
Columbia Recording Studios


Recording and mastering studios owned by Columbia Records in New York City, originally opened in the Woolworth Building in 1913. May be referred to as "Columbia Sound Studios" and "Columbia Recording Studios, N.Y.". Housed the so-called Studios B and E. This page should also be used as catch-all where the exact location of the Columbia studio cannot be specified.

Identifiable by machine-stamped codes in the runouts: ZTSP (7" 45 RPM mono), ZTEP (7" 45 RPM EP mono), TLP (1949 custom 10" LP's), XTLP (1949 custom 12" LP's), TV (10"), XTV (12" LP mono), XSV (12" LP stereo), ZTV (7" mono), ZSV (7" stereo), QXSV (12" LP quadraphonic), QZSV (7" quadraphonic), P (10" 78 RPM), XP (12" 78 RPM), ZP (7" 78 RPM), PA (10" 78 RPM EP), XPA (12" 78 RPM EP), ZPA (7" 78 RPM EP). Additionally one of Columbia Recording Studios' mastering rooms, in the 1956-57 period, did have a stamped 5-pointed star on some lacquers on both LP and 45. Seen on both Hollywood and Bridgeport pressings.

Other locations up to 1982 include:
Columbia Studios, Hollywood- (closed 1972)
Columbia Recording Studios, Chicago- (closed 1974)
Columbia Recording Studios, Nashville- (closed 1982)
Columbia Studios (San Francisco)- (closed 1977)
For recordings made at their 30th Street studios between 1949 and 1981, use Columbia 30th Street Studio.


Columbia 30th Street Studio, Columbia 799 Seventh Avenue Studio, Columbia Mastering, Columbia Recording Studios, Chicago, Columbia Recording Studios, Nashville, Columbia Studio A, Columbia Studios, Hollywood

Contact Info:

1939 - 1966:
799 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019

1966 - 1994:
49 East 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022

[both now obsolete]


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