Disc mastering facility in Hollywood, California (USA), named after engineer-owner Jim Keysor.
It was the successor to Keysor-Century Studios, the in-house mastering studio of Century Record Mfg. Co. in Saugus, which was renamed to K Disc in 1978 and relocated to Hollywood mid-1979. It remained a subsidiary of Keysor Century Corp. (aka Century Record Co.) until it ceased operations ca. 1995.
Direct-to-disc recordings cut here were released under the labels The Great American Gramophone Company and Century Records (2).
The studio consisted of two cutting suites, one equipped with a Neumann SAL/SX 74 lathe and one with two Neumann VMS 80 lathes. K Disc was a full service operation, and lacquers cut at this facility were often sent on to Century Record Mfg. Co. for further plating and record pressing. (Please see this profile for information on how to identify records pressed for K Disc.)
Records cut here can be identified by a stamped or etched "Kdisc", "kdisc", "K-Disc", "k disc" or simply "K" in the runouts.
President: Eugene R. Schutz.
General and studio manager: Bill Lightner (until 1981), John Golden (from 1981).
Chief engineer: Jim Stone (4) (until 1981), John Golden (from 1981).
Engineers known to have worked here and their signatures: John Golden (JG), Jim Sintetos (JGS), Carol Hibbs (ch), Bill Lightner (BL or a cursive L), Ken Perry (KP), Bobby Hata (BH), Joe Sidore (JS), Jack Skinner, Phil Brown (PB), Jo Hansch (JH combined).
Also appears on releases as:
- K Disc
- K-Disc
- K-disc, Hollywood
- K disc, Los Angeles
- K-Disc, Los Angeles, CA
- Kdisc, Los Angeles, CA
- K-Disc Mastering Labs, Los Angeles, CA