
Chez Kito Kat


In the first place a label, Chez.Kito.Kat Records is a multi-specialties structure and a meeting place for artists with disciplines of many different kinds. Chez.Kito.Kat Records organizes concerts and produce records since October 2006 in various places such as in France, Luxembourg, Louisiana or in Quebec. The record label was born in 2006 founded by Samuel Ricciuti, Salima Bouaraour and Christophe Biache.
To respond to its love of unbound music, its main ambition is to give birth autonomously to its creations with an artistic & intellectual freedom.
Today with a catalogue of about eighty productions and twenty five international artists, Chez.Kito.Kat Records still considers it a duty to conceive each production as a hand tailored creation.

Firmly established as a “gems finder”, the “Metz and Montreal” based label Chez.Kito.Kat Records has allowed to several of its artists now considered on the independent scene to publish their first opus: Artaban, Clarence Rise, Twin Pricks, Komparce, FiliaMotsa, Beat For Sale …

Parent Label:

Digital Kito Kat


Digital Kito Kat

Contact Info:

For Europe
7, rue de l’Abbaye
57680 Gorze FRANCE
GSM phone : 0033 674684801
mail : [email protected]

For North America
Chez.Kito.Kat Records
6322 Rue Cartier
Montreal, H2G 2V5, QC
mail : [email protected]
[email protected]

Links: , Bandcamp , Soundcloud


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