Eternal majesty,..)
    HATS BARN (Fra) Voices of the ultimate possession Tape. Black metal (Member of Lord ketil, Antilife)
    MAYHEMIC (Chile) Mortuary feast of skeletons MCD. Rpping blackened thrash metal. (Members of Ripper, Venus torment, Evil madness...)
    PROFANATOR (Mex) Shit on the cross Tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash (Member of Remains, Castleumbra, Hacavitz, Strike master)
    PUTRESCINE (Ger) Putrescent utterance Demo tape. Old school death/ Cavernous death doom
    SARCATOR (Swe) Sarcator Tatpe album. Old school thrash/ Black thrash. Kinda sounds like a mix of Merciless (Swe), Ooold Kreator, Very old The Crown/ Crown of thorns...
    SUMERU (Australia) Summon destroyer Tape. Doom sludge/ Death doom
    TRANSGRESSOR (Jap) Ether for scapegoat Tape. Old school death/ Strange death doom (Rerelease of album from 1992)
    VHS (Usa) We're gonna need some bigger riffs Tape. Death/ Thrash/ Grind (Not unlike some old Razorback recs bands)
    BLACK RITE (Gre) Nocturnal creed MCD. Fast black metal (Member of Ceremonial Worship)
    INFERNAL LEGION (Usa) Your prayers mean nothing CD. Death metal influenced by mid old Morbid Angel (Gateways/ Domination)
    MEAT TRAIN (Uk) Random acts of carnage CD. Digipack. Death grind/ Brutal death
    YAKISOBA (Ita) / PTOMA (Gre) Split tape. Goregrind with a gorenoise touch
    BLOODFIEND (Chile) Evil mass of putrid decay Demo Tape. Bestial black death (Member of Demonic rage). 1 copy back in stock

  • gabalgabow over 4 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BESTIAL ENTITY (Fre) Treason of the dead Demo tape. Obscure black death

    BLUE HOLOCAUST (Fra) Flesh for the cannibal god CD. Goregrind/ Gore death grind.
    For fans of very early Carcass (Reek), old Dead infection, very early Squash bowels (Member of Vomi noir, Neuro-Visceral Exhumation...)

    BLUE HOLOCAUST (Fra) Flesh for the cannibal god Tape. Goregrind/ Gore death grind.
    For fans of very early Carcass (Reek), old Dead infection, very early Squash bowels (Member of Vomi noir, Neuro-Visceral Exhumation...)

    EISENHAND (Austria) Fires within Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Nwobhm, close to the 80's style. (Tape + badge)

    IRON CURTAIN (Spa) Danger zone Tape. Old school heavy/ Nwobhm. (Tape + badge)

    HEAVY SENTENCE (Uk) Bang to rights Tape. Old school heavy metal (Tape + badge)

    HELL POSSESSION (Chile) Phantom aggressor Tape. Black thrash with speed influences.
    (Tape + badge)

    MATTERHORN (Switerland) Crass cleansing CD. Ripping old school thrash/ blackened thrash

    MIDNIGHT PREY (Ger) Uncertain times Tape. Old school heavy metal/ speed, close to the 80's style (Tape + badge)

    RITUAL BLASPHEMER (Chile) Satanic ceremony Demo tape. Old school death/ Thrashing death with black metal influences. (Members of Cancerbero, Vomit...)

    GUERRA TOTAL (Columbia) No Left, no Right; just zombies in the night Tape. Old school Thrash/ Speed/ Heavy black in the 80's style.

    UNHOLY TEMPLE (Chile)/ NECROPSIA (Chile) Split tape. Black death metal the simple old udnerground way.

    VOMI NOIR (Fra) Les myasmes de la deliquescence CD. Goregrind/ Gore death grind.
    For fans of very early Carcass, old Dead infection, early Sublime cadaeric decomposition...

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    New TAPES and 1 fanzine were added to the Webshop! Are you magnetic?

    PAZUZU (Costa rica) Oath of unholy sacrilege Tape. Old school death metal/ Death doom, fulfilled with obscurity and cavernous anger, in the vein of ooold GRAVE ("You'll never see"), AUTOPSY, some FUNEBRARUM, some old Finnish doom, with a bit of very early Paradise lost (First Lp only).

    ARMOURED KNIGHT (Chile) The sacred flame Demo tape. Old school heavy metal/ Heavy speed (Members of Ripper, Terror strike, Insight...) (Tape + badge) ... 5,40

    BURIED (Chile) Deathless corpses and voodoo rites Demo tape. Old school death metal in a primitive way, with a punk touch. Sounds like very early MASTER, early DEATH, AUTOPSY/ ABSCESS or perhaps early OBITUARY (First album)

    CORPSEHAMMER (Swe/ Chile) Metal de la muerte Tape. Black metal with black thrash and black death moments, sounds quite 90's infused.

    DECIUS (Singapore) Prepare to die Tape. Black metal (Member of Nuctemeron, Istidraj)

    ILON LAPSET (Fin) Ilon lapset Demo tape. Underground sludge

    MYSTAGOS (Spa) Pvrvsha Demo tape. Black metal

    NECRO WEASEL (Fin) Another day to waste Tape. Crossover thrash/ Punk hardcore

    PHERETRUM (Uruguay) From the underworlds Promo tape. Underground death metal/ Thrashing death

    MORTUARY (Serbia) Final mortuary of souls Tape. Old school death thrash (Rerelease of old demos from the 90's)

    Fanzine: SAPIO (Greece) Issue 2: Contains short interviews with gore, grind and death metal bands:
    Abhorrence, Agathocles, Coprophilia, Cadaver, Brutal sphincter, Cannibalistic dissection, Carcinoid, Cystgurgle, Dysmenhorrea, E.f.g, Faeces eruption, Flatulence, Anus tumor, Basic torture procedure, Festerdecay, Tunko, Fulci, Fumigated, General surgery, Gorified, Gut, Impetigo, Infected pussyInopexia, Intense hammer rage, Intestinal disgorge, Larvae, Leprophiliac, Metjadone abortion clinic, Mixoma, Neuro visceral exhumation, Phthisis, Plasma, Putrefuck, Rottest slag, Sickness, Spontaneous combustion, Eraser...
    56 pages. A4. In english. 2021

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    New TAPES and CDs were added to the Webshop!
    Last distro news:

    ACCURSED WOMB (Usa) Hymns of misery and death Tape. Obscure death/ Death doom with a sick touch, but for underground freaks.

    HOLOCAUSTO (Bra) Batismo de fogo Tape. War metal/ Black death

    ILLAPA (Peru) Deshonestos y hechiceros Tape. Old school black metal

    INVOCATION OF DEATH (El salvador) Into the labyrinth of chaos Tape. Old school death influenced by the swedish style. (Member of Morbid stench)

    LICH (Ita)/ OSSARIO (Ita) Split CD. Black death in old school genres.

    MORBOSATAN (Peru) As one with weath Tape. Black death thrash the old school evil way. (Members of Anal vomit, Hadez,Goat semen...)

    NORNES (Fra) Threads MCD. Slim digipack. Doom metal/ Death doom/ Semi melodic doom

    PAZUZU (Costa rica) Oath of unholy sacrilege Tape. Old school death metal/ Death doom, fulfilled with obscurity and cavernous anger.

    PERVERSE RITES (Peru) Witchsluthaunt Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black death

    PUTRESCINE (Ger) Putrescent utterance Demo tape. Old school death/ Cavernous death doom

    SCYTHE (Usa) Subterranean steel Tape. Thrash black. (Members of Usurper, Armageddon...)

    TERMINALIST (Den) Abandon all liberties MCD. Black metal/ Black thrash with a technical touch.

    WAYWARD DAWN (Den) House of mirrors Demo tape. Death metal in the rather heavier genre, not unlike Grave, Old Solothus, old Illdisposed, some Bolt thrower...

    IMPERADOR BELIAL (Bra) Curse of belial Tape. Old black metal/ black thrash. Sounds like old Venom, Hellhammer. (Members of Hellkommander, Embalsamado)

    TENEBRION (Peru) Tenebrion Demo tape. Thrash metal/ Black thrash

    OCCISOR (Chile) Promo MMXIV CDr. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

    Fanzine PAINLESS (Peru) Issue 3: Putrefiance, Evil damn, Sartegos, Paganfire, Kurnugia, Fetid, Impure, Arkhon, Verthebral, Caligula, Retch, Autophagy, Thy dominion, Narcolepsia, Begrabnis, Insanity cult, Podridao, Blasphemous division, Grafvitnir, Professus abominari, Katari... + Reviews.

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ELECTRIC SHOCK (Fra) Trapped in the city Tape. Hard rock/ Heavy metal/ Heavy rock in the 80's style, with a somewhat US vibe.

    ILLUM ADORA (Ger) Infernum et necromantium Demo tape. Black metal in the early/ mid 90's style, between black death, semi melodic and black thrash styles. (Member of Zarathustra)

    IRON SLAUGHT (Fra) Crusading metal mercenaries Tape. Old school heavy speed in the 80's style, with thrash influences.

    MEDIC VOMITING PUS (Jap) Thoracoabdominal viscerectomy CD. Slim digipack. Brutal death/ Slam/ Gore brutal death. (Member of Gorevent, Traumatomy)

    MIDAS (Usa) Demo Tapes CD. Old school heavy metal Hard rock. Contains the band's two demos

    PANZERGOAT (Rus) Selfdestruction anthems CD. Crust/ Death metal/ Grind with black metal influences.

    PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Left to decay Demo tape. Putrid death metal

    PUTRESCINE (Ger) Optogram of the depraved Demo tape. Old school death/ Obscure death

    ROTTEN (Fra) Rotten MCD. Old school death with raw guitars, not unlike some old Obituary meets some old swedish death (Members of Deep vein, Trepanator, Bottle doom lazy band...)

    BAKTHERIA (Por) System sickness CD. Death/ Thrash/ Punk hardcore

    GOATLORD (Can) Goatlord Demo tape. Underground cavern black death, quite lofi

    DEADLY SIN SLOTH (Usa)/ THOU ART DEAD (Usa) Split tape. Cavern doom death sludge/ Doom death

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    New TAPES and some CDs were added to the Webshop!
    Last distro news:

    GOSUDAR (Russia) Morbid despotic ritual Tape. Death metal/ Old school death/ Death doom

    HEAVY METAL ADDICTED (Bra) Criminal ways Tape. Old school Speed/ Thrash/ Heavy metal with a blackened touch. Special packaging. (Member of Bonebreaker, Sepulchral whore, Deathslaughter)

    MULTIFISSION (China) Decomposition in the painful metamorphosis Tape album. Strange death metal/ Obscure death/ Death doom

    PRAGA (Bra) Furia regicida Tape. Black metal/ Black thrash. Special packaging. (Member of Imperador belial, Thrashera)

    ROTTEN (Fra) Rotten Tape. Old school death with raw guitars, not unlike some old Obituary meets some old swedish death (Members of Deep vein, Trepanator, Bottle doom lazy band...)

    SKULMAGOT (Fin) Kill and die Tape. Death metal/ Old brutal death, not unlike Old Illdisposed, Old Cannibal Corpse, Insision...

    VOORHEES (Fra) Chapter II Tape. Death metal

    FUNERAL (Chile) Catacumbas Tape. Special packaging. Old styled black metal in a quite simple style, à la old Darkthrone, early Burzum, Judas iscariot...

    EMBALSAMADO (Bra) Vasta escuridão Tape. Old school doom black, quite obscure. (Members of Hellkommander, Flageladör, Tyranno...). Special packaging, with poster etc...

    NETHERMANCY (Por) Magick halls of ascension CD. Black metal, sounds like very early Emperor, old Dark funeral, Old dimmu borger, old Hecate enthroned... (Member of Decayed, Alastor, Scent of death)

    VAI TE FODER (Por) Poco CD. Grindcore/ Crust punk/ Death grind, think about Napalm Death

    ALCOHELLDRUGS (Bra) Infernal metal punk Demo tape. Lofi black Punk/ Thrash/ Black metal
    Special packaging

    O FIM (Por) A profanação do 13 de maio Tape. Lofi black metal/ black doom with dark ambient parts, not unlike early Burzum but slower. Special packaging, tape + big patch + poster.

    Fanzine: REGRESSUS DIABOLI (Ger) Issue 3: Holocausto, Pheretrum, Witchcraft, Life eternal records, Terozin fanzine, Illapa/ Contumacy, Witchcraft zine, Utuk xul, Death altar§ Mystical fire, Goatsynagogue, Drutentus; Hidden dagger, Blasphemous Sexfago, Earth crust displacement...+ Reviews, live reports...

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    New TAPES and CDs were added again to the Webshop!
    Limited stock for most… Be Quick, or be KFC!

    Last distro news:

    CATHARTIC (Mex) Ceremonial resurrection MCD. Obscure and crushing death metal/ Death doom

    EVIL INCARNATE (Usa) Depopulation agenda Tape. Death metal/ Satanic death

    GOATBLOOD (Ger) Ferry of death Demo tape. Primitive black.death (Member of Blasphemous Putrefaction)

    INTERNAL INFESTATION (Can) Internal infestation MCD. Quite kicking thrash/ death, sounds like a mix of old Demolition Hammer, old Kreator, mid old Carcass with touches of Morbid Angel. (Member of Gutvoid, Fumes)

    MURGE (Swi) Murge MCD.Between old death metal and death grind, with an HM2 almost swedish sound. (With member of Burning flesh)

    RIPPER (Col) Speed and violence Demo tape.Old school speed/ thrash inthe 80's style.

    SANDSTORM (Can) Desert warrior Tape. Old school heavy metal/ hard rock Tape + badge

    THRASHERA (Bra) No sexism! Only fuck’n’roll! Tape. Old school thrash
    Special packaging with mini fanzine, poster...

    VALGRIND (Ita) Condemnation Tape. Fast Death metal (Last album on tape)

    AGATHOCLES (Bel)/ GROG (Por) "Smashed hammer feast" Split tape. Grindcore/ Death grind.
    Special packaging.

    ANIMALESCO, O METODO (Por) Animalesco o metodo CD. Death metal/ Crust. Sounds like grindcore without blasts.

    Fanzine: CORROSIVE ALTARS (Usa) Issue 6: Interviews of Abatuar, Cemetery lights, Perlokus... + Reviews. Underground metal zine, black, death, thrash etc.
    40 pages. A5. In english. 2021.



    OSMOSE Productions - 2015 label sampler CD: Impaled nazarene, Sckrites, Diocletian, Wichmaster, Dodsfall, Glaciation, Mor dagor, Khaos dei, Empty, Cainan dawn, Cohol, Ad hominem, Deathcode society, Satanika...

    CARLISLE This means everything to me CD. Slim digipack. Hardcore/ Emo/ Screamo

    NIHILISTIC Newsletter 9 / August: This time with an interview of BLOOD SPORT (Old school speed from Finland), reviews of Ritual warfare, Morbus grave, Mayhemic, In/Out, a flyer of Pazuzu, and a short news of Blue holocaust.



    ROTTEN (Fra) Rotten Tape. Old school death with raw guitars, not unlike some old Obituary meets some old swedish death (Members of Deep vein, Trepanator, Bottle doom lazy band...)

    PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Left to decay Demo tape. Putrid death metal

    EMBALSAMADO (Bra) Vasta escuridão Tape. Old school doom black, quite obscure. (Members of Hellkommander, Flageladör, Tyranno...). Special packaging, with poster etc...

    NETHERMANCY (Por) Magick halls of ascension CD. Black metal, sounds like very early Emperor, old Dark funeral, Old dimmu borger, old Hecate enthroned... (Member of Decayed, Alastor, Scent of death)

    VAI TE FODER (Por) Poco CD. Grindcore/ Crust punk/ Death grind, think about Napalm Death

    O FIM (Por) A profanação do 13 de maio Tape. Lofi black metal/ black doom with dark ambient parts, not unlike early Burzum but slower. Special packaging, tape + big patch + poster.

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    NIHILISTIC: Last distro news:
    New CDs from Everlasting Spew recs and other underground stuffs were added to the Webshop!

    DEKAPITED (Chile) Sin miericordia Demo tape. Old school thrash.

    DEVOID OF THOUGHT (Ita) Outer world graves CD. Digipack. Obscure death metal with a strange blackened touch

    DIABOLIZER (Turkey) Khalkedonian death CD. Great dark and blackened death metal
    (Members of Engufled, Burial invocation, Impuration, Hyperdontia)

    FOSSILIZATION (Bra) He whose name was long forgotten MCD. Obscure death/ Doom (Members of Jupiterian)

    FRONT (Fin) Antichrist militia Demo tape. Blackened death Black thrash

    GALVANIZER (Fin) Prying sight of imperception CD Old school death metal/ death grind

    NEKROMIO (Chile) Aghori baba sadhu Demo tape. Old school death/ Old brutal death
    (Member of Orategod)

    PHANTOM CORPORATION (Ger) First commandment MCD. Death metal Crust
    (Member of Slaughterday, Obscenity, Dew scented

    SATAN'S GOD (Usa) Human hear poison Tape. Experimental/ Ambient/ Bad trip psychedelic

    VOID ROT (Usa) Descending pillars CD. Obscure death/ Doom

    ZORA (Ita) Soul raptor CD. Brutal death/ Death metal, not unlike mid old Cannibal corpse

    COBRA (Colombia) Sin dominio del tiempo Tape. Thrash metal

    METAPHOBIC (Usa) Demo 2021 MCD. Death metal/ Brutallizing death. Cardboard sleeve.

    Cx9 (Uruguay)/ CUM GAYSER (Rus)/ EZEKIEL ASKS FOR ANAL UJAMAA (Rus)/ GANGRENE DISCHARGE (Usa) "4-Way Evisceration" Split CDr. Goregrind/ Goregrind gorenoise/ Goregrind gorenoise/ Goregrind

    Fanzine: DISCARNAGE (Malaysia) Fanzine issue 4: Engulfer, Necrorite, Graveyard ghoul, Molder, Casket, Cryptworm, Huoripukki, Rotted, Rest, Nefarious, Mangler, Putrid torso, Nekro drunkz, Incinerated, Lack of sun, Torn apart...
    88 pages. A5. In english 2020?
    130 gr



    LEATHER MISTRESS (Ger) Talk dirty MCD. 2nd hand. Old school heavy metal/ Hard rock. Rerelease of an old demo from 1984
    2nd hand: The booklet shows it was used, but good shape globally

    GLARE (Can) Glare... Of the knife Demo tape. 2nd hand. Speed metal/ Punk.
    (Member of Blackrat, Immortal force)
    2nd hand: The booklet looks second hand, but the tape plays well.

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABADDON INCARNATE (Uk) Live pessimism Tape. Death metal/ Death grind with an almost HM2 guitar sound.

    ACHERON (Usa) Anti-god, anti-christ Tape. Old death metal/ black, in a dark atmospheric manner, with doomy influences. Rerelease of album from 1996.

    BECERUS (Ita) Homo Homini Brutus CD Death metal Old brutal death. Sounds somewhat like old Sinister, Resurrection, Old Cannibal corpse, Brutality...
    (Member of Haemophagus, Morbo, Balatonizer)

    CRUCIAMENTUM (Uk) Convocation of crawling chaos Demo tape. Obscure death

    ET VERBI SATHANUS (Chile) Satanae pater sanguinariv Tape. Satanic and angry black/ death metal

    MORBUS GRAVE (Ita) Promo 21 Tape. Old school death metal. Members of Voids of vomit, Undead creep, Sepulcral, Funest...

    PLAGUE (Gre) Portraits of mind Tape. Old school death metal, influenced by old Death, Massacre, mid old Morbid Angel and more...

    APOCALYPSE COMMAND (Usa) Damnation scythes of invincible abomination CD. Fast evil black death. (With the guitarist of Angel corpse, Perdition temple...)

    CHRONIC WASTE (Rus) Procreation of the wasted Demo tape. Grindcore/ Death grind

    WORSHIP (Ger) Terranean wake CD. Funeral doom

    Fanzine: MEGA THRASH (Fra) Issue 1: Numéro spécial sur Mercyless: Interview, article, chroniques... 28 pages. A4. In french. 2021


    2ND HAND CDs:

    LUNATIC GODS (Slovakia) Inhuman & Insensible Pro CDr.2nd hand.
    Atmospheric death black doom with a technical side. This is the initial release from 1996.

    REANIMATOR (Can) Ignorance is no excuse CD. 2nd hand. Thrash metal, sounds like mid old Exodus, or old Overkill, with more screamy vocals.


    OCCISOR - Mini sticker
    ARMOURED ANGEL - Sticker
    END OF MANKIND - Sticker
    VIRRADAT Recs - Mini sticker
    MIDNIGHT PREY - Sticker
    BLUE HOLOCAUST - Sticker

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    EVIL MADNESS (Chile) Hidden behind the cross Demo tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash (Members of Invincible force, Dekapited)

    FUNERAL CHANT (Usa) Funeral chant CD. Quite raw and cryptic black death metal

    MOLIS SEPULCRUM (Hungary) Left for the worms Demo tape. Old school death with old swedish influences and crushing HM2 sound. (Members of Gravecrusher, Necrosodomy)

    OS (Hungary) Prehuman death magic Demo tape. Old school death with an underground flair, not unlike old Verminous, Morgoth, early Grave...

    RADIATION (Slovakia) The gift of doom Tape. Old school thrash in the 80's style, with death metal influences.

    SANCTIFYING RITUAL (Ger) Carved in rotten remains Demo tape. Underground death metal/ Death black

    DIZZINESS (Gre) Offermort Heritage Tape. Fast and quite "brutal" black metal, yet with somewhat sorrowful and "melodic" guitars, perhaps in the old hellenic way.

    CONVOCATION (Fin) Scars across CD. Digipack. Doom/ Funeral doom/ Death doom

    THE WAKEDEAD GATHERING (Usa) Ars Notoria Demo tape. Death metal sounds somewhat like mid old Morbid angel or Polish death (Member of Invultation)

    XVART (Usa) Skeleton knight Demo tape Underground death doom (Member of Draug, Filtheater…)

    ViANDE (Fra) A la mort! Demo tape. Obscure death/ Underground death. Pro printed tape, golden cover.

    SANGUINARY MISANTHROPIA (Australia) Blodison Tape. Between raw black metal and bestial black death

    VOMIKAUST (Usa) Morbid way to suffer Demo tape. Raw black death/ Black thrash

    FLORIDIAN WINTER (Usa)/ CROSS ROT (Usa) Split tape. Raw black metal/ punk (Member of Vomikaust)


    LOW PRICES Tapes:

    DIVINE ECSTASY (Usa) Divine ecstasy Demo tape. Black metal. Pro printed tape.

    EPITAPHE (Fra) Demo MMXVII Tape. Obscure death/ Death doom. Red tape.

    HELLISH (Pol)/ VALPURGIA (Pol) Split tape. Blackened thrash/ Black thrash (Member of Empheris) Regular Maxwell tape with sticker

    MONUMENT OF BONES (Usa) Cemetary dirges Tape. Fast death metal/ Blackened death Tape with sticker.

    NEFTARAKA (Malaysia) Raw ist law Demo tape. Black metal (Member of Langsuir). Smokey tape.

    SADOMIZER (Fra) Sadomizer Demo tape. Alcoolic black thrash, in a quite lofi old manner. Pro printed tape.

    VEINEN (Gre) Summon your god Demo tape. Raw black metal. Tape with sticker

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    NIHILISTIC: Last distro news / Special offer: 3 tapes bundle!

    Last distro news:

    BEGERITH (Rus) A.D.A.M CD. Black death metal. Somewhat like mid old Behemoth, mid old Morbid Angel, Emperor (IX Equilibrium)

    HOLOCAUSTO (Bra) Batismo de fogo Tape. War metal/ Black death

    HUNGRY WÖLF (Rus) Forgotten frozen lands CD. Black metal/ Punk/ Black thrash

    IMMORTAL SUFFERING (Usa) Asylum Tape. Brutal death with old death metal influences.

    LIQUID FLESH (Fra) Chair liquide CD. Digipack. Old school death/ Death'n roll (Sounds like a mix of mid old Carcass, Obituary, Master, mid old Entombed)

    MURGE (Swi) Murge MCD.Between old death metal and death grind, with an HM2 almost swedish sound. (With member of Burning flesh)

    NEKROMANIAC (Ger) Plague eater Tape. Violent black/ thrash

    PATHETIC (Can) Rat king CD. Death metal, between the darkened and more bestial/ brutal genre... Kinda sounds like a mix of early Bolt thrower, old Immolation, Heaving earth, Bestial warlust...

    PERVERSE RITES (Peru) Witchsluthaunt Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black death

    THINE INNER SANCTUM (Uk) Dark sky weeping Tape. Doom metal/ Death doom/ Blackened doom

    FILTHCULT (Fra) Consume / collapse CD. Crust punk / Black metal/ Sludge the noisy way.

    JPI VIO-LENS KOMMAND (Uruguay) Death to thee... Rehearsal tape. Old thrash/ black/ punk.
    Sounds a bit like early Celtic frost/ Hellhammer, maybe old Messiah or early Darkthrone.
    Warning: This sounds like an old rehearsal from the 80's, for fans of old underground stuffs only.

    THANATOLOGIST (Uk) "I" Demo tape. Raw black metal. (Member of Mutant Ape)


    SPECIAL OFFER : 3 tapes bundle !

    Get these 3 cassettes of the now defunct Impious desecrations records, for only 9 euros + shipping!

    -BURIED (Chile) Deathless corpses and voodoo rites Demo tape. Old school death metal in a primitive way, with a punk touch.

    -ViANDE (France) A la mort! Demo tape. Obscure death/ Underground death with black metal touches.

    -SADOMIZER (Frace) Sadomizer Demo tape. Raw black thrash with a rock’n roll touch, in a quite primitive way.

    All pro-pressed tapes, all mint and ready to bang!
    Beware: Limited quantities!

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    AUMNARIUM (Can) Relic of mood Demo tape. Black death metal with an avant garde touch and low death vocals. It sounds quite different, yet keeps a natural/ somewhat 90's edge.

    CATHARTIC (Mex) Ceremonial resurrection Demo tape. Obscure and crushing death metal/ Death doom

    HELLTHRASHER (Peru) En tinieblas CD. Old school thrash/ black/ speed

    INFERNAL EXECRATOR (Singapore) Antichrist Execration Demo tape. Raw black death (Members of Istidraj)

    INFERNAL EXECRATOR (Singapore) Thy Demonization Conquers Demo tape. Raw black death

    MAZE OF TERROR (Peru)/ WOLFSTORM (Fra) Split CD. Old school thrash/ Old school black speed, heavy. (CD + patch)

    PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Left to decay Demo tape. Putrid death metal/ Old death/ Death doom

    REST IN PEACE (Germany) Exhumed Tape. Old school thrash. Rerelease of demo 88 and live 87. (Members of Warhammer)

    SUFFERING (Pol) Chaosatanas Demo tape. Raw black metal

    Fanzine: DETOX (Fra/ Pol) Final issue.
    Orator, Rot, Putrid cult recs, Dead infection, Meat spreader, Leprophiliac, Atrocity (Usa), Sepulchral voices, Hateful, Demoted, Putrid evil, Elixir of distress, Grossmember, Satanic priest, Zinoteka, Sick sinus syndrome, Toxic bonkers, Somluck art, Mastectomy, Morgue breath, Alcoholic butcher, Eraser, Kookaveen, Son of parasite, Mortal vision, Honor, Noise nihilist, Black hosts, Mixomatosis, Atrofia cerebral, Eggsore, Golgotha, Soreshit, Infidel and more... + Reviews.
    Warning: This is not politically correct and the editor is angry about many peoples.
    188 pages. A4. In english. 2021/



    FLORIDIAN WINTER (Usa)/ SUMP (Uk) Split tape. Raw black metal/ punk. (Member of Vomikaust) Pro printed tape

    IGUMAN (Montenegro) Rogati kopitar Demo tape. 2nd hand. Raw black metal.

    KUSENPOLTTAMARUUMIS (Fin) Kusenpolttamaruumis Demo tape. Old black metal/ Crust punk (Member of Maze of Roots)

    MORBID BLOOD (Uruguay) Morbid blood Tape. 2nd hand. Old death metal (Rerelease of old demos from 93-94)
    2nd hand: Some scars on the body of tape, but plays fine.

    AURUM (Rus) Recombination Demo tape. Death black/ Old technical death/ Death doom. Old demo from 2002.
    Regular Tdk tape, pro cover.

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    The distro was updated with some cassettes (Including some hard to find ones, or cheaper price tapes), some second hand CDs, and a free magazine. Look in LOW PRICES and NEWS!


    BESTIAL MORTEM (Chile)/ VIA EXCELSIUM (Chile) Split tape. Raw and obscure underground death.

    VLAD (Peru) Fucking in the hell Demo tape. Old styled underground death/ Death black
    (Member of Morbosatan, Cadaver incubador, Sexorcist)

    NOSFERATOS (Rus) Ventum Inferum de tenebrae... Tape. Death metal. Recording from 1998.

    HARD METAL JACKHAMMER Compilation tape: Manzer, Significant Point, Tormentress, Jenner, Trepanator, Hellfire, Grey Wolf, Wastëland Riders, Meline, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Sacrilegious Rite. Old school metal compilation mostly black metal, heavy and thrash.

    FROZEN TEAR (Fin) White with frost Demo tape. Old death doom with more melodic moments.
    Rerelease of demo from 1995

    BEITIO BOURRUDO (Fra) Rigordaine o l'aversier / Negras orasons Tape. Black metal, not unlike old Darkthrone, Judas iscariot

    WITCHCURSE (Gre) Demon's warning Demo tape. 2nd hand. Old school heavy metal.

    DECEMBER'S FIRE (Pol) Vae Victis CD. 2nd hand. Neo-classical, Dark ambient, Dungeon synth.
    Edition from 1996

    NECRODEATH (Ita) Draculea CD. 2nd hand. Thrash/ death.

    NOVEMBERS DOOM (Usa) Aphotic CD. 2nd hand. Death doom/ Doom/ Death metal

    RADIO METAL Magazine numéro 6: Magazine metal/ rock gratuit.

    Look in https://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr/Web.../fr/17-low-prices
    and https://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr/Webshop/fr/24-news
  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    NIHILISTIC: Big christmas update + New release + Low price stuffs!!

    Find enclosed the big Christmas distro update!
    Many tapes and CDs were added to the webshop!
    Including the new NIHILISTIC Release: The CONFESSOR A.D. Demo on tape!


    Last distro news:

    300 COBRAS (Usa) Sky becomes soil: Worm typhoon Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black metal

    ABSORPTION (Russia) / ODOCKH (Russia) Split tape. Old school death/ Black death

    CENOTAFIO (Chile) Larvae tedeum teratos Tape. Obscure black metal/ Black death

    CONFESSOR A.D. (Fra) Too late to pray Demo tape. Old school death with 90's black metal and thrash influences.

    BURIAL (Ita) Inner gateways to the slumbering CD. Death metal/ Death doom the brutallizing way, with influences of old Finnish death.

    DIABOLIZER (Turkey) Khalkedonian death CD. Great dark and blackened death metal
    (Members of Engufled, Burial invocation, Impuration, Hyperdontia)

    GALVANIZER (Fin) Prying sight of imperception CD. Old school death metal/ death grind

    FOSSILIZATION (Bra) He whose name was long forgotten MCD. Obscure death/ Doom (Members of Jupiterian)

    HUMAN TRASH (Mex) Blasphemous hordes of the black goat MCD. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash.

    PAGAN RITES (Swe) Absurd end of the world 2xCD. Digipack. Black metal/ Black thrash/ Death doom from the cavern

    SOULCIDE (Mex) From awakening to extinction CD. Digipack. Old styled death metal/ Old brutal death, with touches of 90's technical death, and an underground flair.

    BESTIAL MORTEM (Chile)/ VIA EXCELSIUM (Chile) Split tape. Raw and obscure underground death.

    VLAD (Peru) Fucking in the hell Demo tape. Old styled underground death/ Death black
    (Member of Morbosatan, Cadaver incubador, Sexorcist)

    NOSFERATOS (Rus) Ventum Inferum de tenebrae... Tape. Death metal. Recording from 1998.

    HARD METAL JACKHAMMER Compilation tape: Manzer, Significant Point, Tormentress, Jenner, Trepanator, Hellfire, Grey Wolf, Wastëland Riders, Meline, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Sacrilegious Rite. Old school metal compilation mostly black metal, heavy and thrash.

    FROZEN TEAR (Fin) White with frost Demo tape. Old death doom with more melodic moments.
    Rerelease of demo from 1995


    Low prices tapes/ 2nd hands CDs:

    BEITIO BOURRUDO (Fra) Rigordaine o l'aversier / Negras orasons Tape. Black metal, not unlike old Darkthrone, Judas iscariot

    WITCHCURSE (Gre) Demon's warning Demo tape. 2nd hand. Old school heavy metal.
    Pro cover, regular transparent tape.
    2nd hand, in good shape.

    DECEMBER'S FIRE (Pol) Vae Victis CD. 2nd hand. Neo-classical, Dark ambient, Dungeon synth.
    Edition from 1996
    2nd hand CD: All in good shape.

    NECRODEATH (Ita) Draculea CD. 2nd hand. Thrash/ death.
    2nd hand CD: All in good shape.

    NOVEMBERS DOOM (Usa) Aphotic CD. 2nd hand. Death doom/ Doom/ Death metal
    2nd hand CD: All in good shape.

    RADIO METAL Magazine numéro 6:
    Interviews: Iron maiden, The night flight orchestra, No one is innocent, Trivium.
    Chroniques: Carcass, A pale horse named death, Rivers of nihil, Unto others, Tremonti, Enslaved , Destinity, Cradle of filth, Mastodon, Monolord, Anathema, Fauxx, 6:33n Jerry Cantrell, Dream theater, Down, Eric Wagner,...
    Magazine metal/ rock gratuit.
    164 pages. A4. In french. 2021

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago


    Happy new year for 2022! (If possible)

    Find enclosed the last distro news…
    Support underground metal, and metallize the underground support! (ahah)


    Last distro news:

    ARCANE BLAZE (Rus) Spawn of Putrefaction MCD. Blackened thrash/ old school thrash

    CADAVERIC POSSESSION (Pol) Sephirothic desiccation Demo tape. Obscure black death

    GOAT TYRANT (Pol) Towards the threshold of death Demo tape. Old school black thrash/ death

    IRON SLAUGHT (Fra) Crusading metal mercenaries Tape. Old school heavy speed in the 80's style, with thrash influences.

    NECROTOMY (Usa) Indecent exposure/ Meals in the morgue Tape. Old school death/ Old styled gore death/ grind. Rerelease of demos from 91 and 92.

    NETHER (Croatia)) Beyond the celestial sphere Tape album. Old school thrash death with technical touches. Sounds like old Destruction, old Kreator (Rather Coma), Sepultura (Beneath) with a bit of Pestilence (First Lp and Testimony)

    PREHISTORIC WAR CULT (Ger) Cold wind howls over the burial site Demo tape. Balck death/ War metal

    TOADEATER (Ger) Bit to ewigen daogen Tape.Black metal

    VOORHEES (Fra) Chapter two & a half Tape. Death metal. (Members of Dehumanize, Dungortheb...)

    ATARAXIE (Fra) Slow transcending agony CD. Digipack. Doom death

    DOUBLE HORSE (Spa) The great old ones Tape Ep. Doom stoner.



    CORPSEEATER (Ger) Start to mutilate Demo tape. Death grind/ Gore grind the underground way.

    MOONKNIGHT (Usa) Zhora Demo tape. Atmospheric black metal that keeps a quite raw/ underground side.

    CORPSE ARISE (Usa) Nothing further exists Tape. Death grind like 15-20 years ago with a quite filthy obscure atmosphere. (Member of Draug, Filtheater...)

    UNCREATION (Ita) Return to chaos Demo tape. 2nd hand.Obscure and raw underground death (Members of Morbid Upheaval)

    ABSORPTION (Russia) / ODOCKH (Russia) Split tape. Old school death/ Black death.

    FRATRICIDE (Mex) Eugenix abortion CD. Old styled thrash/ death

    300 COBRAS (Usa) Sky becomes soil: Worm typhoon Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black metal

    HOMOIRATUS (Gre) Apocalypse CD. Death grind/ Hardcore. Somewhat sounds like a mix of Mastic scum, Nostromo, mid old Napalm Death, Old Misery index...

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    NIHILISTIC Distro:
    A bunch of tapes and somes CDs were added to the webshop!

    DALISAY (Philippines) Ang Trahedya ng Dalisay at Ketungin Pro CDr/ Album. Old school death, some parts are thrashing, some are heavier or darker.

    DEATH VANISH (Usa) Total Solitary Instinct Demo tape. Black metal

    GORE SHRIEK (Uk) Victims of the axe MCD/ Pro CDr. Old death metal/ Old brutal death with gore horror themes.

    HAK-ED DAMM (Can) Nekrowristfucked Tape. Fast brutal black metal à la old Marduk, War, Hellacaust... Special packaging.

    INTERNAL INFESTATION (Can) Internal infestation MCD. Quite kicking thrash/ death, sounds like a mix of old Demolition Hammer, old Kreator, mid old Carcass with touches of Morbid Angel. (Member of Gutvoid, Fumes)

    LED TO THE GRAVE (Usa) Bane of existence Tape. Death thrash with old semi melodic death parts, kinda sounds like a mix of Testament, Destruction and At the gates.

    OMENFILTH (Philippines) Hymns of Diabolical Treachery Tape. Raw obscure black metal (Member of Pathogen)

    ROTTING SYSTEM (Turkey) Stolen future Demo tape. Old school punk hardcore/ Thrash

    WALD KRYPTA (Usa) Where None Remain Tape. 90's black metal like early Burzum, old Darkthrone

    DUNKELHEIT (Turkey) Mors aeterna Tape. Fast melancholic black metal



    BLOODATTACK (Ger) Rotten leaders CD. Hardcore with Death metal influences

    BYZANTINE (Usa) Oblivion beckons CD. Modern heavy/ Groove metal/ Thrash death, somewhat sounds like Nevermore or mid old Testament

    KATAPLASM (Fra) Insert digital coin... Promo tape 2022. Noisecore/ Cybergrind/ Indus

    WOLVES LIKE US (Nor) Black soul choir CD. Digipack. Post rock/ Alternative

    CHALUNG GRA (Fra) Mostaferi CD. Digipack. Dark ambient/ Drone

    RADIO METAL Magazine (Fra) Numero 7:
    Interviews: Mastodon, Jerry Cantrell, Hangman's chair, Hellfest, turbonegro.
    + chroniques: Black label society, Converge, Cynic, Deep purple, Emigrate, Existance, Exodus, Hypocrisy, In mourning, Obscura, Swallow the sun, Volbeat... + news.
    Magazine metal generaliste, gratuit.

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    NIHILISTIC: Last distro news/ TAPES/ 2nd hand CDs…

    A bunch of TAPES and some 2nd hand CDs were added to the Webshop!
    I have only one copy for half of it, so if interested you’d better be quick.

    I’m making efforts to keep the prices low, but it’ not easy when the prices of cassettes and postage do not decrease… And from time to time there’s a surprise custom fee (For some packages coming out from Europe)… But I won’t sell tapes for 9-10-11 euros! This has nothing to do with the old underground values… In my opinion small underground labels should keep the prices reasonable, not just mindlessly click the “PAY” button on the factory’s Webshop!



    Last distro news:

    BONE SICKNESS (Usa) Theater of morbidity Tape. Old death metal à la Nihilist/ Autopsy/ Abscess, with grindcore influences à la Repulsion.

    CAASSIMOLAR (Jap) Demo 2018 Tape. Old school death metal with a raw swedish sound à la Dismember.

    CEPHEIDE (Fra) Les échappées Tape. Atmospheric black metal.

    CEREMONIAL WORSHIP (Gre)/ OMENFILTH (Philippines) Split tape. Fast black metal/ Raw obscure black metal

    ETERNAL MAJESTY (Fra) From war to darkness Tape. Black metal

    FACELESS GOD (Gre) Faceless god Tape. Fast black metal like old Marduk

    KAOS DOOM (Hol) Demo tape. Bestial black death the underground way

    SPESIMIN (Usa) Born in the crypt Demo tape. Old school death/ thrash... Sounds like early Death, Autopsy with more thrashing influences.

    SPASTICUS (Ita) Horror, chaos, death MCD. Old school death, think about old Autopsy/ early Death/ old Necrophagia (1st Lp), with old death grind parts, perhaps à la Atrocity (Usa).

    SUFFER (Ukraine) Demo 2017 Tape. Hardcore punk

    SUMERU (Australia) Summon destroyer Tape. Doom sludge/ Death doom

    ELECTRIC SHOCK (Fra) Trapped in the city Tape. Hard rock/ Heavy metal/ Heavy rock in the 80's style, with a somewhat US vibe.

    MANNEQUIN CELLAR (Usa) Enter the cellar CD.. DVD Case. Harsh noise/ Claustrophobic atmospheres/ Industrial



    THE 11TH HOUR (Hol) Burden of grief CD. 2nd hand. Doom/ Death doom with Ed Warby of Gorefest/ Hail of bullets.

    HOMICIDE (Ita) Self determined breed Demo tape. 1995. 2nd hand. Old thrash metal with "power" touches.

    DETONATOR (Hungary) Demo 1990 MCD. 2nd hand. Old thrash/ Black thrash (Rerelease of old demo)

    ROTTENTOWN (Spa) Blood's not enough MCD. 2nd hand. Heavy metal.

    SUPPURATION (Colombia) Pain and suffering CDr album. 2nd hand. Gorebrutal death.
    Somewhat sounds like old Disgorge (Mex), old Cannibal Corpse.

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ALTAR BLOOD (Usa) From the darkest chasms CD. Death metal/ Blackened death/ Obscure death.

    HELLPOISON (Bra) Breathing for the filth CD. Old school speed/ Black/ Thrash/ Rock'n roll influenced by the 80's style.

    END OF MANKIND (Fra) Anterieur à la lumiere Tape album. Black metal. (Members of Antaeus, Eternal majesty,..)

    IMPUGNED (Argentina)/ IRRADIATED (Usa)/ SCUMEATER (Pol)/ MEATUS (Can) Split tape.
    Grindcore/ Crustgrind/ Grindcore/ Cavern goregrind

    DEATHLY SCYTHE (Chile) Split CD. Old school death thrash and blackened thrash.

    REALM OF CARNIVORA (Estonia) Vengeance shall come Tape. Fast black metal with an atmospheric side.

    SAVAGE GRACE (Usa) The dominatress + Demo 1982 CD. Old school heavy metal/ Speed (Contains Ep 83 + demo 82)

    SCHIZOPARANOIC PLATOON (Gre) Warfare: mass annihilation Demo tape. Bestial death black/ War metal

    XALPEN (Chile) Sawken Xo'on Tape. Fast raw black metal with early 90's influences and a quite swedish approch sometimes (Old Marduk, old Watain)

    INCISOR (Philippines) Death metal supremacy/ Mordant antiphony Demo tape. Old underground death metal.

    ADOLF HIBOU (Fra) Princess barely legal Tape. Crazy mix of Sludge/ Grind/ Post punk/ Noise rock/ Glitch and others..

    VISION DEMON (Fra) Cheap fun Demo tape. Post punk/ Simple punk/ Rock

    SZYNHOD GLAUKHOM (Fra) "I" Pro CDr. Dark ambiant/ old school industrial/ noise chaos and introspective subterranean contemplation. Recorded during the first confinement, in an end of the world state of mind.

    Back in stock: DEHUMANIZED Zine (Uk) Issue 7:
    Interviews; Lividity, Hessian wolf children, Nihilistic holocaust.
    Articles/ Bios: Evile, Nile, Lock up... + many reviews of CDs, tapes, fanzines, Dvds...



    BLASPHEMOUS DIVISION (Peru) Promo MMXVII CDr. Old styled black/ death

    SAURON (Pol) Hornology Promo CD. Fast brutal black metal

    Stoner/ Psyche/ Drone/ Space rock/ Experimental

    VA - HOLY-ER THAN THOU 12: Compilation CD. : Inactive messiah, Hectic patterns, Orakle, Septic flesh, Foscor.
    Varied styles: Modern metal, brutal death, symphonic black metal, Atmospheric death metal, black metal...


    Free Stickers:
    ANGUSTIA - Sticker
    AUDIO EPIDEMIC Recs - Sticker
    END OF MANKING - Sticker "E" letter
    FACELESS GOD - Sticker
    LED TO THE GRAVE - Sticker
    NOISE TO HELP Asso - Sticker
    RADS - Sticker
    TERRORSCUM - Sticker
    UNBURIAL - Sticker

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ASCENDED MASTER (Usa) What was... and what shall be again Demo tape. Between thrash death, black thrash and blackened death (Member of Faithxtractor, Estuary)

    BLACK GRAIL (Chile) Demo 2021 Tape. Raw black metal with strange and doom influences.

    BLOODLUST (Col) Black mass Tape. Old school thrash/ Black thrash

    NOMINON (Swe) Diabolical bloodshed CD. Death metal/ Old school death

    RADIATION (Slovakia) The gift of doom Tape. Old school thrash in the 80's style, with death metal influences.

    SCAPHISM (Usa) Perpetual torment Demo tape. Death metal in the 90's Us style, sounds like a mix of old Monstrosity, Deicide, old Vader, old Malevolent creation...

    FORGOTTEN CHAPEL Zine (Ireland/ Poland) issue 10:
    Necrosanct, Phlebotomized, Nembrionic, Utumno, Woods of belial, Cross fade, Beyond belief, View beyond recs, Kolac, Erupted evil, Jim mutilator, Perpetual holocaust, Krashing, Repugnacia... + Reviews.
    40 pages. A4. In english. 2020

    INEXISTENCE (Fra) Danse macabre Tape. Dark ambient/ Dungeon synth/ Darkwave

    HEXEKRATION RITES (Fra) Desekration manifesto MCD. Digipack. Black death with dark atmosphere.

    MURGE (Swi) Murge MCD.Between old death metal and death grind, with an HM2 almost swedish sound. (With member of Burning flesh)


    Free stickers:
    CATHARTIC - Sticker logo black
    END OF MANKIND - Sticker Faciem diaboli
    HAIL SHITAR Recs - Sticker gravure rond
    SURROGATE Recs - Mini sticker green



    END OF MANKIND (Fra) Anterieur à la lumiere Tape album. Black metal. (Members of Antaeus, Eternal majesty,..)

    REALM OF CARNIVORA (Estonia) Vengeance shall come Tape. Fast black metal with an atmospheric side.

    XALPEN (Chile) Sawken Xo'on Tape. Fast raw black metal with early 90's

    INCISOR (Philippines) Death metal supremacy/ Mordant antiphony Demo tape. Old underground death metal.

    ADOLF HIBOU (Fra) Princess barely legal Tape. Crazy mix of Sludge/ Grind/ Post punk/ Noise rock/ Glitch and others..

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    BLITZ (Ger) The nachtmahr sessions Demo tape. Old school Heavy/ Speed/ Thrash in the 80's style (Member of Midnight prey). Tape + badge

    CHALICE OF SUFFERING (Usa) For you I die Tape. Death doom/ Funeral doom

    CHEROKEE (Ger) Blood & Gold Tape. Old school Hard Rock. Tape + badge

    CRETIN (Hol) The demos CD. Old thrash metal, not unlike old Forbidden, early Dark angel (1st), Sacred reich, old Anthrax... (Demos from 88, 89 and 90)

    GALAXY (Australia) - On the Shore of Life Tape. Old school heavy metal, reminds me of old Judas priest or old Mercyful fate/ King diamond. Tape + badge

    PYROMANCY (Ita) Pyromancy Demo tape. Fast raw black metal with touches of black thrash.

    SCAPHISM (Usa) Unutterable horrors CD. Death metal/ Old brutal death

    SEXMAG (Pol) Sex metal MCD. Old school thrash/ Morbid thrash/ 80's black thrash. Sounds like a mixture of Sepultura (Morbid visions), early Destruction, early Sarcofago, Nocturnal (Ger)...

    STRESS ANGEL (Usa) Bursting church CD. Old school thrashing death. Sounds like a mix of old Repugnant, Deathstrike, old Possessed, early Death (1st Lp)...

    TENSION (Ger) Decay Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Hard rock. Tape + badge

    REFORESTER (Uk) Undisturbed woodland habitat Demo tape. Raw grindcore/ Technical grind

    GOD'S CHOSEN RAPISTS Compilation tape: Abesta, Xaii, Kuttekop, Natural nihilismo, Rdkpl, Nightstick, Moumansk150, 886vg, God pussy, Terrorist kriss, Hinyouki, Pmnt, Sewage... Harsh noise, noisecore, raw grind and other crazy stuffs...

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    A bunch of TAPES and some CDs were added to the Webshop!
    Are you ready?

    Last distro news:

    VENATOR (Austria) Echoes from the Gutter Tape. Old school heavy metal. Tape + badge

    INSIGHT (Chile) Azael. Chapter I Tape Ep. Old school Heavy speed/ thrash with a black metal touch and great musicianship. (Members of Ripper, Mayhemic, Samot, Suppression...). Tape + badge

    KARLOFF (Ger) The Appearing Tape. Black Metal Punk/ Blackened old school punk hardcore. Tape + badge

    DISTRAUGHT (Mex)/ FAECAL TRIPE (Mex) Allthrought the gross infectology tresholds Split CD.
    Old cryptic death metal meets old death grind with putrid vibe. Rerelease of old demos from 1991 and 1993.

    TENEBROSIDAD (Chile) La última palabra será de satanás MCD. Quite raw black thrash

    IRON FORCE (Usa) Dungeon Breaker MCD Quite raw old school thrash, not unlike Old Dark angel, old Rigor Mortis, maybe very early Sodom... (Member of Mutant supremacy)

    FESTERING (Por) From the grave Demo tape. Swedish style death metal

    EXTERMINATORIUM (Bra)/ NECROBSCURE (Bra) Split tape. Blasting death/ Death metal, not unlike old Krisiun, Rebealliun

    IMPURATION (Turkey) Sanctities we raped Tape. Old school Black/ Thrash/ Death (Members of Godslaying Hellblast, Sarinvomit, Deggial)

    VRYKOLAKAS (Singapore) Unleashing vrykolakas upon the mankind Tape. Death metal/ Satanic brutal death

    INFANT DEATH (Nor) Total Hell Tape. Black thrash. Tape + badge.

    SEVERED HEAD (Uk) Pure fucking death MCD. Death metal, demo from 2002.

    SICKBAG (Fra) Destructure & disgrace CD. Death grind (Contains the band's two Eps)

    VA - BEYOND THE NOISE Compilation CD
    Compilation of mexican metal bands, mostly death and thrash, also a bit of black metal, heavy, progressive metal...
    With: Agony lords, The dark silence of death, Christ of oblivion, Tenderizer, Cathartic, Eglon, Fruit company, Novadown, Arzenik, Killer Driller, Bastard, Forged, Lost iteration, Avatar, Crossfire...

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ARCANEBLAZE (Rus) Conjure mysticism and goblet of eternal fire CD. Black thrash/ Speed/ Blackend old school thrash

    CYPRINE (Fra) Mendekua CD. French death metal/ Brutal death influenced by the end 90’s and

    DAMNATUS (Ita) Quando nessuno ti aspetta nel mondo... Tape. Depressive black metal.

    DIREGOAT (Usa) Bleed the lamb Demo tape. Obscure black death with bestial and old death metal touches. Sounds influenced by very early Archgoat (90's), early Impaled Nazarene (1st Lp) and very early Mortician for some death metal.

    DREKAVATZ (Belarus) Misanthropic rituals Demo tape. Raw black metal in the 90's style, not unlike early Burzum. early Darkthrone.

    ROTTEN FUNERAL (Usa) Rotten funeral MCD. 90's influenced black metal.

    SAVAGE AXE OF DEATH (Uk) Demo tape. Raw black metal with slow parts à la Bathory. Not unlike old Mayhem, War (Swe); very early Emperor (The Ep/ Demos, but without keyboards)...

    AUME (Chile) Fulgor renegrido Tape. Black metal/ folk, sounds quite atmospheric but also quite raw and underground.

    Fanzine: DEADLY ILLNESS (Hungary) Issue 7: Skelethal earth, Repuked, Ruinas, Impaler, Hybernoid, Sun Crow, Black syrup zine, Jääportit, Rato triste, Betelzeus, Residue, the creator of the Chtulhu movie... Fanzine about old school death, doom and old punk hardcore mostly.
    60 pages. A4. In english. 2022.
    150 gr

    NIHILISTIC Newsletter - 12/ May 2022
    The new newsletter is ready: This time it contains reviews of Suffering Sights, Evil Spectrum, Intrinsic Maleficence, Noxis, Blue Holocaust, Summoner, Stinker, Nekromio, Schizodeath, Vai-te foder... One A4 page folded two times and filled with as much infos as possible; to spread the underground infos!
    Given for free in orders, trades, letters.



    SPASM (Peru)/ CONTUMACY (Peru)/ PULVERIZED NECRO BRAIN (Peru) Split CD. 2nd hand.
    Old rotten death grind, death metal, grindcore. Contains old demos from the 90's
    CD looks second hand, and some scars under the disk, but plays on CD player.

    METATOR (Spa) Akocedakor Promo CD. Brutal death/ Blackened death

    BLACK THE SKY (Usa) Simplistic mechanics of deformable bodies CD. Melodic death/ Metal hardcore



    SCAPHISM - Badge
    VORUS - Badge

    FORBIDDEN SONORITY recs - Sticker
    GOAT EYACULATION Recs - Sticker
    INSIGHT - Sticker



    I have created a new youtube channel where I upload mostly old demos,
    stuffs I got in my distro from 2000 to 2006. Some of these bands are totally unknown or hard to find…
    Check it and subscribe!

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago


    BOMBARDER (Bosnia) Ima li života prije smrti Tape. Old school speed/ Thrash

    CANENS CARCER (Por) Canens Carcer Tape. Doom metal with old sludge and 70's occult touches.

    ORDER OF THE EMPEROR (Hol) Faster into flames Tape. Old school hard rock/ heavy

    PISSBOILER (Swe) In the lair of lucid nightmares CD. Digipack. Obscure doom death/ Funeral doom death

    POISONED SPEED (Ger) Quick and dirty CD. Heavy/ Speed/ Rock'n roll. Sounds like Motorhead or a bit of old Venom. (Contains 3 demos + bonus tracks).

    PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Resurrected malevolence CD. Putrid death metal/ Death doom (Contains all the band's demos and Ep)

    REPUGNANCIA (Chile) Decadente mundo de divina tiranía MCD. Quite obscure and epic satanic death metal, for fans of old Deicide, old Immolation, early Nile...

    SLOG (Usa) Graves CD. Death doom/ Slow dooooom (Member of Filtheater)

    STRIGOI (Chile) Strigoi MCD. Blackened old school death, somewhat sounds like a mix of Sadistic Intent, Repugnant, Possessed, with more influences of old black metal and quite good atmospheres of horror. Quite promising! (Members of Hallux Valgus, Exanimatvm)


    MORBID AND MISERABLE Recs - Sticker skeleton
    MORBID AND MISERABLE Recs - Sticker logo
    VENATOR - Sticker
    Daniele Brusaschetto - Sticker



    AUME (Chile) Fulgor renegrido Tape. Black metal/ folk, sounds quite atmospheric but also quite raw and obscure.

    DISTRAUGHT (Mex)/ FAECAL TRIPE (Mex) Allthrought the gross infectology tresholds Split CD.
    Old putrid death metal meets old school death grind. Rerelease of old demos from 1991 and 1993.

    NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST Compilation tape. Label sampler resuming the last 10 years of releases. Death metal, old school death, death doom, and a bit of black metal.

    NIHILISTIC Newsletter - 12/ May 2022
    Reviews of Suffering Sights, Evil Spectrum, Intrinsic Maleficence, Noxis, Blue Holocaust, Summoner, Stinker, Nekromio, Schizodeath, Vai-te foder... One A4 page folded two times and filled with as much infos as possible.

    Fanzine: DEADLY ILLNESS (Hungary) Issue 7: Skelethal earth, Repuked, Ruinas, Impaler, Hybernoid, Sun Crow, Black syrup zine, Jääportit, Rato triste, Betelzeus, Residue, the creator of the Chtulhu movie... Fanzine about old school death, doom and old punk hardcore mostly.
    60 pages. A4. In english. 2022.

    SCAPHISM - Badge
    VORUS - Badge

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    A bunch of TAPES and CDs from the bowels of the obscure underground were added to the webshop!
    Old school death, obscure death, doom death, black metal, black thrash…

    Last distro news:

    BENOTHING (Fin) Temporal bliss surrealms Tape. Killer old school death metal with old scandinavian vibes and an almost darkened touch.

    BENOTHING (Fin) Temporal bliss surrealms MCD. Killer old school death metal with old scandinavian vibes and an almost darkened touch.

    DEFUNTO (Costa rica) Demo tape. Doom death

    DISEMBODIMENT (Can) Mutated chaos MCD. Obscure and quite crushing death metal, think about old Incantation, Rottrevore...

    LONGBARROW (Usa) Veneration rites Demo tape. Old styled Death doom that sounds quite sinister. (Member of The Wakedead Gathering, Invultation...)

    LURKING (Bel/ Rus) Self-induced hysteria Demo tape. Old school death metal with some obscure influences (Members of Pyre, Torturerama)

    PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Resurrected malevolence CD. Putrid death metal/ Death doom (Contains all the band's demos and Ep)

    RITUAL NECROMANCY (Usa) / FOSSILIZATION (Bra) MCD. Obscure death/ doom for both bands

    TORMENTOR TYRANT (Fin) Tormentor Tyrant MCD. Blackened/ Satanic death metal, not unlike early Deicide, early Monstrosity, perhaps early Pestilence (Members of Solothus, Corpsessed)

    TRUPI SWAD (Pol) Nekromancja Tape. Old school black metal/ Old black thrash.

    WITCHFUKKER (Ger) Deathaemorrhage Demo tape. Raw black/ Thrash/ death the aggressive way.

    BAPHOMETSLAUGHTER (Peru) Impure rehearsal ritual Demo tape. Death black from the underground cavern.


    SKELETAL EARTH – Interview!
    Skeletal earth was an old death metal band from the 90’s, from Alabama, Usa.
    They recorded two full-lengths and a couples of demos/ Ep back then.
    Here's a very cool interview initially published in DEADLY ILLNESS zine and provided by Csaba for web infiltration.

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    More TAPES and CDs were added to the Webshop again! Check it out, and shake the coffin.

    Last distro news:

    ANTILIFE ORDER (Can) Vampiric songs of vengeance Demo tape. Old school underground black metal

    BLACK HOLE DEITY (Usa) Lair of xenolich MCD. Fast angry evil death metal. (Members of Zealotry, Chaos inception...)

    BLASPHEMANIAC (Bra) Bestial occult ceremony Tape. Special packaging. Old school black thrash/ 80's evil thrash

    DAWN OF MAN (Can)/ INSECT CORPSE (Can) Split tape. Obscure cavern death/ Suffocating doom death

    DEADLY SIN SLOTH (Usa) The world Demo tape. Nihilistic Doom death/ Sludge

    DIABOLIZER (Turkey) Khalkedonian death CD. Great dark and blackened death metal. (Members of Engufled, Burial invocation, Impuration, Hyperdontia)

    EXTINCTION AGENDA (Usa) Inter Arma silent Leges Tape. Ripping old school thrash with influences of old death metal and blackened riffs.

    SEROCS (Mex) Vore MCD. Brutal death metal

    SEXMAG (Pol) Sex metal Tape. Old school thrash/ Morbid thrash/ 80's black thrash. Sounds like a mixture of Sepultura (Morbid visions), early Destruction, early Sarcofago, Nocturnal (Ger)...

    TOTAL DENIAL (Hungary) Whose bloodstained hands bear the torch Demo tape. Black metal influenced by the 90's

    VOID ROT (Usa) Consumed by Oblivion MCD. Obscure death/ Doom

    TORMENTOR TYRANT (Fin) Tormentor Tyrant Tape. Blackened/ Satanic death metal, not unlike early Deicide, early Monstrosity, perhaps early Pestilence (Members of Solothus, Corpsessed)

    Fanzine: MEGATHRASH Zine (Fra) Issue 3: Mortuary, Blockheads, Voorhees, Death decline, Destinity, Dr Gore...
    30 pages. A4. In french. 2022

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    New TAPES and CDs were added to the Webshop!
    I try to keep prices low, I believe the underground shouldn’t be a part of speculation on the prices of tapes…


    GOMORRAA (Bra) Negro culto de rais MCD. Old school black thrash

    MOONSTONE (Pol) 1904 Demo tape. Old school doom/ Stoner doom

    MOONSTONE (Pol) 1904 MCD. Digipack. Old school doom/ Stoner doom

    OBTURATE (Fra) Carne Demo tape. Death metal/ Old brutal death with an evil side.

    PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Left to decay Demo tape. Putrid death metal/ Old death/ Death doom

    ROTTEN BRAIN (Fra) Rotten brain Demo Tape. Raw death metal/ death doom

    THE BLACK LOCUST PROJECT (Nor) Ethereal plague Tape. Between modern/ progressive heavy metal and melodic death, with a doomy side. Not unlike old Nevermore, mid 90's Hypocrisy, Edge of sanity, depending on the songs... (Members of Phobia (Pre enslaved), Theater of tragedy...)

    VALGRIND (Ita) Speech of the flame Tape. Death metal, between the fast kicking style and old school "satanic" vibes. Not unlike Morbid angel, Deicide, very old Hate eternal (1st lp).

    DHARNURGH (Fra) Apocalyptic vision MCD. Digipack. Raw black metal
    Fanzine : CORROSIVE ALTARS (Usa) Zine issue 5: Embrace of thorns, Nocturnal damnation, Savage deity, Expulsed angel, Sex messiah... + Reviews. 40 pages. A5. In english. 2018


    MORITURIO (Venezuela) Luminatione exaltat serpens Tape. Fast aggressive black metal, not unlike old Marduk

    MURGE (Swi) Murge MCD.Between old death metal and death grind, with an HM2 almost swedish sound. (With member of Burning flesh)

    SPERMOGOAT (Ecuador) Impure goat worship Demo tape. Old school black death/ black thrash in the 80's/ very early 90's tradition, sounds like a mixture of old Sarcofago, Death invoker, very early Sodom, perhaps Saram...

    SUICIDAL VORTEX (Ger) My existence: A series of thoughts amidst infinitive darkness CD. Fast black metal, with a quite "self destructive" vibe

    TASTE OF FEAR (Usa)/ VOICE OF HATE (Spa) Split CD. Death grind crust/ Death grind

    Fanzine: MOROII zine (Romania) issue 1: Transilvania, Gargoyle, Urfaust, Ophian, Anna of Venomous Pleasures, Flesh hunter, Lux Ferous Press... + Articles. 66 pages. A5. In english. 2022

  • gabalgabow over 3 years ago

    Last distro news:

    CADAVERIC POSSESSION (Pol)/ AGGRESSIVE MUTILATOR (Swe) Split CD. Obscure black death/ Black thrash, black metal.

    MOLOCH LETALIS (Pol)/ HATE THEM ALL (Pol) Czara Smiera split CD. Black death/ Raw black meatl. (Member of Throneum, Hell-born)

    SERAPHIC DISGUST (Usa) Rotting manifestations CD. Death metal/ Obscure death with almost blackened touches

    TORMENTOR 666 (Colombia) Destroying the holiness Tape. Fast epic and brutal black metal.

    THRONE OF BAAL (Colombia) Magna Kvltvs Tenebris CD. Digipack. Black metal

    ZWIELICHT (Ger) With love from sinister Tape. Black metal

    WARFARE NOISE (Paraguay)/ HEXENALTAR (Pol)/ BASTARD CHRIST (Peru) "Sadistic tormentors of the apocalypse" Split tape.
    Warfare noise offers black thrash/ old school death thrash with reminiscences of old teutonic thrash and the old south american vibes! Very cool songs!
    Hexenaltar screams black metal/ black thrash bound in the early 90's style.
    Bastard christ vomits violent underground black metal.


    BETRAYED (Ger) Betrayed MCD/ Pro CDr. Digipack. Fast black metal/ Black thrash
    2nd hand but in good shape.

    PANDEMMY (Bra) Subersive need CD. Thrash death/ Death metal. (Member of Escarnium)
    2nd hand CD: Few scars under the disk (at the border), but plays fine.

    ULVEZ (Ita)/ MOLESTÖR (Ita) Split tape. Underground black metal with influences of thrash


    ROTTEN BRAIN - Badge
    SCAPHISM - Badge
    APOPHENIA – Badge


    KARLOFF - Sticker
    TENSION - Sticker
    CIOS - Mini sticker
    MIDAS – Sticker

  • gabalgabow over 2 years ago

    Last distro news:

    ABVULABASHY (Singapore) Upon the altar ov lucifer Tape. Raw black metal in the old way, reminds me of very early Impiety (First album), old Gorgon (Fra)... Special packaging: Tape housed in a special case, with badge, sticker, mini poster...

    DEATH APOCALYPSE (Ger) Scars to the flesh CD. Digipack. Old school death influenced by the old swedish sound.

    PATH OF DAMNATION (Usa) Live rehearsal Demo tape. Death metal

    REPUGNATORY (Chile) Alma impura MCD. Black metal/ Black thrash. Member of Repugnancia, Godagainst...

    GRIMNESS (Hungary) Ashes of a black cult Tape. Black metal in the old norwegian style.

    ATARAXIE (Fra) Slow transcending agony CD. Digipack. Doom death

    FOSSILIZATION (Bra) He whose name was long forgotten MCD. Obscure death/ Doom (Members of Jupiterian)

    DEMONCY (Usa) Faustian dawn Demo tape. 2nd hand. Raw black metal
    Recording from 1993, rerelease from 2006. 2nd hand. Pro cover/ Regular Sony tape.

    FRENCH WEREWOLVES (Usa) Holiday in america MCD/ Pro CDr. Cardboard sleeve. Strange rock/ Noise rock/ Lofi/ Psyche with a quite sarcastic humor... For underground freaks only.

    ULVEZ (Ita) Defender of darkness Demo tape. Black metal with influences of old thrash speed and even 80's heavy/ hard rock. This sounds like an old demo.

    Fanzine: DEVILMENT Zine (Uk) Issue 9:
    Arkham, Solar flare, Stone magnum, Akolyytti, Asphodelus, Golgata, Janara, Dark arena, Gregory's XIT, Quentin S. Crisp... + Reviews. 64 pages. A5. In english. 2022.


    DESTROYER Recs - Sticker
    LAERE - Sticker
    ROTTEN BRAIN - Sticker
    RUDE AWAKENING Recs - Sticker
    TRIBULACION Recs- Sticker
    ZWIELICHT - Sticker


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