




Goa Trance, Downtempo



Byron Bay7:06
Sonica Dream8:23
Vision Quest5:42
Land Of Freedom 'Tribute To MWNN'7:25
Malaka Dance8:04
Snow Drop8:36
Ulysse Voyage no 38:35

Credits (5)


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    4 versions
    Image, In Your Collection, Wantlist, or Inventory
    Version DetailsData Quality
    Cover of Phototropic, 1996-11-18, CDPhototropic
    CD, Album
    Distance – Sub 4809.2France1996France1996
    Cover of Phototropic, 1996-11-18, VinylPhototropic
    2×LP, Album
    Distance – Sub 4809.1France1996France1996
    Cover of Phototropic, 1996, CDPhototropic
    CD, Album, Promo
    Distance – Sub 4809.2 PromoFrance1996France1996
    Cover of Phototropic, 1996, CDPhototropic
    CD, Album
    Distance – Sub 4809.2France1996France1996


    • MFG - New Kind Of World
      New Kind Of World
      1997 Israel
      CD —
      Album, Partially Mixed
    • Transwave - Helium
      1996 UK
      CD —
    • Man With No Name - Moment Of Truth
      Moment Of Truth
      1996 UK
      CD —
    • Cosmosis - Cosmology
      1996 UK
      CD —
      Album, Mixed
    • Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger
      The Lone Deranger
      1997 UK
      CD —
      Album, Partially Mixed
    • Etnica - Alien Protein
      Alien Protein
      1996 UK
      CD —
    • Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Rock Bitch Mafia
      Rock Bitch Mafia
      1997 UK
      CD —
      Album, Partially Mixed
    • Shakta - Silicon Trip
      Silicon Trip
      1997 UK
      CD —
      Album, Mixed
    • The Gathering
      1999 Israel
      CD —
      Album, Mixed
    • UX - Ultimate Experience
      Ultimate Experience
      1997 UK
      CD —
      Album, Mixed


    • OreTsuba's avatar
      A little too much synth kicks and bright bright bright saw leads and pads for my taste but I recognize the inspiration and care behind it. For 1996 this must have blown people away with how sleek and modern it sounded. Along with Astral Projection probably the number one inspiration for all those homogeneous Suntrip, etc albums that try to clone this, even down to the album cover! This is much more wealthy when it comes to ideas, sound, and inspiration though. The debut of their compatriots, Total Eclipse, is less straight forward, less intense, and smaller sounding than this, but somehow over the years that one has proved to have much more intrigue and replay value to me.
      • doctorg's avatar
        Edited 2 years ago
        I'm not the biggest fan of Transwave. Don't get me wrong, I like them a lot, and they made one of the best ever Goa tracks in "Cycles of Life", not to mention plenty of other good tracks. However, I find that there was often something disco-y about their music, something clubby, whereas Goa was mainly about the outdoors and dancing under the stars. Perhaps I can also be more precise in my criticism: I don't really like Deedrah's solo stuff, and occasionally his disco sensibility is apparent in Transwave. Nevertheless, credit where credit is due: Transwave made a classic with this album, which is more coherent than "Helium". "Helium" has some amazing trax and is very, very well produced, but it sounds like a compilation whereas this album comes across as a complete work conceived and created as one from beginning to end. There are no weak tracks here. However, whilst it is coherent, for me the album highlight is "Byron Bay" which is one of the best "Slo Goa" tunes made - epic, anthemic, cosmic - just too beautiful for words really, and for sure one of the best tracks by Transwave. I must also point out the production skills on offer here; whilst there is not a lot of sonic variety, on a good hifi this vinyl has a lot of detail and there is some depth on offer. ~*~
        • Jughead_Joneser's avatar
          Edited 5 years ago
          To me, the fact that this was released in 1996 is mind-blowing. A beautifully challenging, complex and deeply psychedelic audio journey that was way ahead of the game. There really is no filler here; every track has its distinct story and life of its own which seamlessly connect to one another to create an audio excursion into true psychedelic bliss that you won't soon forget (and will probably want to take again and again). Like the others here have stated a decade ago, you do not want to miss out on this album if you are a lover of truly fantastic, rich and futuristic Goa trance.
          • esavage's avatar
            Entirely awesome album. Is it just me or is the title track (Phototropic) one of the greatest songs ever written? Everything just seems to be perfectly in place, no cheese, just pure hypnosis and beauty. The rest of the album, while not quite as powerful in my opinion, is very solid trance. The second track, Byron Bay is probably my next favorite on the album. Basically, I highly recommend checking this album out given the chance.
            • TRANSWAVES's avatar
              Personally I think that this album ia a masterpiece that you never get tired of. It´s energetic and the moldies are trl genious. The speed is most off the time fast and also heavy and will give you a kick without using drugs. This album is a must have if you have the desire to get your hands on some fantastic old goa trance. Don´t miss it for God´s sake or you will be sorry!
              • rob--dburn's avatar
                A highly accomplished piece musically and technically - definitely an artist on top form. More hypnotic than energetic, with intricate, seductive melodies and subtle underlays.

                Master Release

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                • Ratings:356

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