Compared to my OG sounds significantly better. The harsh parts have been smioothed out a bit and the instruments are much better separated and more dynamic. The bass is huge and amazing on parts. I don't this classic has ever it ever will sound better than this. Doesn't have a single pop and is dead silent.
I’ve owned this pressing for about 6 months and keep coming back to it. I also have the 50th anniversary Ode pressing available at Target, etc. This OneStep is MUCH better. The 50th anniversary is fine - my pressing is quiet and mostly click-free; it’s the way I remember it on FM radio and then CD and then streaming. The OneStep lifts a veil off the recording. It reveals instrument placement and separation that is just not there on the 50th anniversary. Carole’s voice is much more immediate. Yes, it clips, and when it does, it sounds like how a real singer clips in a real live setting when she sings the money notes.
I bought the OneStep for a premium after it sold out, and it’s been well worth it. Now that it’s available at a discount, I suggest this is a great bargain for anyone who loves this record (and who doesn’t?).
Its OK. A bit disappointing if I'm honest. Getting a bit wary of the slew of MoFi OneStep releases. I've had good luck in the past with Bill Evans and Monk and hoping that Joni Mitchell's Blue is worth the expense. Much prefer Analogue Productions UHQR releases.
This was never an audiophile reference recording, however this is the best-sounding version I have ever heard - and I’ve heard most. Timeless album, and worth your hard-earned cash.
Though some may be critical of the choice of this album for the OneStep treatment due to its in-optimal recording, the material on this record is timeless enough in my opinion to get a high-end release. Regardless of the whole controversy with Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab using DSD files in their process, this is the best I've personally heard this album sound; it absolutely trounces my late '70s Ode reissue. I've not heard other reissues such as the Music on Vinyl or ORG versions, but I'm incredibly happy with this OneStep.
Really not sure why everyone is praising this pressing. Her vocals sound muffled. Everything sounds soft and dull. I have heard pressings from the 50s that have more life. I did an A/B test with my original Canadian pressing and the original sounded better (Apart from the quite super vinyl). Really disappointed with this One-Step.
We are presumably paying the premium for a lavish box with high quality inners etc and a pressing they say is the best ever produced. Well this is NOT the case at all. In fact im close to 50% disappointment from these 1 steps and the UHQR jobs. At best they are lightly warped and/or slightly off centre like 90% of todays pressings. At worst they are non filled and dish warped badly. While this one isnt dish warped, disc 2 is non filled and audibly so. Non fill rips on otherwise near silent records are even more prominent because when it kicks in its even more distracting. This leaves a really sour taste when considering the insane prices of these things. I will be honest, i will continue to buy them - BUT - only to flip them so i can claw back the money ive wasted on the sub par pressings ive had from Mofi/Rti and AP/QRP thus far. I WAS a sucker, but now im opting out and will sell to other suckers. Id much rather pay a Tone Poet price and packaging for something like this (hopefully another good reissue comes that sounds 95% of this one) and also be able to buy it from Amazon UK where i can easily return the pressing duds (ironically im 59/60 winners with the RTI Tone Poets so they can do it right!).
I love this album in general and never had a great version. I originally wanted the standard MOFI but it is nearly hard to find at retail so i just plunged for this. At first i was disappointed as others have mentioned about disc one being off centered and it did come with noise i was able to mostly get rid of. After a second listen at louder volume it does come alive and plays very well. I think the Super vinyl packaging is a bit overkill as nice as it is.. it is a lot to handle to just play the music but great album and sounds “alive” and makes up for a lacking original recording of Caroles voice. No skips a but a few small pops overall. That said i would not overpay more than retail for this one.
My Setup: Pro Ject Evo Carbon - Acrylic Platter Sumiko Moonstone Stylus Schiit Mani 2 pre amp Onkyo AVR amp KEF Q150 Speakers