
Вопли Видоплясова* = Vopli Vidopljasova*Або Або = Either Or




Hard Rock, Punk



Демоны = Demons1:50
Машина = My Car2:16
Я Підійду = I'll Come Up To You2:32
Мусса = Mussa2:25
Ты Ушел = You've Gone3:21
Полонина = Polonyna2:58
Були Деньки = There Were The Days3:01
Рассвет = The Dawn3:24
Веселковий Твист = Iridescent Twist2:12
Оля = Olya2:58
Зв'язок (Тримай Зi Мною Зв'язок) = Connection (Keep In Touch)2:06
Колись = Once Upon A Time3:20
Або Або = Either Or2:32
Червоні Коні = Red Horses2:28

Credits (9)


The 1st official album by Воплі Відоплясова.
Recorded June 1991.

Performed by:
Олег Скрипка • bayan, guitar, vocals
Юрій Здоренко • guitar, vocals
Олександр Піпа • guitar, vocals
Сергій Сахно • drums


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    7 versions
    Image, In Your Collection, Wantlist, or Inventory
    Version DetailsData Quality
    Cover of Або Або = Either Or, 1992, CDАбо Або = Either Or
    CD, Album
    BSA Records – OM 01-004, Stalker-2 – OM 01 - 004, Burotina Pro – BP 001Russia1992Russia1992
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Або Або = Either Or, 1993, VinylАбо Або = Either Or
    LP, Album, Reissue
    Burotina Pro – none, ТАУ Продукт – ТАУ 00039Russia1993Russia1993
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Або Або · Either Or, 2006-06-14, CDАбо Або · Either Or
    CD, Album, Reissue
    Країна Мрій – krm 003Ukraine2006Ukraine2006
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Або Або · Either Or, 2006, CassetteАбо Або · Either Or
    Cassette, Album, Reissue
    Астра – noneUkraine2006Ukraine2006
    New Submission
    Cover of Або Або · Either Or, 2007, CDАбо Або · Either Or
    CD, Album, Reissue
    Країна Мрій – krm 003-1, Союз – SZCD 4333-06Russia2007Russia2007
    Cover of Або Або · Either Or, 2011-04-14, CDАбо Або · Either Or
    CD, Album, Reissue, Limited Edition, Digipak
    Країна Мрій – krm 051Ukraine2011Ukraine2011
    Recently Edited
    Cover of Або Або, , CassetteАбо Або
    Cassette, Album, Unofficial Release
    Not On Label (Воплі Відоплясова) – noneUkraineUkraine
    New Submission



    • bad_sister2's avatar
      Edited 3 years ago
      This LP and album itself are awesome. The atmosphere and spirit of time... real rock. Real punk. One can say they can't find some very specific and original in band's music, but this album has a smell of freedom. Savage freedom. One should have been born and raised up in USSR to understand whole significance of that time and music like that.
      Rich ukranian common day culture, geniune spirit are presented here in band's musical harmonics, language and performing manner.

      This album is a live recording of not top notch quality. It was recorded by chance on a common tape. But this is the most powerfull and full of life LIVE concert I've ever heard. The performers are neither very professional musicians, nor world known rock superstars.
      And that's the core of their tallent. They are as close to one's soul and heart as it generally can be. This album. LIVE. LOUD. RAW. DIRTY. DRUNK. Not only russians will catch this feeling. But all.
      So just take a listen. LOUDLY.
      • deMonne's avatar
        Edited 12 years ago

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