Disco Magic UK is the legendary independent UK Record Company founded in 1992 by Roland Radaelli, that licensed back catalogue from Discomagic SRL (Italy), the "Italian Style" Italian label and other UK and Italian Artists and Labels in the early 1990s.
Disco Magic UK also released a large number of records that were licensed directly from Italian and UK producers and did not come from Discomagic SRL. In the 1990s the vast majority of records licensed from Discomagic SRL (Italy) used the original plates of the Italian releases and were actually manufactured in the same Italian factories as the originals. The "Italian Style" releases were also manufactured from original plates. For this reason, they are absolutely identical in sound quality to the original import versions.
DISK / DMGX / DMX are generally represses of the original Italian releases. If the original etching has been scratched out on either the A-side or B-side of the vinyl, then the record is a repress. Most of the represses where originally on Italian labels such as Discomagic Records, Out, Spyder Records, Hi Tech Music, Technology, RA - RE, Italian Style Production, P.Lion Production & World Of Music among others.
DMWX / DMXL / PCX / DNS catalogue number are original releases, licensed by the Company directly from UK and Italian Artists and were never part of the Discomagic SRL (Italy) or any other label's catalogue.
The Director of Disco Magic UK is also involved with the Dance Music Unplugged project: producing Dance Music with original 90s hardware, without DAW software or Plugins.
The Label is gearing up for new releases planned for 2018, the 25th anniversary of Disco Magic UK.
These will include some of the classics, new remixes and new tunes in the DMUK tradition by Italian, UK and other european producers and will be released on vinyl as well as digital downloads.