
Elektra Records

Elektra Records image

Elektra Records name is used by the company that holds Phonographic Copyrights (p) and Copyrights (c). This is a company page that generally refers to the Elektra company. For the label please use Elektra. The US-based company is also Elektra Records Corp..

Parent Label:Warner Music Group
Sublabels:Elektra Entertainment New Releases
Contact Info:

Elektra Records
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Historical Addresses

From mid-1975:
962 N. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90069

From June: 1970:
15 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10023

From 1967 - 1970:
1865 Broadway
New York, NY., 10019

From 1961 to 1967:
51 West 51st St.
New York, NY, 10019

From 1959 to 1961:
116 West 14th St.
New York 11, New York

From 1955 to 1959:
361 Bleecker St.
New York 14, New York



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