
VariousHype! (The Motion Picture Soundtrack)


Rock, Stage & Screen


Soundtrack, Grunge



FastbacksK Street (Live)2:59
WipersReturn Of The Rat2:37
U-Men (2)Dig It A Hole2:17
Green RiverSwallow My Pride (Unrel. Demo)2:44
SoundgardenNothing To Say3:56
MudhoneyTouch Me I'm Sick (Live)2:18
NirvanaNegative Creep2:53
Some Velvet SidewalkMousetrap (Live)2:05
Dead Moon54/40 (Live)4:03
Girl TroubleMy Hometown3:32
TadGiant Killer3:02
Gas HufferHotcakes (7" Version)2:31
Young Fresh FellowsLow Beat2:30
SupersuckersI Say Fuck (Live)0:46
7 Year BitchKnot (Live)3:42
The Gits (2)Second Skin (Live)3:07
FlopJulie Francavilla (Unrel. Demo)2:04
Posies*Throwaway (Live)3:34
Pearl JamNot For You (Live On Radio)5:11
Mark LaneganThe River Rise3:56
PigeonhedFire's Coming Down4:23
FastbacksJust Say2:32
Sara DeBellSmells Like Teen Spirit1:51

Credits (13)


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    10 versions
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    Version DetailsData Quality
    Cover of Hype! (The Motion Picture Soundtrack), 1996, CDHype! (The Motion Picture Soundtrack)
    CD, Compilation
    Sub Pop – SPCD371, Sub Pop – 98787-0371-2Europe1996Europe1996
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Hype! "Boxed Set", 1996-11-05, VinylHype! "Boxed Set"
    7", 45 RPM, Violet; 7", 45 RPM, Green; 7", 45 RPM, Gray; 7", 45 RPM, Blue; Box Set, Compilation, Limited Edition
    Sub Pop – SP378US1996US1996
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Hype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1996, CassetteHype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack
    Cassette, Compilation
    Sub Pop – SPMC 371, Warner Music Poland – 98787-0371-4Poland1996Poland1996
    New Submission
    Cover of Hype! (The Motion Picture Soundtrack), 1996, CDHype! (The Motion Picture Soundtrack)
    CD, Compilation
    Sub Pop – SPCD371US1996US1996
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Hype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1996, CDHype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack
    CD, Compilation
    Sub Pop – SPCD371, Sub Pop – 98787-0371-2Canada1996Canada1996
    New Submission
    Cover of Hype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1996, CDHype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack
    CD, Compilation
    Sub Pop – 98787-0371-2, Sub Pop – SPCD 371Australia1996Australia1996
    New Submission
    Cover of Hype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1996, CDHype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack
    CD, Compilation
    Sub Pop – SPCD371UK1996UK1996
    New Submission
    Cover of Hype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1996, CassetteHype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack
    Cassette, Advance, Compilation, Promo, HX PRO B NR
    Sub Pop – Hype 1996Canada1996Canada1996
    New Submission
    Cover of Hype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1997-02-25, CDHype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack
    CD, Compilation
    Sub Pop – WPCR-977Japan1997Japan1997
    New Submission
    Cover of Hype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1997-02-25, CDHype! The Motion Picture Soundtrack
    CD, Compilation, Promo
    Sub Pop – WPCR-977Japan1997Japan1997
    New Submission


    • Foo Fighters - Foo Fighters
      Foo Fighters
      1995 US
      CD —
    • Soundgarden - Down On The Upside
      Down On The Upside
      1996 US
      CD —
    • Nirvana - With The Lights Out
      With The Lights Out
      2004 US
    • Mudhoney - March To Fuzz
      March To Fuzz
      2000 US
      CD —
    • Various - Singles - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
      Singles - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
      1992 US
      CD —
    • Alice In Chains - Jar Of Flies
      Jar Of Flies
      1994 US
      CD —
      EP, Stereo
    • Pearl Jam - Yield
      1998 US
      CD —
    • Various - Home Alive -  The Art Of Self Defense
      Home Alive - The Art Of Self Defense
      1996 US
      CD —
    • Pearl Jam - Live On Two Legs
      Live On Two Legs
      1998 US
      CD —
    • Nirvana - Incesticide
      1992 US
      CD —


    • killdozer54's avatar
      Edited 5 months ago
      If you saw this film back when it came out in the mid 90s everytime you hear this soundtrack it brings you back to what it was like then. Its basically Sub Pops take on the 90s movement so you dont get Alive in chains, Stone temple pilots band that wasn't signed to sub pop etc but most everyone else is on here.There's also a few Rarities like live mudhoney, fastback tracks etc.the definitive soundtrack to the northwestern sound punk rock. Just don't call it...'GRUNGE!!!'
      • NWpunx's avatar
        Fastbacks "K Street"
        Dead Moon "54/40"
        The Gits "Second Skin"

        I got into punk because of these three songs. I bought this soundtrack used for $8.50 on CD at Everyday Music In Portland, Oregon in 1996 after seeing this film on VHS. I only learned about Everyday Music because they ran an ad during The Rosie O'Donnell Show and I used to love that show and watched it a lot. It was the only Everyday Music ad I ever saw. E.M. was / is next to the ABC broadcasting building in Portland, Oregon and it makes sense that they would run an ad. My dad used to go to Portland sometimes to get things fixed and stuff and I told him I wanted to go to Everyday Music on Sandy so we found the place and went there. Portland used to be really run down and trashy. There was nothing cool about Portland back then. The Oregon Zoo and OMSI would have been one of the only reasons most folks would go to Portland back then. I do remember my neighbor did take us kids to the Music Millennium in the early 1990s because he loved the Beach Boys and was looking for their albums on cassette and that was pretty cool. Never been to a record store before! Fred Meyer's two aisles of CD's and cassettes doesn't really count! I used to sit in cars a lot waiting for my dad. Then later on he used to sit in our station wagon waiting for me while I record shopped. Always out of style! Anyway, I bought this soundtrack back in elementary school and was obsessed with these three songs and would play them over and over again. I didn't even know what punk was. I knew what grunge was because of this film - ripped jeans and flannel. I actually hate flannel and never wore it because it seems like such a Northwest cliche. I started going to Value Village every week and looking for worn jeans with lots of holes, weird toys, other weird stuff. I remember it being 1996 and feeling I'd missed the boat by 2 years and that the whole grunge thing was done and gone. I didn't even end up getting a Nirvana record until 2 years later after getting this soundtrack. That's how behind I was not knowing about things or bands. I was so obsessed with thrift stores in 1996 and told this girl in my class I loved going to Value Village and then she and some other kids started making fun of me saying I was poor. I thought it was so stupid because I just liked finding cool stuff and it sure as hell beat the mall and mainstream. Remember Tommy Hilfiger and all that American patriotic red/white/blue garbage? I hated that. I ended up later on seeing that same girl in a thrift store years later and thought she was a fake for being there and putting me down years earlier. It used to be that mainly lower class and poor folks that went to thrift stores. You would occasionally see a Mercedes parked out front and you knew that whoever was driving that car was cheap and trying to save money. I liked like that and being around those type of people because they were just regular people and not following trends. No competition, no people getting in your way, no obnoxious people and thrift stores back then were pretty much empty. Nowadays every aisle is crammed and it's not really fun anymore and the prices are generally pretty high unless you go to your local religious thrift store where they're tryin' to scrape by or if you wanna deal with the collector morons who line up like cattle at the Goodwill bins in hopes of finding one or two decent items that aren't even very cool. Later on thrift stores became lots of middle class type people, boring families or people with money or even trendy high school kids. It's just not as cool as it once was and not the same feeling. My mom told me her grandmother used to shop at thrift stores in California back in the 1950s and 1960s because rich folks would get rid of their old jewelry and it was a good place to get really expensive jewelry for cheap because no one was looking for the stuff. You had to be in-the-know about what to look for. I only learned about punk later on... 3 or 4 years later after getting this soundtrack. Thanks to Doug Pray for making this film.
        • HighwireDays's avatar
          How come the VHS of the film is not on Discogs? It's a music documentary, so I would think it should be allowed. Does anyone know if it has been deleted from this site before?

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