
海老* = Ebi禅 = Zen




Techno, Acid, Ambient



禅 = Zen8:40
浮 = Fu5:23
浴 = Yoku6:19
聖 = Sei3:38
排 = Hai4:56
宙 = Chuu8:48
界 = Kai5:57
創 = Sou6:15
飛 = Hi7:37
快 = Kai8:54
三 = San7:58

Credits (3)


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    4 versions
    Image, In Your Collection, Wantlist, or Inventory
    Version DetailsData Quality
    Cover of 禅 = Zen, 1994, CD禅 = Zen
    CD, Album
    Space Teddy – ST 007Germany1994Germany1994
    Cover of Zen, 1994, VinylZen
    2×LP, Album
    Space Teddy – ST 007Germany1994Germany1994
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Zen, 1994, VinylZen
    LP, Green; LP, Red; All Media, Album
    Space Teddy – ST 007Germany1994Germany1994
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Zen, 1994, CassetteZen
    Cassette, Album, Promo
    Space Teddy – ST 007Germany1994Germany1994
    New Submission


    • Ebi - 天 = Ten
      天 = Ten
      1996 Germany
      CD —
    • Air Liquide - The Increased Difficulty Of Concentration
      The Increased Difficulty Of Concentration
      1994 US
      CD —
      Album, Compilation
    • Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II
      Selected Ambient Works Volume II
      1994 UK
      CD —
      Album, Stereo
    • The Higher Intelligence Agency - Colourform
      1993 UK
      CD —
      Album, Partially Mixed
    • Autechre - Incunabula
      1993 UK
      CD —
    • Various - Trance Europe Express
      Trance Europe Express
      1993 UK
      CD —
    • Sun Electric - Kitchen
      1993 Belgium
      CD —
    • The 7th Plain - The 4 Cornered Room
      The 4 Cornered Room
      1994 UK
      CD —
    • Autechre - Amber
      1994 UK
      CD —
      Album, Stereo
    • Robert Leiner - Visions Of The Past
      Visions Of The Past
      1994 Belgium
      CD —


    • phil78's avatar
      Edited 3 months ago
      EBI-Zen-Optic Eye-Light Side Of The Sun-The Ambush LP...The greatest trance albums ever made.
      R.I.P. 2 out of the 4..Susumu Yokota & Jake Stephenson 🙏
      All from 1994, the best year in electronic history.
      Great years surrounding then...But, 1994 was peak.
      • stuarte's avatar
        Edited 5 months ago
        Zen & Ten are bonafide classics form the Golden Era. Truly mesmerizing and immersive in equal measures. Susumu was clearly a highly sensitive soul. I would also seek out his Metronome Melody as Prism, same vibe leaning slightly more to the house side. Another classic. 94/95 was truly incredible time for this music...some of the albums and vinyl from then is the stuff of legend. HI is quite simply irresistible...truly heavenly acid and in my top ten of ALL time.
        • swk24's avatar
          One of my absolute favorite albums from my favorite musical year of 1994. Like a lot of techno of the time, the sound and percussion palette is pretty raw and pretty similar throughout, but what a mastery of rhythm, spaciousness, composition and emotion. The acid melodies run the gamut, from the classic trance sparkle of "Kai", to the slow burning "Fu", to the softly contemplative "Sei", which I wish was an hour long instead of only four minutes. This album absolutely belongs next to other 90's classics from F.U.S.E., Black Dog, Biosphere and David Morley as a wonderful explosion of intelligent techno emotion. Fingers crossed for some kind of a reissue, because more people definitely deserve to hear this.
          • Collector_Cave_Guy's avatar
            I must confess that I did not know this album, but I'm so glad i stumbled upon it, its wonderful on so many levels.

            Its ambient nature permeates throughout this stunning LP. Each track is wonderfully produced, sounding very well spaced out, with incredible layering, and a psychedelic hypnotic vibe.

            The acid lines used throughout the album are truly amazing, taking you on an incredible journey through techno worlds. The whole concept is so simple, yet so complex all at the same time, whilst also feeling very cohesive, yet different.

            Its also quite a decent chunk of vinyl and the sound is lovely and warm with good volume and dynamics too.

            Top notch and well ahead of its time.
            • pozz's avatar
              Edited 8 years ago
              The sixth track, "Chuu", sounds very much in line with Biosphere's early techno productions. Japanese arctic techno? haha
              • musicman3's avatar
                One of my favorite albums!
                • yasmineixe's avatar
                  la crème de la crème feng shui....
                  • sunnyb's avatar
                    Edited 9 years ago
                    So simple and beautiful, one of my favorite records .
                    • MrZyc
                      sound very good.
                      • etdj's avatar
                        The purity of the sounds and the simplicity of the sequencing is what make this record so utterly beguiling. I could say no more than that and the review would be as complete as it needs be, however, i will go further. This album (and the accompanying HI e.p.) had a timeless quality which was immediately obvious in '94 and has certainly stood the test of time some 18 years later.
                        The sound is uncluttered - not sparse, just not filled by unnecessary noise. Every track is x0x based, predominantly 303 and 606; and there's some unmistakable 727 for good measure. It's as if the distractions of other instruments and technologies have been removed and it benefits massively from it. If one were to make music and deliberately limit what could be used as a source - 'this one will be just 2 drum machines, 2 synths, 1 effect and an analogue sequencer' - this is the sound you might end up with. Of course that doesn't give any credit to Susumu for the blissful emotions that are conjured up by these tracks, the musicality or the immense talent it takes to achieve so much with so little.
                        I can imagine the tunes going down a storm in any venue be it the Mixmaster Morris' Oscillate ambient nights in the '90s, The Orbit's main room, your front room or a big club night now. Nor would they sound out of place as output from the BBC Stereophonic workshop in it's heyday.
                        With the benefit hindsight i feel safe saying that it is a high-point in the production of techno; that's techno in it's older guise when it encompassed all the many sub-genres that have stemmed from it - ambient, minimalism, acid house, trance, loop-based, tribalism, etc, etc. These genres all existed before but were pretty much undefined. As such this could be regarded as a point of convergence and divergence - i can't think of another release that encapsulates so many genres so well, not across the breadth of the album but in each individual track on it.
                        I couldn't recommend this release highly enough, you should seek it out and i'm sure you'll find it outshines many of its contemporaries and those that have come after.
                        It would be seminal if it were more widely known.

                        Master Release

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                        • Ratings:241

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