
Monotype Pressing


Manufacturer / broker related to Monotype Records. Founded in 2016-08-24.

LCCN entry for vinyls:
Vinyl releases manufactured by the company can be identified by either "MONOPR" or "Monotype Pressing" etched in the runouts, please credit as Made By if no specific role is listed.

When a Takt Direct/Packaged Sounds matrix scheme ########-X-Y (X=side number, Y=stamper number) is also present, a Pressed By credit role can be used - ######## (8 digits, sometimes can be 6 or 7 digits), but only if it's EXPLICITLY mentioned ON RELEASE or other OFFICIAL SOURCE in which facility a particular release was manufactured. If multiple numbers are found, these can be added as well (see No Red Rowan as an example).
When a wmfono matrix scheme ### ###-XY (X=side number, Y=stamper number) is also present, a Pressed By - wmfono ### ### (6 digits, sometimes without a space) credit role can be added. See Vita Arkivet as an example.

LCCN entry for CDs & DVDs:
If glass mastering of CD/DVD releases is brokered to TAKT this can be identified by its matrix string format of 210000########, a mastering SID code range between IFPI LK96-LK99 and mould SID code prefix IFPI 9R##. In these cases please credit as follows:
Made By - Monotype Pressing
Glass Mastered At - TAKT - 21###########

If glass mastering of CD/DVD releases is brokered to wmfono this can be identified by its matrix string format of dd######mm, a mastering SID code range between IFPI LT57 and IFPI LT 58 and mould SID code prefix IFPI Z9##. In these cases please credit as follows:
Made By - Monotype Pressing
Glass Mastered At - wmfono - dd######mm

If glass mastering of CD/DVD releases is brokered to Digi Pres this can be identified by its matrix string format of #####, and mould SID code prefix IFPI UV## (no mastering SID code). In these cases please credit as follows:
Made By - Monotype Pressing
Glass Mastered At - Digi Pres - ##### (with mould SID code)
Manufactured By - Digi Pres - ##### (when there are no SID codes)

Parent Label:

Monotype Records

Contact Info:

Company address:
MonotypePressing sp. z o.o.
ul. Balicka 53B, 30-199 Rząska

Office / postal address:
ul. Długa 16
budynek A, pokój 303
00-238 Warszawa

General enquiry: [email protected]
Prices & offers: [email protected]

Customer service:
+48 666 097 659 (CDs)
+48 698 576 912 (vinyls / cassettes)

Links: , Facebook , X , Instagram ,


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