
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings


Please use only for copyright credits, otherwise use Smithsonian Folkways.

Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (SFR) is the nonprofit record label of the Smithsonian Institution dedicated to supporting cultural diversity and increased understanding among peoples through the documentation, preservation, and dissemination of sound. We believe that musical and cultural diversity contributes to the vitality and quality of life throughout the world.

Through the dissemination of audio recordings and educational materials SFR seeks to strengthen people's engagement with their own cultural heritage and to enhance their awareness and appreciation of the cultural heritage of others.

SFR mission is the legacy of Moses Asch, who founded Folkways Records in 1948 to document "people's music," spoken word, instruction, and sounds from around the world. The Smithsonian acquired Folkways from the Asch estate in 1987, and Smithsonian Folkways Recordings has continued the Folkways commitment to cultural diversity, education, increased understanding, and lively engagement with the world of sound.

Smithsonian Folkways has expanded on Asch's legacy, adding several other record labels to the collections and releasing over 300 new recordings that document and celebrate the sounds of the world around us.

Parent Label:

Smithsonian Institution


Folkways Records, Smithsonian Folkways, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings 70 Years, Smithsonian Folkways Records

Contact Info:

Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
750 9th Street, NW
Smithsonian Institution
Washington DC 20560-0953

Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
955 L'Enfant Plaza, Suite 2600, MRC 914
Washington D.C. 20560
(202) 287-3251
mail order (800) 410-9815
[email protected]

600 Maryland Ave., SW, Suite 2001
Washington, DC 20024 USA
Phone: 1-888-FOLKWAYS or 1-202-633-6450
Fax: 202-633-6477
Email: [email protected]



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