Where I can hear some quietness on all these tunes I just up the gain and add some dynamics to the eq and it sounds fantastic. Although some of the highs feel a bit tinny on a few tracks, but nothing that sounds too out of place w other tunes of the era imho.
Just got done playing some of the album on my show mixed against other tunes and it sounded exceptional. Very pleased to have this and finally get the entire Timeless tune all together on vinyl (and it is the best sounding side of the entire album imho, so even bigger win).
I’m personally loving the quality, tho the treble coulda been fiddled with a bit better. Those high hats n symbols comin in hot. No Real complaints tho. Beautiful piece all around.
Are the tracks included in the download code identical to what's on the 3LP or does it include the extra tracks in the digital release (eg. the Grooverider Re-Edit)?
I wish these 'is the mastering any good' or 'Three tracks per side,!!!! OMG'...ffs, get over yourselves! When you've been buying & playing vinyl from 7"s to flexidiscs to albums with 5, 6, 7 and even 8 track a side for over 40 years, then you can come talk your talk, because I know you won't! I remember when we used to even play TAPES at parties & raves because the tune wasn't released yet and the producers would give out a few cassettes for us to play, we would then copy them and distribute to other DJs. Remember when the track wasn't released in your country? so you'd pay silly bucks for an import or you buy a compilation just to get 'that' track and then play it out... Damn, people nowadays got it too easy! never heard of EQ? and TBH, is there really that many vinyl DJs 'playing out'?? If so, you shouldn't have a problem with 'mastering' because a good DJ would know how to deal with it... EQ anyone?
Shouts out to Johnny_Linkage...I feel your frustration, the struggle is REAL.
I really don't understand people complaining about the sound volume. This is an ALBUM, with aprox. 20 min per side, not a single / EP made for DJs play. And specifically this album is much more to listen to, not to play in a dancefloor. Some people are really annoying for not understand the difference.
Wow! Sounds beautiful. One of the best new pressings I've heard. The vinyl master is done by someone who knows his/her trade. Crystal clear with lows that shake the building. IMO it sounds better than the versions on streaming.
goldie: "shall we release the full timeless track onto vinyl for the first time ever?" rob: "oh i don't know, it's a bit long and might be a tad quiet and the low end may suffer..."
fuck me, get over yourselves - turn up the volume and bass if you need to. and then appreciate the greatness.