Ton Steine Scherben – Gesamtwerk
Label: | David Volksmund Produktion – none |
Format: | |
Country: | Germany |
Released: | |
Genre: | Rock |
Style: | Alternative Rock, Garage Rock, Indie Rock |
CD 1 - Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig? | |||
1-1 | Ich Will Nicht Werden Was Mein Alter Ist | 5:05 | |
1-2 | Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig | 5:09 | |
1-3 | Der Kampf Geht Weiter | 6:48 | |
1-4 | Macht Kaputt Was Euch Kaputt Macht | 3:32 | |
1-5 | Mein Name Ist Mensch | 6:53 | |
1-6 | Sklavenhändler | 2:37 | |
1-7 | Alles Verändert Sich | 4:17 | |
1-8 | Solidarität | 5:02 | |
CD 2 - Keine Macht Für Niemand | |||
2-1 | Wir Müssen Hier Raus | 5:21 | |
2-2 | Feierabend | 4:41 | |
2-3 | Die Letzte Schlacht Gewinnen Wir | 4:19 | |
2-4 | Paul Panzers Blues | 6:41 | |
2-5 | Menschenjäger | 5:03 | |
2-6 | Allein Machen Sie Dich Ein | 4:42 | |
2-7 | Schritt Für Schritt Ins Paradies | 6:53 | |
2-8 | Der Traum Ist Aus | 9:24 | |
2-9 | Mensch Meier | 3:43 | |
2-10 | Rauch-Haus-Song | 3:59 | |
2-11 | Keine Macht Für Niemand | 4:09 | |
2-12 | Komm Schlaf Bei Mir | 4:09 | |
CD 3 + 4 - Wenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten... | |||
3-1 | Heut' Nacht | 7:15 | |
3-2 | Samstagnachmittag | 4:14 | |
3-3 | Guten Morgen | 4:00 | |
3-4 | Durch Die Wüste | 4:30 | |
3-5 | Nimm Den Hammer | 5:22 | |
3-6 | Ich Geh Weg | 3:30 | |
3-7 | Halt Dich An Deiner Liebe Fest | 6:00 | |
3-8 | Wir Sind Im Licht | 7:00 | |
4-1 | Wenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten ... | 3:30 | |
4-2 | Land In Sicht | 7:00 | |
4-3 | Komm An Bord | 9:15 | |
4-4 | Steig Ein | 20:00 | |
CD 5 + 6 - IV (Die Schwarze) | |||
5-1 | Jenseits Von Eden | 6:01 | |
5-2 | Bleib Wo Du Bist | 2:36 | |
5-3 | Sumpf Schlock | 5:10 | |
5-4 | Der Turm Stürzt Ein | 4:24 | |
5-5 | Wie In Den Tagen Midians | 2:55 | |
5-6 | Vorübergehend Geschlossen | 2:30 | |
5-7 | Ebbe Und Flut | 2:16 | |
5-8 | Filmkuß | 3:12 | |
5-9 | Der Fremde Aus Indien | 5:00 | |
5-10 | Kleine Freuden | 6:41 | |
5-11 | Heimweh | 5:00 | |
6-1 | Alles Ist Richtig | 3:15 | |
6-2 | S'is Eben So | 3:12 | |
6-3 | S.N.A.F.T. | 2:35 | |
6-4 | Kribbel Krabbel | 3:40 | |
6-5 | Niemand Liebt Mich | 3:24 | |
6-6 | Da! | 4:22 | |
6-7 | Morgenlicht | 5:10 | |
6-8 | Ich Hab Nix | 2:30 | |
6-9 | Gold | 6:41 | |
6-10 | Wiedersehn | 2:28 | |
6-11 | (Auf Ein) Happy-End | 5:27 | |
CD 7 - Scherben | |||
7-1 | Wo Sind Wir Jetzt | 3:25 | |
7-2 | Verboten | 2:20 | |
7-3 | Sternschnuppen | 2:59 | |
7-4 | Regentag | 2:27 | |
7-5 | Laß Uns Ein Wunder Sein | 3:55 | |
7-6 | Mama War So | 2:50 | |
7-7 | Tanz! | 2:55 | |
7-8 | Traum Ohne Stern | 2:06 | |
7-9 | La Response | 2:29 | |
7-10 | Mole Hill Rockers | 1:17 | |
7-11 | Hau Ab | 3:10 | |
7-12 | Fieber | 3:36 | |
7-13 | Ardistan | 4:06 | |
7-14 | Bist Du's | 5:57 | |
CD 8 - In Berlin 1984 (Live I) | |||
8-1 | Ich Will Nicht Werden Was Mein Alter Ist | 4:46 | |
8-2 | Verboten | 2:29 | |
8-3 | Feierabend | 3:52 | |
8-4 | Heut Nacht | 5:11 | |
8-5 | Raus (Aus Dem Ghetto) | 4:30 | |
8-6 | Ich Will Ich Sein | 4:09 | |
8-7 | Shit-Hit | 4:26 | |
8-8 | Jenseits Von Eden | 4:53 | |
8-9 | La Response | 2:20 | |
8-10 | Keine Macht Für Niemand | 4:20 | |
CD 9 - Live II | |||
9-1 | Wenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten | 3:23 | |
9-2 | Wir Müssen Hier Raus | 5:03 | |
9-3 | Halt Dich An Deiner Liebe Fest | 4:53 | |
9-4 | Steig Ein | 4:45 | |
9-5 | Kleine Freuden | 5:53 | |
9-6 | Bist Du's | 6:24 | |
9-7 | Kommen Sie Schnell (Irrenanstalt) | 6:52 | |
9-8 | Der Traum Ist Aus | 5:51 | |
9-9 | Land In Sicht | 6:36 | |
CD 10 - Live III | |||
10-1 | Wo Sind Wir Jetzt | 3:23 | |
10-2 | Hau Ab | 3:35 | |
10-3 | S.N.A.F.T. | 2:48 | |
10-4 | Ardistan | 5:07 | |
10-5 | Heimweh | 5:07 | |
10-6 | Alles Verändert Sich | 5:42 | |
10-7 | Durch Die Wüste | 4:18 | |
10-8 | Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig | 3:25 | |
10-9 | Ebbe Und Flut | 2:02 | |
10-10 | Mein Name Ist Mensch | 4:33 | |
10-11 | Rauch-Haus-Song | 3:48 | |
10-12 | Allein Machen Sie Dich Ein | 3:10 | |
10-13 | Wiedersehn | 5:50 | |
10-14 | Der Turm Stürzt Ein | 4:08 | |
10-15 | Lass Uns Ein Wunder Sein | 3:43 | |
10-16 | Jetzt Schlägt's Dreizehn | 3:22 | |
CD 11 - Was Bleibt - Singles, Demos, Raritäten | |||
11-1 | Nicht Noch Mal (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1982) | 2:25 | |
11-2 | Was Bleibt Das Bleibt (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1982) | 4:19 | |
11-3 | Alles Was Du Willst (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1982) | 2:43 | |
11-4 | Machs Gut Machs Besser (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1982) | 4:37 | |
11-5 | Wann I. (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1982) | 1:03 | |
11-6 | Zeitlos (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1982) | 3:59 | |
11-7 | Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1970) | 4:28 | |
11-8 | Sklavenhändler (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1970) | 2:15 | |
11-9 | Macht Kaputt Was Euch Kaputt Macht (A-Seite Der 1. Single 1970) | 5:00 | |
11-10 | Wir Streiken (B-Seite Der 1. Single 1970) | 3:57 | |
11-11 | Allein Machen Sie Dich Ein (A-Seite Der 2. Single -Flexidisc- 1971) | 3:34 | |
11-12 | Jetzt Ist Feierabend (B-Seite Der 2. Single -Flexidisc- 1971) | 2:04 | |
11-13 | Ich Will Nicht Werden Was Mein Alter Ist (Film Version 1971) | 4:52 | |
11-14 | Mensch Meier (BVG-Song) (A-Seite Der 3. Single -Flexidisc- 1972) | 4:40 | |
11-15 | Komm Schlaf Bei Mir (Unveröffentlichtes Demo 1972) | 3:22 | |
11-16 | Kribbel Krabbel (Unveröffentlichtes Demo -Instrumental- Um 1980) | 2:31 | |
11-17 | Nulltarif (B-Seite Der 3. Single -Flexidisc- 1972) | 6:34 | |
CD 12 - IV (Die Schwarze): Neu Gemischt! | |||
12-1 | Bleib Wo Du Bist | 2:40 | |
12-2 | Sumpf Schlock | 6:32 | |
12-3 | Der Turm Stürzt Ein | 4:27 | |
12-4 | Wie In Den Tagen Midians | 2:55 | |
12-5 | Vorübergehend Geschlossen | 4:14 | |
12-6 | Ebbe Und Flut | 2:19 | |
12-7 | Filmkuss | 3:21 | |
12-8 | Der Fremde Aus Indien | 5:05 | |
12-9 | S'is Eben So | 3:16 | |
12-10 | Morgenlicht | 5:18 | |
12-11 | Ich Hab Nix | 2:36 | |
12-12 | Gold | 6:43 | |
12-13 | Wiedersehn | 3:52 | |
12-14 | Happy End | 5:24 | |
CD 13 - Scherben: Neu Gemischt! | |||
13-1 | Wo Sind Wir Jetzt | 3:32 | |
13-2 | Verboten | 2:21 | |
13-3 | Regentag | 2:34 | |
13-4 | Laß Uns Ein Wunder Sein | 3:59 | |
13-5 | Mama War So | 2:58 | |
13-6 | Hau Ab | 4:07 | |
13-7 | Fieber | 3:40 | |
13-8 | Ardistan | 5:02 |
Companies, etc.
- Phonographic Copyright ℗ – David Volksmund Produktion
- Copyright © – David Volksmund Produktion
- Recorded At – Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
- Mastered At – Studio Of Modern Arndt
- Recorded At – Alte TU-Mensa, Berlin
- Recorded At – Alster Studios
- Recorded At – David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen
- Mixed At – Tonstudio Hiltpoltstein
- Recorded At – UFA-Fabrik
- Recorded At – Tempodrom
- Recorded At – Kampnagel
- Mixed At – Studio Of Modern Arndt
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660360
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660362
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660477
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660480
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660481
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660483
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660485
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660486
- Manufactured By – Optimal Media Production – A660489
- Accordion – Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-4, 5-8, 5-11, 12-3, 12-7)
- Backing Vocals [Chor] – "Leppi" Lepin (tracks: 11-10), Achim Müller (3) (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Angie Olbrich (tracks: 2-1 to 2-12,3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4, 6-1, 6-11, 12-14), Anna Schimany (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Annette Cozette (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Bernhard Käßner (tracks: 2-9, 2-10, 11-10), Biggi Plage (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Britta Neander (tracks: 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4, 6-1, 6-11), Der Rote Hansi (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Dirk Schlömer (tracks: 10-1 to 10-6, 10-4 to 10-16), Eddie (35) (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Elfie-Esther Steitz (tracks: 6-1, 6-11, 12-14), Elser Maxwell (tracks: 6-1), Ernst Meybeck* (tracks: 6-1), Gabi Borowski (tracks: 2-1, 2-7, 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4), Hansi Niete (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Harald Hentschel (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Irene Moessinger (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Jako Benz (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Jörg Schlotterer (tracks: 2-1 to 2-12), Lesch Plappert (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Ludwig Böttcher* (tracks: 6-1), Marius Del Mestre (tracks: 10-7 to 10-10), Martina Franzmann (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Nikel Pallat (tracks: 1-6, 2-1 to 2-12, 11-8), Pepe (21) (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Renate Friedrich (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Ringo Gottsleben (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Traude Höss* (tracks: 6-1, 6-11, 12-14), Ulli Schmidt (tracks: 2-9, 2-10), Yogi (21) (tracks: 2-9, 2-10)
- Banjo – Kai Sichtermann (tracks: 2-10, 6-3, 6-6)
- Bass – Kai Sichtermann (tracks: 1-1 to 1-8, 7-1 to 7-14, 11-1 to 11-17, 13-1 to 13-8), Rio Reiser (tracks: 7-5)
- Bass, Backing Vocals [Chor] – Kai Sichtermann (tracks: 2-1 to 2-12, 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16, 12-1 to 12-14)
- Bass, Saxophone – Werner "Gino" Götz* (tracks: 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4)
- Choir – Der Niebüller Kinderchor (tracks: 5-5, 12-4)
- Choir [Knabenchor] – Bent (6) (tracks: 7-12, 13-7), Christian (55) (tracks: 7-12, 13-7), Jan Peter (3) (tracks: 7-12, 13-7)
- Chorus Master – Kantor Nehmiz (tracks: 5-5, 12-4)
- Cover – Oliver Sperl (tracks: 13-1 to 13-8)
- Cover [Cover-gestaltung] – Oliver Sperl (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16)
- Cover [Cover-idee] – Gert Möbius (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16)
- Cover [Originalcover] – Gert Möbius (tracks: 1-1 to 1-8, 2-1 to 2-12, 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4, 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 9-1 to 9-9), Johann Josef "Zami" Zambryski* (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10), Renate Schlicht (tracks: 7-1 to 7-14)
- Cowbell – Klaus Schulz (tracks: 2-3)
- Drums – Funky K. Götzner (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16, 11-1 to 11-6), Olaf Lietzau (tracks: 2-1 to 2-8, 2-11, 2-12), R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 1-8, 2-9, 2-10, 11-10, 11-14), Wolfgang Seidel (tracks: 1-1 to 1-7, 11-7, 11-9, 11-12, 11-13)
- Drums, Percussion – Funky K. Götzner (tracks: 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4, 7-1 to 7-14, 13-1 to 13-8)
- Drums, Percussion, Backing Vocals [Chor] – Funky K. Götzner (tracks: 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 12-1 to 12-14)
- Dulcimer [Hackbrett] – R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 5-6, 5-9, 12-5, 12-8)
- Executive Producer – Lutz Kerschowski
- Flute – Jörg Schlotterer (tracks: 2-8, 2-9, 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4, 5-5, 5-10, 6-2, 6-5, 12-4, 12-9)
- Glockenspiel – Rio Reiser (tracks: 6-8, 12-11)
- Guitar – Dirk Schlömer (tracks: 10-1 to 10-16), Jako Benz (tracks: 4-4), Marius Del Mestre (tracks: 10-1 to 10-16, 11-1, 11-4), R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4, 7-1 to 7-14, 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9,10-1 to 10-16, 11-1 to 11-17, 13-1 to 13-8), Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-1, 5-2, 5-5, 5-7, 6-9, 6-10, 12-1, 12-4, 12-6, 12-12, 12-13)
- Guitar, Backing Vocals [Chor] – Dirk Schlömer (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9), R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 2-1 to 2-12, 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 12-1 to 12-14)
- Guitar, Percussion – R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 1-1 to 1-8)
- Harmonica – R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 6-8, 12-11)
- Keyboards – Martin Paul (tracks: 7-1 to 7-14, 11-1 to 11-6, 13-1 to 13-8)
- Keyboards [Casio-vl1] – Kai Sichtermann (tracks: 7-4, 13-3)
- Keyboards [Fender Rhodes] – Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-3, 6-5, 6-9, 6-10, 12-2, 12-12, 12-13)
- Keyboards [Hohner Clavinet] – R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 5-1, 5-5, 12-4), Rio Reiser (tracks: 2-2, 2-5, 2-8, 5-1, 5-2, 5-4, 5-5, 5-8, 5-10, 6-2, 6-8, 12-1, 12-3, 12-4, 12-7, 12-9, 12-11)
- Keyboards, Backing Vocals [Chor] – Martin Paul (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16)
- Lighting [Light Design] – Misha Schöneberg (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16)
- Management [Organisation] – Claudia Roth (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16)
- Marimba – R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 5-3, 12-2)
- Mastered By – Udo Arndt (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 10-1 to 10-16, 11-1 to 11-17)
- Mellotron – Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-1, 6-5, 6-7, 12-10)
- Mixed By – Dirk Schlömer (tracks: 9-1 to 9-9), R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 9-1 to 9-9), Thomas Stern (tracks: 9-1 to 9-9), Udo Arndt (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 10-1 to 10-16, 11-1 to 11-6)
- Mixed By [Dead At Control] – Jon Caffery (tracks: 7-1 to 7-14)
- Organ – Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-8, 5-10, 5-11, 6-3, 6-7, 6-10, 6-11, 12-7, 12-10, 12-13, 12-14)
- Other [Inspiration] – Hannes Eyber (tracks: 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 7-1 to 7-14, 11-1 to 11-6, 12-1 to 12-14)
- Other [Tea & Sympathy] – Claudia Roth (tracks: 7-1 to 7-14, 11-1 to 11-6), Misha Schöneberg (tracks: 7-1 to 7-14, 11-1 to 11-6)
- Percussion – Britta Neander (tracks: 10-1 to 10-6, 10-12, 10-13), Richard Herten (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-6, 10-14 to 10-16), Uli Hammer (tracks: 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4), Wolfgang Seidel (tracks: 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 11-8, 11-11, 12-1 to 12-14)
- Percussion, Backing Vocals [Chor] – Hannes Eyber (tracks: 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 12-1 to 12-14)
- Photography By – Inge Werth (tracks: 7-1 to 7-14)
- Photography By [Cover Front] – Jutta Matthess (tracks: 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4)
- Piano – R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 6-7, 12-10), Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-6, 5-8, 5-9, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-6, 6-9, 6-11, 10-11, 11-8, 11-13, 11-14, 11-16, 12-5, 12-7, 12-8, 12-12, 12-14)
- Producer – R.P.S. Lanrue
- Recorded By – Jon Caffery (tracks: 7-1 to 7-14, 13-1 to 13-8)
- Recorded By, Engineer [Live-ton] – Klaus Kurtenbach (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16)
- Recorded By, Engineer [Ton] – Hendrik Knoch (tracks: 2-1 to 2-8), Klaus Freudigmann (tracks: 1-1 to 1-8, 2-9, 2-10), Richard Borowski (tracks: 2-1 to 2-8, 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4), Ton Steine Scherben (tracks: 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11)
- Remastered By – Udo Arndt (tracks: 1-1 to 1-8, 2-1 to 2-12, 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4, 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 7-1 to 7-14, 9-1 to 9-9)
- Saxophone – Jochen Petersen (tracks: 2-11), Kai Sichtermann (tracks: 5-3, 6-1, 6-9, 6-10, 12-2, 12-12, 12-13), Klaus Van Velzen (tracks: 5-3, 6-1, 6-4, 6-9, 6-10, 12-2, 12-12, 12-13)
- Synthesizer [Mini Moog] – R.P.S. Lanrue (tracks: 5-1 to 5-3, 5-6, 5-8, 5-9, 5-11, 6-3, 6-5 to 6-7, 6-9, 6-10, 12-1, 12-2, 12-5, 12-7, 12-8, 12-10, 12-12, 12-13), Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-4, 5-9, 6-2, 6-5, 6-8, 12-3, 12-8, 12-9, 12-11)
- Tambourine, Backing Vocals [Chor] – Raymond Fleschner (tracks: 11-10)
- Trombone – Jörg Schlotterer (tracks: 6-1, 6-9, 6-10, 12-12, 12-13)
- Trumpet – Kai Sichtermann (tracks: 5-4, 5-8, 12-3, 12-7)
- Vibraphone – Wolfgang Seidel (tracks: 5-1, 6-5, 6-10, 12-13)
- Vocals – Annette Cozette (tracks: 11-12), Helke Sander (tracks: 11-12), Kai Sichtermann (tracks: 7-5, 13-4), Nikel Pallat (tracks: 2-4, 3-3, 3-8), Rio Reiser (tracks: 8-1 to 8-10, 9-1 to 9-9, 10-1 to 10-16), Susi Weiss (tracks: 11-12)
- Vocals, Backing Vocals [Chor] – Rio Reiser (tracks: 5-1 to 5-11, 6-1 to 6-11, 7-1 to 7-14, 12-1 to 12-14, 13-1 to 13-8)
- Vocals, Guitar – Rio Reiser (tracks: 11-1 to 11-17)
- Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards – Rio Reiser (tracks: 3-1 to 3-8, 4-1 to 4-4)
- Vocals, Guitar, Piano – Rio Reiser (tracks: 1-1 to 1-8, 2-1 to 2-12)
This release comes in a black box containing 13 CDs packaged in 10 gatefold sleeves (CD form factor, 7 single, 3 double CDs) accompanied by a 72-page high-quality booklet and 10 sheets (posters, size about 34 x 46 cm) with photos, paintings, additional information like lyrics, band history, discography etc.
CD 1: Warum geht es mir so dreckig?
© + ℗ 1971 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Song 1-4 beim Live-Konzert am 3. Juli 1971
in der Alten Mensa der TU, Berlin
Song 5-8 im Frühjahr 1971 im Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Erstveröffentlichung als LP (DVP 008) im September 1971
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im
„Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as LP (DVP 008) in September 1971
Songs 1-1 to 1-4 recorded 1971-07-03 during live concert at Alte TU-Mensa, Berlin
Songs 1-5 to 1-8 recorded in spring 1971 at Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 2: Keine Macht für Niemand
© + ℗ 1972 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Song 1-8 und 11-12 im Frühjahr 1972
im Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Song 9-10 im Frühjahr 1971 im Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Erstveröffentlichung als Doppel-LP (DVP 007) im Oktober 1972
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im
„Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original Release as Double LP (DVP 007) in October 1972
Songs 2-1 to 2-8, 2-11, 2-12 recorded in spring 1972 at Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Songs 2-9, 2-10 recorded at Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 3 + 4: Wenn die Nacht am tiefsten...
© + ℗ 1975 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Zwischen Mai 1974 und April 1975 im Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Erstveröffentlichung als Doppel-LP (DVP 002) im September 1975
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as Double LP (DVP 002) in September 1975
Recorded between May 1974 and April 1975 at Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 5 + 6: [IV (Die Schwarze)]
© + ℗ 1981 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: 1980 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
Erstveröffentlichung als Doppel-LP (DVP 001) im März 1981
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as Double LP (DVP 001) in March 1981
Recorded in 1980 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 7: Scherben
© + ℗ 1983 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Januar bis März 1983 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
mit Conny Planks Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mix (Dead at control): im Tonstudio PORST, Hiltpoltstein
Erstveröffentlichung als LP (DVP 999) im April 1983
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as LP (DVP 999) in April 1983
Recorded during January to March 1983 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen, using Conny Planck's Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mixed at Tonstudio Porst, Hiltpoltstein
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 8: In Berlin 1984 (Live I)
© + ℗ 1985 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Am 15. u.16. Juni 1984 bei zwei Konzerten in der UFA-Fabrik, Berlin
Erstveröffentlichung als LP (DVP 013) im Frühjahr 1985
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as LP (DVP 013) in spring 1985
Recorded 15th and 16th July 1984 during two concerts at UFA-Fabrik, Berlin, using Sinus Mobile Studio
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 9: Live II
© + ℗ 1996 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Am 15. u.16. Juni 1984 bei zwei Konzerten in der UFA-Fabrik, Berlin
Mix: 1996 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
Erstveröffentlichung als CD und LP im Juli 1996
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as CD and LP in July 1996
Recorded 15th and 16th July 1984 during two concerts at UFA-Fabrik, Berlin, using Sinus Mobile Studio
Mixed in 1996 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 10: Live III
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Songs 1-6, 12-13 am 1. Mai 1983 im Tempodrom, Berlin //
Songs 7-11 am 20. Oktober 1982 in der Kampnagel-Fabrik, Hamburg //
Songs 14-16 am 15. u.16. Juni 1984 bei zwei Konzerten in der UFA-Fabrik, Berlin
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Songs 10-1 to 10-6, 10-12, 10-13 recorded 1983-05-01 at Tempodrom, Berlin
Songs 10-7 to 10-11 recorded 1982-10-20 at Kampnagel-Fabrik, Hamburg
Songs 10-14 to 10-16 recorded 15th and 16th June 1984 during two concerts at UFA-Fabrik, Berlin, using Sinus Mobile Studio
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 11: Was bleibt - Singles, Demos, Raritäten
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Mix (1-6) und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Songs 11-1 to 11-6 recorded 1982 as demos for the album "Scherben", but were rejected.
Songs 11-7, 11-8 recorded 1970 as demos at a school studio in Berlin-Borsigwalde, should be used for the album "Warum geht es mir so dreckig?", but were rejected.
Songs 11-9, 11-10 recorded in summer 1970 at Berlin-Kreuzberg, released autumn 1970 as first vinyl single of Ton Steine Scherben.
Song 11-11 recorded live in July 1971 at Jugendzentrum Berlin, released late 1971 as A-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (2nd).
Song 11-12 recorded in mid 1971 at Klaus Freudigmann's studio, released late 1971 as B-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (2nd).
Song 11-13 soundtrack version recorded in mid 1971 at Klaus Freudigmann's studio for Helke Sander's movie "Eine Prämie für Irene".
Song 11-14 recorded in early 1972, released in March 1972 as A-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (3rd).
Song 11-16 recorded in about 1980.
Song 11-17 released in March 1972 as B-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (3rd).
Mixed (11-1 to 11-6) and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 12: IV (Die Schwarze): Neu gemischt!
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: 1980 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Recorded in 1980 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 13: Scherben: Neu gemischt!
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Januar bis März 1983 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
mit Conny Planks Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Recorded during January to March 1983 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen, using Conny Planck's Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
Track durations of CD 1 to 7 obtained from printed tracklistings on release, durations of CD 8 to 13 measured by software.
Imprint on all CDs: manufactured by optimal media productions
This text appears in the CD matrix too (if readable). Due to the all-in-black design of the CDs the matrix is barely readable, with the exception of the engraved SID code.
CD 1: Warum geht es mir so dreckig?
© + ℗ 1971 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Song 1-4 beim Live-Konzert am 3. Juli 1971
in der Alten Mensa der TU, Berlin
Song 5-8 im Frühjahr 1971 im Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Erstveröffentlichung als LP (DVP 008) im September 1971
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im
„Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as LP (DVP 008) in September 1971
Songs 1-1 to 1-4 recorded 1971-07-03 during live concert at Alte TU-Mensa, Berlin
Songs 1-5 to 1-8 recorded in spring 1971 at Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 2: Keine Macht für Niemand
© + ℗ 1972 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Song 1-8 und 11-12 im Frühjahr 1972
im Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Song 9-10 im Frühjahr 1971 im Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Erstveröffentlichung als Doppel-LP (DVP 007) im Oktober 1972
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im
„Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original Release as Double LP (DVP 007) in October 1972
Songs 2-1 to 2-8, 2-11, 2-12 recorded in spring 1972 at Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Songs 2-9, 2-10 recorded at Tonstudio Admiralstraße, Berlin
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 3 + 4: Wenn die Nacht am tiefsten...
© + ℗ 1975 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Zwischen Mai 1974 und April 1975 im Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Erstveröffentlichung als Doppel-LP (DVP 002) im September 1975
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as Double LP (DVP 002) in September 1975
Recorded between May 1974 and April 1975 at Alsterstudio, Hamburg
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 5 + 6: [IV (Die Schwarze)]
© + ℗ 1981 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: 1980 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
Erstveröffentlichung als Doppel-LP (DVP 001) im März 1981
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as Double LP (DVP 001) in March 1981
Recorded in 1980 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 7: Scherben
© + ℗ 1983 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Januar bis März 1983 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
mit Conny Planks Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mix (Dead at control): im Tonstudio PORST, Hiltpoltstein
Erstveröffentlichung als LP (DVP 999) im April 1983
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as LP (DVP 999) in April 1983
Recorded during January to March 1983 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen, using Conny Planck's Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mixed at Tonstudio Porst, Hiltpoltstein
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 8: In Berlin 1984 (Live I)
© + ℗ 1985 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Am 15. u.16. Juni 1984 bei zwei Konzerten in der UFA-Fabrik, Berlin
Erstveröffentlichung als LP (DVP 013) im Frühjahr 1985
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as LP (DVP 013) in spring 1985
Recorded 15th and 16th July 1984 during two concerts at UFA-Fabrik, Berlin, using Sinus Mobile Studio
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 9: Live II
© + ℗ 1996 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Am 15. u.16. Juni 1984 bei zwei Konzerten in der UFA-Fabrik, Berlin
Mix: 1996 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
Erstveröffentlichung als CD und LP im Juli 1996
Remastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Original release as CD and LP in July 1996
Recorded 15th and 16th July 1984 during two concerts at UFA-Fabrik, Berlin, using Sinus Mobile Studio
Mixed in 1996 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen
Remastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 10: Live III
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Songs 1-6, 12-13 am 1. Mai 1983 im Tempodrom, Berlin //
Songs 7-11 am 20. Oktober 1982 in der Kampnagel-Fabrik, Hamburg //
Songs 14-16 am 15. u.16. Juni 1984 bei zwei Konzerten in der UFA-Fabrik, Berlin
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Songs 10-1 to 10-6, 10-12, 10-13 recorded 1983-05-01 at Tempodrom, Berlin
Songs 10-7 to 10-11 recorded 1982-10-20 at Kampnagel-Fabrik, Hamburg
Songs 10-14 to 10-16 recorded 15th and 16th June 1984 during two concerts at UFA-Fabrik, Berlin, using Sinus Mobile Studio
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 11: Was bleibt - Singles, Demos, Raritäten
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Mix (1-6) und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Songs 11-1 to 11-6 recorded 1982 as demos for the album "Scherben", but were rejected.
Songs 11-7, 11-8 recorded 1970 as demos at a school studio in Berlin-Borsigwalde, should be used for the album "Warum geht es mir so dreckig?", but were rejected.
Songs 11-9, 11-10 recorded in summer 1970 at Berlin-Kreuzberg, released autumn 1970 as first vinyl single of Ton Steine Scherben.
Song 11-11 recorded live in July 1971 at Jugendzentrum Berlin, released late 1971 as A-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (2nd).
Song 11-12 recorded in mid 1971 at Klaus Freudigmann's studio, released late 1971 as B-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (2nd).
Song 11-13 soundtrack version recorded in mid 1971 at Klaus Freudigmann's studio for Helke Sander's movie "Eine Prämie für Irene".
Song 11-14 recorded in early 1972, released in March 1972 as A-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (3rd).
Song 11-16 recorded in about 1980.
Song 11-17 released in March 1972 as B-side of self-pressed Flexi-Disc single (3rd).
Mixed (11-1 to 11-6) and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 12: IV (Die Schwarze): Neu gemischt!
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: 1980 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Recorded in 1980 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
CD 13: Scherben: Neu gemischt!
© + ℗ 2006 David Volksmund Produktion
Aufgenommen: Januar bis März 1983 im DAVID VOLKSMUND STUDIO, Fresenhagen
mit Conny Planks Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mix und Mastering: Frühjahr 2006 im „Studio of Modern Arndt“ in Denia, Spanien
[Previously unreleased
Recorded during January to March 1983 at David Volksmund Studio, Fresenhagen, using Conny Planck's Mobile Studio-Equipment
Mixed and mastered in spring 2006 at "Studio of Modern Arndt" in Denia, Spain]
Track durations of CD 1 to 7 obtained from printed tracklistings on release, durations of CD 8 to 13 measured by software.
Imprint on all CDs: manufactured by optimal media productions
This text appears in the CD matrix too (if readable). Due to the all-in-black design of the CDs the matrix is barely readable, with the exception of the engraved SID code.
Barcode and Other Identifiers
- Barcode: 4 021934 202229
- Label Code: LC 3773
- Rights Society: GEMA
- Matrix / Runout (CD 1): IFPI 9718
- Matrix / Runout (CD 2): A660360-01 IFPI 9718
- Matrix / Runout (CD 3): A660362-01 IFPI 9718
- Matrix / Runout (CD 4): A660362-02 IFPI 9718
- Matrix / Runout (CD 5): A660477-01 IFPI 9702
- Matrix / Runout (CD 6): IFPI 9702
- Matrix / Runout (CD 7): A660480-01 IFPI 9718
- Matrix / Runout (CD 8): A660481-01 IFPI 9702
- Matrix / Runout (CD 9): A660483-01 IFPI 9702
- Matrix / Runout (CD 10): A660485-01 IFPI 9718
- Matrix / Runout (CD 11): A660486-01 IFPI 9702
- Matrix / Runout (CD 12): A660489-01 IFPI 9702
- Matrix / Runout (CD 13): A660489-02 IFPI 9702
- Mould SID Code (CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4, CD7 & CD10): IFPI 9718
- Mould SID Code (CD 5, CD6, CD8, CD9, CD11, CD12 & CD13): IFPI 9702
Other Versions (2)
View AllTitle (Format) | Label | Cat# | Country | Year | |||
Gesamtwerk - Die Studioalben (LP, Album, Reissue, Remastered, 180 Gram, 2×LP, Album, Reissue, Remastered, 180 Gram, 2×LP, Album, Reissue, Remastered, 180 Gram, 2×LP, Album, Reissue, Remastered, 180 Gram, LP, Album, Reissue, Remastered, 180 Gram, Box Set, Compilation, Limited Edition) | David Volksmund Produktion | none | Germany | 2015 | |||
New Submission | Gesamtwerk (13×CD, Compilation, Limited Edition, Reissue, Remastered, Stereo, Box Set, ) | David Volksmund Produktion | none | Germany, Austria, & Switzerland | 2015 |
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