
Foul PlayVol. 4




Drum n Bass, Jungle, Breakbeat



This Side
Being With You
Other Side
Music Is The Key

Credits (4)


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    5 versions
    Image, In Your Collection, Wantlist, or Inventory
    Version DetailsData Quality
    Cover of Vol. 4, 1994-09-03, VinylVol. 4
    12", 33 ⅓ RPM
    Moving Shadow – SHADOW 49, Moving Shadow – UK SHADOW 49UK1994UK1994
    Cover of Vol. 4, 1994-09-03, CDVol. 4
    CD, Single
    Moving Shadow – SHADOW 49CD, Moving Shadow – UK SHADOW 49CD, Moving Shadow – SH 49CDUK1994UK1994
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Volume IV, 1994, VinylVolume IV
    12", 33 ⅓ RPM, Promo
    Moving Shadow – SHADOW 49UK1994UK1994
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Vol. 4, 1994, VinylVol. 4
    12", Test Pressing, White Label, 33 ⅓ RPM
    Moving Shadow – SHADOW 49UK1994UK1994
    Cover of Being With You / Music Is The Key, , FileBeing With You / Music Is The Key
    2×File, WAV
    Moving Shadow – SHADOW49UKUK
    New Submission


    • Deep Blue - The Helicopter Tune
      The Helicopter Tune
      1993 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 33 ⅓ RPM
    • LTJ Bukem - 19.5
      1994 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 33 ⅓ RPM
    • Dead Dred - Dred Bass
      Dred Bass
      1994 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 33 ⅓ RPM
    • Apollo Two - Volume 1
      Volume 1
      1993 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 45 RPM
    • Peshay - Piano Tune / Vocal Tune
      Piano Tune / Vocal Tune
      1994 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 33 ⅓ RPM
    • Foul Play - Vol III (Remixes)
      Vol III (Remixes)
      1993 UK
      Vinyl —
      10", 33 ⅓ RPM
    • Nasty Habits - Shadow Boxing / Prototyped
      Shadow Boxing / Prototyped
      1996 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 45 RPM
    • The Invisible Man - The Bell Tune / The Tone Tune
      The Bell Tune / The Tone Tune
      1994 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 33 ⅓ RPM
    • Renegade - Terrorist / Something I Feel
      Terrorist / Something I Feel
      1994 UK
      Vinyl —
      12", 33 ⅓ RPM
    • Omni Trio - Vol 3 - Renegade Snares (Foul Play Remix)
      Vol 3 - Renegade Snares (Foul Play Remix)
      1993 UK
      Vinyl —
      10", 33 ⅓ RPM, Limited Edition


    • cheesypeanuts's avatar
      This desperately needs a repress. Maybe over Shadow or someone can work their magic
      • djjamie's avatar
        Mastervibe - Dreamscape 15 vs 16. What a classic set!
        • Art-is-an's avatar
          Edited 2 years ago
          This was one of the last Big records on the pirates up here in Sheffield like fantasy fm 101.9, before it all went to shit ,that era 92-mid 95 for hardcore jungle stuff was just like something from another planet,I wish I had taken it all in more rather than spending my forties now wondering how quick it all went by,this is and was the last true musical movement i dont give a fuck what anyone says,there has been nothing like it ever since ,the total raw energy,the innocence of it,it takes my breathe away to just even think about it,and how we all probably took it for granted back then,it was an incredible time,but it passed.England was a magical place to be around this time if you was involved in any way around this scene,fact !if you we’re there you know,if you wasn’t then i am sorry but you will never understand,big up dj mongoose,dondy,mental power,Anthony,easy d,face,Shawry,such,Rory,scon1,sc,Gee,Daz,reckless and the eckington crew,all pitsmoor crews,Deno,JS,warp crew,red zone and byo crew,much love
          • Collector_Cave_Guy's avatar
            First heard 'Being With You' on an amazing Topp Buzz mix from around 93 when this must have been on Dub Plate. it has stuck with me and anchored my mind in that time period when Jungle was really magical, ethereal and uplifting without compromising on the deeper elements that kept it underground and great to dance too. Its one of those seminal tracks with its haunting vocals, moody bass lines, stripped back breaks, that slowly build layer by layer to deliver something really really special. So glad to finally add a decent copy to my collection.
            • Skott's avatar
              Edited 8 years ago
              Music Is the Key is one of my personal fav jungle tracks ever, dunno how i left it out of my fav of 94 list in the forums....The lyrics are profoundly awesome and deep and make this tune so special on so many fronts. One of the best songs of any music to me. Really makes you think how good music really is for the soul. Not enough can be said about Denise Gordon's lyrics on this one... For those that don't know my buddy sixteenarmedjack has an amazing Rmx of this tune that does it justice for sure. It brings it for the floor and some amens included.
              • Livysound's avatar
                For me " Being with you " was a seminal moment in drum and bass! John brought a cassette of this track into Spin A Disc records way before it came out and I remember at the time thinking, fuck me this is good. Still get that same thought now, over 20 years later!!!!
                • masaq
                  Edited 9 years ago
                  I have to agree with all the reviews below. If You say the word Jungle, this is the first tune that comes to mind. The first DJ I heard mix this was Frost. Way back in 94. Wow. Even back then everyone knew this tune was special. An absolute classic. If there is one track that you could say was responsible for a complete paradigm shift in UK dance music, then Being With You is that track. People say the Beatles influenced a generation. Have a listen through the Foul Play back catalogue and tell me that they are not as influential. In my opinion, UK dance would be completely different and definitely worse had they not produced the music they have. And let's not forget the fantastic vocal talent of Denise Gordon. Everyone loves the Pt 1 Remix of Music is the Key, but this original version, for me is even better. From the heart. Respect. Sheer quality on vinyl and worth every penny you will have to pay for a decent copy. Timeless, both tracks, totally transcends the years. If you don't own this, walk into the kitchen, take out a rolling pin and hit yourself repeatedly on the head with it. Then come back in and buy yourself a big fat slice of what makes the UK the best place for dance music.
                  • Lixx's avatar
                    'Being With You' is without a doubt in my mind the ultimate Foul Play track. I could listen to it on repeat all day and never tire of it. The crisp beats, bassline, all the atmospheric parts, along soulful vocal are just put together to absolute perfection. If this was actually made in 1993 it certainly is well ahead of it's time. Seems like it could fit into any period of drum n bass history seamlessly.
                    • soulbeatrunner's avatar
                      History in the making
                      • Drexciya2's avatar
                        This will go down in history as one of the most greatest ambient jungle tracks ever to grace a piece of vinyl.
                        The sample is from Mary J Blige. Steve Gurley left the band and foul play laid low for a year before unleashing Being With You. John Morrow, Steve Bradshaw RIP Created some of the most rushed out break beat tracks ever. Finest illusion (illegal mix) being one of them which contains the best oscillator Riff/Stab of all time its ethereal stuff. That sends shivers down your spine along with Open Your Mind.
                        Sadly when Steve Bradshaw passed away Foul Play lost there way but hey what a legacy they left behind. Moving Shadow's finest moments were as a result of Foul Play.
                        The remix in my opinion is not as good as the original a lot beg to differ as it paved the way for the beginning of a new genre. Call me old fashioned but I love the original much more.

                        Master Release

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                        • Avg Rating:4.7 / 5
                        • Ratings:224

                        Videos (3)
