
Death In JuneThe Rule Of Thirds


Electronic, Rock





The Glass Coffin5:55
Forever Loves Decay4:04
Jesus, Junk And The Jurisdiction4:09
Good Mourning Sun3:58
The Perfume Of Traitors3:45
Last Europa Kiss2:09
The Rule Of Thirds4:13
Truly Be2:45
Their Deception3:08
My Rhine Atrocity3:35
Let Go4:10

Credits (2)

  • Dave Lokan
    Dave Lokan
    Engineer [Sound Engineer], Acoustic Guitar [Lead], Bass
  • Douglas Pearce
    Douglas P.*
    Music By [All Music], Lyrics By [Text], Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic Guitars], Sounds [Heartbeats], Handclaps, Samples, Vocals [Vox]


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    5 versions
    Image, In Your Collection, Wantlist, or Inventory
    Version DetailsData Quality
    Cover of The Rule Of Thirds, 2008-03-17, CDThe Rule Of Thirds
    CD, Album, Gatefold cardsleeve, Embossed
    New European Recordings – BAD VCCD51US2008US2008
    Cover of The Rule Of Thirds, 2008-03-17, VinylThe Rule Of Thirds
    2×10", Album, Limited Edition, 33 ⅓ RPM
    Nerus – BAD VC51US2008US2008
    Recently Edited
    Cover of The Rule Of Thirds, 2008-03-17, VinylThe Rule Of Thirds
    2×10", 33 ⅓ RPM, Picture Disc, Album, Limited Edition
    New European Recordings – BAD VCP51US2008US2008
    Recently Edited
    Cover of The Rule Of Thirds, 2017-06-20, CassetteThe Rule Of Thirds
    Cassette, Album, Limited Edition
    New European Recordings – BAD VCCD51T, Steelkraft Manufactory – SKM 032France2017France2017
    New Submission
    Cover of The Rule Of Thirds, 2017-06-20, CDThe Rule Of Thirds
    CD, Album, Reissue, Jewel case
    New European Recordings – BAD VCCD51US2017US2017
    New Submission


    • Death In June - Abandon Tracks!
      Abandon Tracks!
      2005 UK
      CD —
    • Death In June - Operation Hummingbird
      Operation Hummingbird
      1999 UK
      CD —
    • Death In June - Alarm Agents
      Alarm Agents
      2004 UK
      CD —
    • Death In June - All Pigs Must Die
      All Pigs Must Die
      2001 Europe
      CD —
    • Death In June - Peaceful Snow / Lounge Corps
      Peaceful Snow / Lounge Corps
      2010 US
      CD —
    • Death In June - The Wörld Thät Sümmer
      The Wörld Thät Sümmer
      2000 Australia
      CD —
      Album, Reissue
    • Death In June - Burial
      2006 UK
      CD —
      Album, Reissue, Remastered
    • Death In June - Heilige!
      2000 Australia
      CD —
    • Death In June - "Nada!"
      2003 UK
      CD —
      Album, Remastered, Reissue
    • Death In June - The Wall Of Sacrifice
      The Wall Of Sacrifice
      2003 Germany
      CD —


    • 2drui's avatar
      Sure not the best DI6, nor my favorite but it holds a special place in my heart as it's the one that opened me to Death In June in a very special moment of my life. It opened me to a whole genre of music I wasn't aware of and I can say today it opened me the gates of a new world of never experienced feels. I like listen to it from time to time as it gives me lot of powerful memories.
      Thanks Doug.
      • Luckowsky's avatar
        A great album and for sure:DI6 is not ONLY "What Ends when..." and "Roseclouds..." ,so like Douglas said:The deconstructed version of DI6 is "Totenpop".
        By the way,the vinyls are limited,the structured Softpak with16 pages booklet comes in bigger quantity.
        • Veratrum.nigrum's avatar
          Edited 14 years ago
          This is less a new music production or a decent continuum in a (too) long repetitive narcissist concept, than the production of album covers and the milching of the good old times, times and times past times etc. I can’t help but think of the Retired Guy, getting fatter and drunk again, on the sunny side of the - so easy to criticize - uncanny world up north… D.P. as the Charter Tourist is nothing but Embarrassingly Boring to anyone interested in music and/or musical continuums whatsoever. The man is jerking himself off over and over again, but, that guitar he brings with him wherever he comes, doesn’t produce no more spunk.

          In my estimation, the reason to be the owner of this release is the weight of the vinyls and their repetitive endings, even though they were so much better some ten or fifteen years ago (f.e. ”Nada!”). This release is like A Gift For Merry Christmas to all of them Teenage Neo-Folk Newcomers. I can’t see why there’s no edition with a plastic D.P. doll with different Camouflage Dresses released. It’ll definitely generate more German Bag-in-a-Box wine to the (don’t forget to bring the guitar!!!) late beach parties deep down south.

          No more musical respect or respect at all.
          Just deeply bored. What’s the next release? Let’s hope it’ll contain some new found demo materials from World War II or I or 0!!!

          And the so called ”poetry” is nothing but shallow. In my estimation, it’s too much without doubts or Nazi flirtation to make anything interesting these days.

          How Boring is Boring or How Leopard is a Flower?
          • nik79's avatar
            The worst Death In June album, i have no doubt. I deeply love the work of Douglas Pearce, but this one is not exactly brilliant. The only thing you can hear is a, badly played, guitar and an arid voice. Maybe he needs Albin Julius back, the last masterpiece from him was “Take Care And Control”, nothing more than a Der Blutharsch album with his, at the time, inspired voice. Listening to this album i hadn’t a single emotion, and this the first time with them. I hope he will return to console our souls as he made with a masterpiece like “Rose Clouds Of Holocaust”, I know he can do it. However all my respect to Mr. Pearce, a guide that signed our hearts.
            • dovesprings250r's avatar
              This new relaease is becoming one of my favorites. The feel of the album is complete giving you a satisfied feeling while listening to it in order. My last Europa kiss is brilliant as is perfume of traitors. There is not a weak track on this album. At first listen most won't fall in love with it. It takes several listens to appreciate it. The artwork on the discs is beautiful. One of my favorite picture discs. beautiful packaging and artwork on this release as usual. The pull out poster is a nice touch.
              • enfantterrible's avatar
                I really wasn't expecting a master work with this album indeed. "All pigs must die" and then the Boyd Rice collaboration weren't much of a success even if it the later one was tiny bit more palatable, so we could have a hint on where the next album will bound to (Alas! should i call it epitaph at last?). Here is it! the album is not bad nor good, and way far from excellence.
                Three words: Isolated, Souless & cold could be used at discretion in order to make an adjectivization of its quality and content.
                The tone never varies, the guitar always stroll for the same passages and repeats the old norms and clichés from his own history.
                In return the voice follow the cadence from the strings and slowly induce you into sleep that way ruining the lyrics which in return add the variation and the more original side of the album, this is emotionless and out any vitality. Doug has enterely succumbed to nihilism, he has made Death in june his own tomb.
                There's no collaborators, there's no effects (aside from very subtle located samplers from recording voice speech in three songs) This is Death in june at is more purest form, Douglas alone and shamefully there's nothing there, except perhaps acceptable poems.
                I am not sure if this effect is a compensation after listening countless other neo-folky bands that had been flagrantly imitating, copying and sometimes surpassing and inproving the labour of the one of the godfathers of neo-folk and practically the inventor of the new age of neo-folk avantgarde.
                Nevertheless is rather obvious that Death in june ran out of ideas and inventive, this work is one more time the probe about this fact.
                Douglas sounds bored, Rule of the thirds sounds like an album made to complete a commitment and the result will obviously be that youll end trying to get rid of it too.
                Perhaps the last two songs change the dive into the placid pool of forgetfulness."Takkeya" is kind of a pray and Let go has the feel of a mantra.
                This is a marble stone at Death in june's grave and it suits well for the coldness and indifference it does projects.

                Master Release

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                • Avg Rating:4.16 / 5
                • Ratings:281

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