Publishing company, affiliated with PRS (IPI #282429455). Operating under this name since 30 July 1999.
Also seen on releases with its full legal entity name:
- Universal/Dick James Music Limited
UK Company number: 00698804
Incorporated: 19 July 1961 as Dick James Music Ltd.
Name change: 30 July 1999
Immediate parent: Universal Music Leisure Limited (UK Company number 03384487)
Ultimate parent: Universal Music Group N.V. (registered in the Netherlands)
Legal sister companies: A&M Records Ltd., Decca Music Group Limited, 'Globe Productions Limited', Go! Discs Ltd., Island Records Ltd., Island Visual Arts Ltd., Mercury Records Ltd., Polydor Ltd., Quicksilver Recording Company Ltd., Systemtactic Limited, Universal Music Group International Ltd., Universal Music Operations Ltd., 'Universal Music UK Limited', 'Universal Music Publishing Europe Limited', Universal Music Publishing International Ltd., and Universal Music Publishing Ltd.