
John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers


Group named after the successful 1966 'Blues Breakers' album by John Mayall with Eric Clapton.

The Bluesbreakers' line-ups, along with the interpolating members of Blues Incorporated, had a profound influence on the early British 'Electric Blues' scene, eventually spilling into the mainstream of progressive fusions and popular 'Rock'.

Earlier members joined/formed some iconic groups, or gained successful solo careers. Like Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce, later members of Cream (2).
Peter Green (2), John McVie and Mick Fleetwood, who formed Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac - which later evolved without Green into Fleetwood Mac. Mick Taylor later member of Rolling Stones. Colosseum, Free, Don "Sugarcane" Harris, Harvey Mandel, Larry Taylor, Aynsley Dunbar, Johnny Almond, Jon Mark... the list could scroll until next week.


Wikipedia , Imdb


Alan Skidmore, Aynsley Dunbar, Bernie Watson, Bobby Haynes, Buddy Whittington, Chris Mercer, Coco Montoya, Colin Allen, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Eric Clapton, Hank Van Sickle, Jeff Davis (5), Jimmy McCulloch, Joe Yuele, John Mayall, John McVie, Jon Hiseman, Keef Hartley, Keith Tillman, Larry Taylor


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